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Kradore Buckler

Now, all prospective member's of the Reliquary must create something or show some great feat of magic. But Balran, what you have done here, now that is something special indeed.
— Jurali Emberstroke, High Reliquist
  Created as Balran's final exam entry, and inspired by the Lycan crisis that gripped Aldhon in the past, he created a buckler out of Kradore to aid the troops that hold the beasts at bay in Fot Sterkha.  

Forged from Moonlight

The crystaline silver buckler is created from an alloy of silver, steel, and Kradore. This sheet of metal is laid over wood taken from a fae grove within the Whispering Wood. This gives the shield a distinctive outer sheen, while its backside is a dark ebony color.   The materials used in its construction along with the magic Balran used to bing them together gave the buckler a series of interesting properties. Being made from Kradore, the shield is able to emit moonlight out to a short distance so others can see. Additionally, when a lycanthrope strikes the wielder and they successfully block the attack, the wielder can reflect the damage from the strike back on to the lycanthrope. The most important property however, that has been instrumental in the defense of Fot Sterkha on several occaisons, is the wielder can speak a command word to know the location of any lycan within a mile radius.    


Kradore Buckler

Armor (Shield)

Very Rare Requires Attunement

While attuned and weilding this shield, you have resistance to the Lycan Curse. Also, when you take damage from a creature within 5 feet of you, you may use your reaction to deal 2d6 force damage to that creature. If that creature is a lycanthrope, the damage is increased to 5d6.   As a bonus action, you may speak the command word associated with this shield, causing moonlight to shine from it. The shield emits bright light for 15 feet, and dim light for an additional 15 feet.   As an action, you can use the shield to help you locate Lycanthropes until the end of your next turn. If any Lycanthropes are within 1 mile of you, the shield glows and pulses a bright light for a moment, and you know the direction of all Lycanthropes within that range. Once this property is used, it can’t be used again until it bathes in moonlight for 8 hours.   Wielding this shield increases your Armor Class by 2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Shield No

Cost: 6000gp
Weight: 3 lb

Access & Availability
The material is incredibly difficult to find and work with, so only three have been made. Two of which are in use at the borderland, while Axethane Hrongir weilds one within the palace.

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