

  Located within Qezun
  A specific ward of the city, Birchgate lies at the heart of Allanar, and contains only the Birchgate. Surrounding the Birchgate is a delicately and intricately tended garden of trees, flowers, ferns, rocks and sand. There are multiple fish ponds and there is a stock of wild game within this ward as well that the elves ritually and selectively hunt from time to time.
  Birchgate, at one point, was a link to the Feywild. It was specifically, a link to Queen Titania's Court. It was fading in power when Allanar was built around it. The Elves helped this link to recover, however one day the link vanished completely. 


In it's full form Birchgate was a tunnel of White Birch Trees with overhanging branches and the soft yellow glow of light emanating from further down. One would walk the tunnel and if they were lucky enough find themselves within the Court of Queen Titania. In it's dead state the trees still exist, however there are no leaves and the trees appear dead. There is no glow, and one can see out of the tunnel into the rest of the garden as they walk.