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Corellon Larethian is a major deity in the world of Eltharas and is revered by the elven people as their creator and protector. Corellon is considered to be both Male and Female, sometimes favouring one or the other as favours the situation. According to legend, Corellon Larethian is the god who created the elves and taught them the ways of beauty and grace. He/She is often depicted as a tall and noble figure, with long silver hair and eyes that shift between silver and green. Considered by Elves to be the Ur-Elf, their primary advocate amongst the Gods.

Corellon is closely related to the goddess Erathis. The protection of Elves, Humans, and the other civilised races and their greatest works and achievements is very important to Corellon. Corellon considers the existence of civilisation, education, justice, and order are fundamental building blocks required to enable people to create higher arts and magic. As such, they consider chaos and destruction to be antithetical to their desires.

In the early days of the world, Corellon Larethian fought alongside other gods against the dark gods that threatened to destroy everything that was beautiful and good. During this war, Corellon famously shot out the eye of Gruumsh, the god of destruction, creating an enmity that still exists to this day between the elven and orcish people, as well as between beauty and destruction.

Corellon Larethian is also known as a god of magic, and many elves who practice the arcane arts revere him/her as their patron. He/She is often depicted wielding a longbow and a sword, symbols of their skill in both archery and melee combat. She/He is also the god of music and dance, and many elven bards and minstrels invoke Corellon's name in their performances.

In addition to the role as a creator and protector, Corellon Larethian is also seen as a god of balance. She/He seeks to maintain the natural balance of the world and to ensure that good and evil are kept in check. Many elven rangers and druids also look to Corellon Larethian as their patron, as Corellon is seen as a protector of the natural world and its inhabitants. In particular the hidden beautiful places in the wilderness.

Overall, Corellon Larethian is a revered and respected deity among the elven people, and the influence can be seen in the art, culture, and magic of the elven civilization. Corellon's legacy continues to shape the world of Eltharas, and his teachings of beauty and balance continue to inspire the elven people to this day.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eight pointed star.

The tools of art and creation.

Dawn light driving away the darkness of night, reaching darker places.

Tenets of Faith

The creation of art and high magic is a measure of the achievement of a society and an individual.

Create, celebrate, and inspire beauty in all that you do.

Protect those who create or inspire to beauty and art.

Combat the agents of chaos and destruction wherever you may find them.

Seek out lost art and magic and bring it back to light.

Divine Classification


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