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Bastion of Verdant Isle

Verdant Isle contains the following active Bastion elements:

  • Garden - Food
  • Smithy
  • Sacristy
  • Training Area

Each element is further defined below.


As time passes in the campaign, characters take Bastion turns to reflect the activity occurring in their Bastions, whether or not the characters are present. A Bastion turn occurs every 7 days of in-game time, though the DM can alter the frequency of Bastion turns. (See “How Bastion Turns Work” for advice on doing so.)

On a Bastion turn, a character can issue orders to the special facilities in their Bastion or issue the Maintain order to the entire Bastion (see “Orders” below).


By default, Bastion turns occur every 7 days, giving characters regular opportunities to issue orders to their Bastions and reap the benefits of doing so. Here are some typical situations:

  • The characters are on a long journey away from their Bastions. After the characters have been away for 7 days, you might say, “Time for a Bastion turn. Since you’re not there, resolve the Maintain order for your Bastions.” Then roll for Bastion Events.
  • The characters spend 7 days or more in their Bastions between adventures. You might say, “You have six weeks to spend in your Bastions. Go ahead and resolve six Bastion turns.”
  • The characters return to their Bastions in the midst of an adventure. You might say, “You have just enough time to issue a new order, if you like. Take a Bastion turn before you leave again in the morning.”
  • The characters are adventuring near their Bastions and are spending every night in their Bastions. You might say, “It’s been a week since your last Bastion turn, so you can take a new one now.”

Sometimes, you might want to slow the pace of Bastion turns. If the characters have a long period of downtime between adventures, say six months or more, you might call for a Bastion turn every month instead of every 7 days.

Aim for about six to eight Bastion turns per level. If the characters are adventuring at a breakneck pace and gaining a level every week, they’ll have no time to enjoy the benefits of their Bastions. On the other hand, if they’re spending extended time between adventures (and levels gained), spacing out Bastion turns ensures that they won’t amass more Bastion Points than they can use.


Each special facility in a Bastion generates Bastion Points (BP) during a Bastion turn, depending on the facility and the Bastion order issued to that facility. Players are responsible for tracking how many Bastion Points their character has, and Bastion Points can’t be transferred between characters or their Bastions. A character can spend Bastion Points to acquire magic items from their Bastion or to receive certain other special rewards.

Bastion Points are an abstraction, reflecting the benefits characters accumulate when their Bastions are operating. Exactly how amassing and spending Bastion Points leads to a character acquiring a magic item is up to the player’s imagination. Perhaps the Bastion hirelings spread the word that the character is looking for a particular item. With sufficient time and goodwill built up in the community, the item finds its way to the Bastion as a gift. Perhaps Bastion hirelings work tirelessly to create the item the character desires.


When characters issue orders to special facilities in their Bastions, those facilities generate Bastion Points. (Basic facilities don’t generate Bastion Points.) Each special facility description indicates the number of Bastion Points the facility generates when it completes an order. If a character issues the Maintain order to the Bastion, each special facility instead generates 1d4 Bastion Points. Special facilities that have been shut down or lost their hirelings because of an event don’t generate Bastion Points while they’re out of commission.

Characters can use money to influence the rate at which facilities generate Bastion Points. Spending 25 GP when issuing a Bastion order to a facility allows the player to roll the die for that facility’s Bastion Point generation twice and use the higher result. Characters can’t use this option when issuing the Maintain order to the Bastion.


Each time a character gains a level, they can spend their Bastion Points to acquire a single magic item. Any magic item acquired in this fashion must be approved by the DM. The Bastion Point cost of each magic item is based on the item’s rarity, as shown in the Spending Bastion Points table. If a rarity has a level prerequisite, the character must be that level or higher to get the item.

A character must be in their Bastion to claim a magic item acquired with Bastion Points. If the character is away from the Bastion, the magic item remains secure in the Bastion until the character arrives to claim it.


  • 20BP - Common Magic Item
  • 70BP - Uncommon Magic Item
  • 250BP - Rare Magic Item (requires level 9)
  • 350BP - Very Rare Magic Item (requires level 13)
  • 700BP - Legendary Magic Item (requires level 17)


On gaining a level, a character can spend 10 Bastion Points to ensure that word of their heroic deeds spreads throughout the region around their Bastion. For the next 7 days, the character has Advantage on all Charisma checks while within 50 miles of their Bastion.


On a Bastion turn, a character in their Bastion can issue special orders—called Bastion orders—to one or more of their Bastion’s special facilities. A character needn’t issue orders to all the special facilities in their Bastion on a given Bastion turn.

The Maintain order is unusual; it is issued to the whole Bastion rather than to one or more special facilities. If a character isn’t in their Bastion on a given Bastion turn, the Bastion acts as though it was issued the Maintain order on that turn.

Each time a character issues a Bastion order, that character gains a number of Bastion Points (see “Bastion Points” above) determined by a die roll, as noted on the Order line of the facility’s description.



Level 5 Bastion Facility

Prerequisite: None
Space: Roomy
Hirelings: 1 (Kaelin Thatch)
Order: Harvest (1d4 BP)

The Garden of Verdant Isle is being overseen by Kaelin Thatch and, to a degree, Luna of Mirellion. It is a restoration of the garden that once stood at the base of Glade's Tower. A Bastion can have more than one Garden. Each time you add a Garden to your Bastion, choose its type from the following options:

Decorative Garden. This aesthetically pleasing Garden is full of flowers and topiaries.

Food Garden. Delicious mushrooms or vegetables are grown here.

Herb Garden. This Garden contains rare herbs, some of which have medicinal uses.

Poison Garden. This Garden is stocked with plants and fungi from which poisons and antitoxin can be extracted.

While in your Bastion, you can instruct the facility’s hireling to change the Garden from one type to another. This work takes 21 days, during which time no other activity can occur in this facility.

When you issue the Harvest order to this facility, you commission the facility’s hireling to collect items of value from the Garden as noted in the Garden Harvest table. The work takes 7 days and costs you no money.

Food - The Garden produces mushrooms and vegetables that are sold to earn you 50 GP.


Level 9 Bastion Facility

Prerequisite: Ability to use a Holy Symbol or Druidic Focus as a Spellcasting Focus
Space: Roomy
Hirelings: 1
Order: Craft (1d6 BP)

A Sacristy serves as a preparation and storage room for the sacred items and vestments of your religion. Having a Sacristy allows you to regain one expended spell slot of level 5 or lower after spending an entire Short Rest in your Bastion. You can’t gain this benefit again until you finish a Long Rest.

When you issue the Craft order to this facility, choose one of the following options:

Craft: Holy Water. You commission the facility’s hireling to craft a flask of Holy Water, or you do the work yourself. The work takes 7 days and costs nothing. You can spend Gold Pieces during the creation process to increase the potency of the Holy Water. For every 100 GP you spend, up to a maximum of 500 GP, the damage dealt by the Holy Water increases by 1d6.

Craft: Sacred Item. You commission the facility’s hireling to craft a temporary magic item, the properties of which last for 7 days, or you do the work yourself. Choose the item from the following list: Pearl of Power, Periapt of Wound Closure, Ring of Water Walking, Sending Stones (pair), Staff of the Adder, Staff of the Python, or Wand of Magic Detection. The work takes 7 days and costs you 200 GP.


Level 5 Bastion Facility

Prerequisite: Fighting Style feature or Unarmored Defense feature
Space: Roomy
Hirelings: 2
Order: Craft (1d4 BP)

This Smithy contains a forge, an anvil, and other tools needed to craft weapons and tools.

When you issue the Craft order to this facility, choose one of the following options:

Craft: Ammunition or Simple Weapon. You commission the facility’s hirelings to craft up to twenty pieces of ammunition or one Simple Weapon, which takes 7 days and costs you half the normal price of the ammunition or weapon. Or you can commission a masterwork Simple Weapon, which takes 14 days and costs you 800 GP. A masterwork Simple weapon has no special properties until a Magic Weapon spell is cast on it. When that spell ends, the masterwork weapon retains the magic permanently, becoming a +1 Weapon.

Craft: Armor or Equipment. You commission the facility’s hirelings to craft one of the following: a suit of Medium or Heavy armor (excluding Hide), 20 Caltrops, a Chain (10 feet), a Crowbar, a Grappling Hook, a Hammer (regular or sledge), 4 horseshoes, a Hunting Trap, a set of Manacles, a Miner’s Pick, 10 Iron Spikes or Pitons, an Iron Pot, a metal Shield, or a Shovel. The work takes 7 days, or 21 days for a suit of armor, and costs you half the item’s normal cost.

Craft: Martial Weapon. You commission the facility’s hirelings to craft a Martial weapon, which takes 14 days and costs you half the weapon’s normal cost, or a masterwork Martial weapon, which takes 21 days and costs you 800 GP. A masterwork Martial weapon has no special properties until a Magic Weapon spell is cast on it. When that spell ends, the masterwork weapon retains the magic permanently, becoming a +1 Weapon.


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