Eltari Homepage | World Anvil


29 Vesig, 1356

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We live in the lands of Eltari, a well developed and relatively peaceful kingdom that saw its crown won by a Hero King of ages past.   His his bloodline continues to hold the crown now, over 500 years later, and despite numerous border scuffles with our North and Southern neighbors, large scale war seems like a thing of the past. "An enlightened age" they call it.   The people aren't hungry, magic and technology thrives. Airships ply the sky escorted by riders on mythical beasts through more dangerous sections of the world.   Even though cities and their environs are fairly safe, the tracts of land between settlements is rife with danger and known colloquially as The Untamed Expanses.   The Untamed Expanses outside the Eltrian borders to the west is entirely undocumented and seemingly ever shifting. Many adventurers make a living by plumbing into its foggy, storm wracked lands, returning with riches never before seen.   Our story will begin with 2 newly joined adventuring companions arriving at Fogsedge, a relatively small hamlet on the edges of the western Eltari border. With little more than their traveling clothes, weapons, armor, and a few silver to their name, they will strike out into the wilds to make their initial fortune(so they hope!) and from there..? We'll just have to find out, won't we?