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God of creation. Sometimes depicted as a flaming anvil, or as a dwarven hand holding a hammer. Favoured by Dwarves, Gnomes, craftsmen, artisans, and warriors. Moradin is usually considered closely allied with Erathis.

According to myth, Moradin forged the dwarven race from metal and gems, imbuing them with his own traits of resilience, strength, and determination.

As a patron of craftsmen, Moradin is worshipped by dwarven smiths, stonemasons, and artisans who seek to create beautiful and functional objects in his name. Many dwarven communities have a temple or shrine dedicated to Moradin, and it is not uncommon for his followers to hold positions of leadership or influence in dwarven society.

In addition to his role as creator and patron of craftsmen, Moradin is also revered as a protector of the dwarven people. He is said to have created the mountains and valleys that form the dwarves' ancestral homes, and it is believed that the volcanoes that dot the dwarven lands contain the magma that is his own blood. His followers often invoke his name for protection and guidance in times of danger or uncertainty.

Moradin is often depicted as a bearded, muscular dwarf wielding a mighty warhammer or holding a glowing forge hammer. He is considered a lawful good deity, embodying the values of honor, loyalty, and community. Moradin is revered not only by dwarves, but also by other races who share his values and respect his teachings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An Anvil sometimes wreathed in flames.

Tenets of Faith

  • Wisdom from life tempered with experience.
  • Look to your fellow Dwarves.
  • Innovate and refine your work.
  • Embrace and further your clan and kingdom.
  • Stand fast in the face of threat.
  • Know your allies as your siblings.

The last tenet does not always appear, but it is listed alongside the others in the chapel within the Dwarven settlement on Verdant Isle.

Divine Classification
Typically Masculine


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