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The Dreams of Arkomir Phinan

30 Meloragift 4520: Verdant Isle

  During a short rest on Verdant Isle, I have the first dream...   I come through a door to my room in the Chandlerveil and Kezahr is there as well as Holly, Aleif, Sam and Katya. They are pleasing me and I feel in charge. Outside of the room, Esa is coming in the door. Behind her, on the landing, Lukas, Moulten, Westley, Alden lie dead. The scene then transforms and I am sitting on a throne. The bodies of the fallen are arranged in the form of the T sigil. It seems if I could get rid of those in my way - I could sit on the throne. The women whisper to me.   I wake with a start.  

31 Meloragift 4520: The Waystation

  As we bed down for the night in the Waystation it feels as though I get glimpses of the dream I had the other night. Again it shows me sitting on the throne in Belhaim. I cut Moulten down leaving him with a T sigil shaped wound. The dream is showing me what could be - but I don’t want that.   I wake up.  

33 Meloragift 4520: Oxenhalt

  After a confrontation with some Gnolls and the Elven meeting room outside Oxenhalt, I have a dream.   I am on a large black horse riding into Mol Gentra. People are bowing in deference to me. The militia forms up behind me and I am greeted by the three members of the council. The seem in fear of me. I ride to my parents home. Essa is her as well and I help her dismount. She cuts her hand on my chest and as I look down there is a T burnt into my chest in three parts.   I still get a long rest...  

34 Meloragift 4520: A Waystop between Oxenhalt & Whisperfield

  During a night at a waystop as we head back to Whisperfield...   I have a bit of a fitful sleep and then it starts to clarify. I see myself walking through the streets of Belhaim. People are standing on either side of the streets as I pass. Aleif, Holly and Kezahr are here. The step forward and curtsy to me. I look down in front of me and the old Lord Advocate is kneeling in front of me. I take out my sword and as I take a swing I hear a voice say... POTENTIAL.   I push the sword through his chest and then lift him up. I let him slide off my sword which is now slick with blood. I run my fingers along the slick blade and then draw a T sigil on my face in blood. As i do I hear a voice say... EMBRACE.   The scene shifts and I am then in the throne room of Belhaim. The gathered people are looking at me with adoration. Again I look in front of me and I see Katya holding a Red Lacquered Chest. She opens it and it glows with gems and gold and magic. I look up I am in an intricate and light filled room with arched windows. In front of me is a broken table with my sword lying beneath it - forming a rough T sigil shape. There used to be three chairs around this table. I hear a voice say... POWER.   I put my hands down to rest on the arms of the chair and the sigil is on my palms as well. I know or have a feeling that Mol Gentra answers to me. I hear a voice, almost like an echo, as the scene darkens and the room starts to almost decay... POTENTIAL - EMBRACE - POWER.   I wake feeling cold and disquieted.  

35 Meloragift 4520: Whisperfield

  On arrival back in the welcoming arms of Whisperfield I say a quick prayer to Corellon before I head off to sleep...   I drift off and start to dream... I see myself astride a battlement looking up into the sky. One hand on my sword - the other tracing a symbol over my chest and then... the dream stops. I continue to sleep.  

41 Meloragift 4520: Riverfall - after a battle with the scarified Hobgoblin

  After a battle with the scarified hobglin and his fey friends, I have a strange dream.   I am in a forest clearing with sounds of battle. I am cutting down the thing we saw upstairs. In the corner of my vision something dark moves around the trees, like a big shadow. I drive my sword into the T sigil scar on it chest and the hobgoblin falls. A pulse ripples up my sword and through me. I look around and everything else is dead.. POTENTIAL - EMBRACE - POWER. This time the voice seems to echo out of the trees around me. I grab my amulet and stay that I have potential, I have embraced and I have power. The hobgoblin rises again in front of me and says it will take it back - calling me unworthy. It plunges the halberd into my chest.   And then I wake up.


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