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The Shadow Mantle

As you look at this hooded leather armor, its amost as though you get the feeling that the inky blackness of the armor is sensing your presence....calling out to you to try it out..only for a few moments. Do you heed its call? There is a feeling of somthing sinister with it ...but at the same time a familer a old friend.   Description: This armor looks almost like it was forged out of shadows. While leather in nature there is something dark and sinister about its aura that it gives off. This armor is fashioned similar to Hell Knights Armor, complete with leather fingerless gloves and a helmed hood of sculpted leather to look like a horned demon. However, while someone may confuse this with the armor that the Solders that make up the ranking officials of the Hell Knights Hell Knights, The Dark interlocking jet black strips of leather, are much more complex in nature seeming to move of their own accord, the leather of the armor forms a shrouded hood, that hides the face of the user almost like a cowl, and then forms tightly around the upper torso of the user body like a medieval motorcycle jacket exposing there lower abdomen for aerodynamics. From here these leather strips cover the arms and all the way to the fingertips like fingerless gloves, to form almost a uniform pullover hoodie. All of it is connected with inky black tendrils forming buckles and straps that distribute the weight over the body. One other stark difference is that this armor fuses with the wearer's skin on contact, becoming almost symbiotic in nature, and enhancing their natural abilities. if the user did not already have claws, they will grow claws and be able to use them in combat.     Cost 100 (fluctuating cost depending on who you talk to) GP; Weight 15 lbs. Armor Bonus +2; Max Dex Bonus +6; Armor Check Penalty 0 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 10%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft. Your Armor is imbued with an evil aura. This aura can be sensed with spells such as Detect Evil unless you use a spell to obscure it. It gains a +1 enhancement bonus per four caster levels (maximum +5 at 20th level). When using your judgment or smite ability, you gain DR 5/good.   Curse: Once you don this Cursed armor, you can't doff it unless you are targeted by the Remove Curse spell or similar magic. While wearing the armor, you have a disadvantage on Attack Rolls against Devils and on Saving Throws against their Spells and Special Abilities. Due to being demonic in origin, the armor sheds green hellish light due to the unnatural arura of the burning green hellfires this armor was forged in and sheds dim light within 5ft. Concentration is required to mask this light, if the concentration is broken the light will return. Altertentivly you can concentrate to make the armor look normal in appearance, but again if you lose concentration your form will be reverted back to the way the armor looks. Lastly, any exposure to bright light/ daylight will imminently strip you of any benefits of the armor and reverts it to standard leather amour with no enchantments regardless if any enchantment is currently active unless it specifically says otherwise.   Claws: in addition to any natural attack, these fused gloves function like a magic weapon, except that it gives an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per four caster levels (maximum +5). This bonus does not allow the claws to bypass damage reduction aside from magic.   Fireswipe Range short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target one non-magical light source Duration instantaneous Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no The claws can also throw small shadow needles and extinguish a single non-magical light source within range, such as a torch, lantern, or sun rod. While an alchemical-based light source such as a sunrod cannot be reused, torches, lanterns, and small fires can be relit assuming they still have fuel. The Claws are not strong enough to put out a fire larger than a normal campfire.     Shadowmeld: The armor seems to interact with shadows and darkness in such a way where it seems to feed off the absence of light, when a user takes the time to be one with the shadows; the armor will, in turn, let them reap the benefits of the shadow-world. The effects of Shadowmeld work only in areas of dim or less light. Even a single square of dim light is enough, as long as the wearer of the armor is in it, as is an area concealed by dust or smoke. Occasional shadows scattered around areas considered normally or brightly lit does not qualify. As the wearer of the armor gains levels, his shadowmeld grants the powers listed below.   Stealth Bonus (Su): At second level and above the wearer of the armor adds his class level to all Stealth checks made in conditions of dim or darker lighting. This bonus does not stack with any bonus to stealth gained from invisibility effects and works even against targets with dark vision, scent, or similar senses.   Skill Bonus (Su): At 4th level and above the wearer of the armor's comfort within and mastery of shadows allows him to add half his class level to any Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Escape Artist or Sleight of Hand check made in conditions of dim or darker lighting.   Camouflage (Su): At 8th level and above the wearer of the armor can physically wrap himself in the shadow from dim or less light, using it as camouflage and making him more difficult to see even for targets with darkvision. The wearer of the armor gains 20% concealment in dim or less lighting, even from creatures with darkvision or non-visual senses. (Normally dim light provides 20% concealment only against targets with normal vision).   Produce Shadow (Su): At 12th level and above, the wearer of the armor can carry shadow with him, and produce it when areas of dim light are needed. This functions as the spell darkness, except it drops all light conditions to dim light (and has no effect in dim light or darkness). Produced shadows negate any light spell of a level equal to or less than half the wearer of the armor's class level, and are themselves only negated by a light spell of a higher level than half the wearer of the armor's class level. the wearer of the armor can produce shadows for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus Wisdom modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. the wearer of the armor may produce shadows numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. A wearer of the armor may only have one shadow produced at a time, however. If a new shadow is produced, any older shadow dissipates.   Living Shadow (Su): At 16th level and above, the wearer of the armor can become a living shadow. This functions as the gaseous form spell, except the wearer of the armor can still make attacks with light weapons, bolas, and shuriken (though such attacks deal only half damage), and the wearer of the armor can attack insubstantial targets without any miss chance or reduction in damage done. The wearer of the armor must be in an area of dim or less lighting to become a living shadow, but may then travel freely into bright light while maintaining the form. The wearer of the armor can maintain the living shadow form for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus Wisdom modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. The wearer of the armor may assume this form numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. Living shadow requires a standard action to activate and a free action to dismiss.   Death Shadow (Su): At the 20th level the wearer of the armor can become a death shadow. This functions as the ethereal jaunt spell, except the wearer of the armor can still make attacks with light weapons, bolas, and shuriken against targets in the material plane if those targets are in an area of dim or less lighting. The wearer of the armor must be in an area of dim or less light to become a death shadow, but may then travel freely into bright light while maintaining the form. The wearer of the armor can maintain the death shadow form for a number of rounds equal to his class level plus Wisdom modifier each day. The duration need not be used consecutively. The wearer of the armor may assume this form numerous times a day, as long as the total rounds used does not exceed his maximum. Death shadow requires a standard action to activate and a free action to dismiss.
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