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Raukovorea Lithuitar

Raukovorea Lithuitar

Raukovórëa Lithuitar   Ricky   Elf / Rogue   Born in Lithandrial before its abandonment, Rauk was an ambassador to Mimbre from New Lithandrial, choosing most of the time to formally reside within the later. After decades in the political scene, he became disillusioned with the hypocritical and insincere manner in which states conducted affairs, deciding to ultimately resign his position and renounce his allegiance to his homeland. The only shard of nostalgia he affords himself is carrying around a fragment of his grandmother's favorite sitting chair which, along with his grandmother, was destroyed during The Abandonment. Effectively stateless, Rauk relies on his sharp tongue and wit in order to get by; while possessing a knack for story-telling, he must often employ shadier means in order to supplement any income he may earn in the taverns. Choosing not to stay in one place too long makes it hard to build a good reputation, and therefore more gold, but Rauk must always stay ahead of any “Representatives” under the employ of Ilyesthserin looking to collect him- and any lingering state secrets he may know.

Badass Rogue

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159 Year
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

One day out.

Met with Beshmet on outskirts of the Gnome kingdom for a job, the last one that sawed-off little dickhead gave me nearly got me killed... but the gold was pretty decent. Jobs have been getting few and far between lately. He gave me a flyer some Whisker Biscuit was passing around a few weeks back; says something about looking for a group of adventurers or some shit... Don't really care for any more comradery, but a guy's got to eat... not sure what she's looking for, but so long as it pays, I'm her guy. Za'Jahad says he should be able to meet me there... 10 silver says he'll be drunk in a gutter before I even get into town. Well, he's got another day to sober up in any case.


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