Hraedrek, the Fallen Character in Elturia | World Anvil
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Hraedrek, the Fallen

Fire crested across the sky as Surtym and his army crashed against the primordial forces. The elementals needed to hold the giants back for just a moment longer as the ritual was completed. They stood fast, hoping the deal with the Fae proved to be their salvation. As Surtym gave a final charge, the mountain that loomed over the battle field exploded as the first of the Elefae emerged to join the fight.  
- Tales of the Dawn War

During the Dawn War

Birth and Early Years

The elemental lords and Fae court came together to create the first Dragons of Elturia, Hraedrek was among the Primeval Three. First known as Täldrek, the Voice of Reason, Aspect of Order, he was created through a ritual fusing the essence of the earth primordial, Krexan, with Lady Jalliga of the Wild Fae. Täldrek was the best tactitian in the armies of the Fae and Primordials. While his siblings were known for charging into battle themselves, laying waste to enemy lines, Täldrek stayed back to command the armies. His tactics arguably led to the overall victory of the Elefae forces.  

Creation of the Drek & Drekkin

Täldrek argued that they needed stronger soldiers that could stand up to the giants, so he and his siblings gave small portions of their power to the mortal races, and in a ritual of their own they created the Drek Guard. Wishing to bolster their forces more, and seeing the effectiveness of the Primeval Three, the Elefae Pact created 6 more of the Dragons to act as their lieutenants.  

End of the Dawn War & Revalation


When victory was in sight, that is when the first whispers started. Intrusive thoughts that Täldrek had not experienced before. Believing he was not needed at the final battle and that he would merely be a distraction, Täldrek left. The whispers called him deep within the earth, for there was something there that Krexan had long thought hidden or destroyed. The stone primordial was able to block it out, now that his essence was fused with that of the Fae, he could no longer. Whatever was trapped there had awoken and it called to Täldrek.  


No one alive knows what Täldrek discovered deep within the earth. It is believed that he glimpsed something that showed him the futility of existence which broke his psyche. Not but a day after Gilindrea Helfast gave herself to defeat Surtym, the drekkin tied to Täldrek began to change. Their scales turned a sickly shade of purple, mutations protruding from their form. Täldrek emerged from the earth and began to strike at his brethren, his twisted progeny joining him. While the twisted drekkin and Täldrek were eventually subdued, their corruption had seeped into their brethren creating Scale Rot.  

Age of Injunction

In the current age, the Aspect of Madness, Täldrek, is now known as Hraedrek, the Mad Wyrm. Members of the Elefae including with Godreki and Slaemdrek succeeded in locking the Mad Wyrm away in the Twisting Dark. Though he is locked away, Hraedrek still pushes his influence into the lands of Elturia through portals, and the corruption of the Drekkin  
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Residence
Trapped within the Twisting Dark
Aligned Organization

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