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Session 6, There's always something...

General Summary

The group took the evening to wind down from their encounter in the bowels of the Reliquary. Or at least they tried to. Balran spoke with some students, Shangri had a late night encounter with the princess, and Loro later led the party to uncover a sinister plot within the depths of the Halls of the Dead. After thwarting the ritual, the group assumed that it may be connected to the mages of the death cult that had attacked Kelvor's thicket and planned to tell the High Captain more the following day. After a brief encounter with a member of the Snike, the group met with the High Captain of the guard to give him their report. He charged them with rooting out the cult within the city, if a bit rudely, and promised they were to be rewarded if they succeeded. As they left, Silas of the Snike left a note for them, pointing them in the direction of their quarry. After interrogating the local alchemist and trading for some healing potions, they were pointed into the direction of the Salt Spray where they uncovered a secret hideout where the cultists are preparing their next ritual.  

Note from Silas

Thanks for bringing Collin down a peg. He's a good kid, shows some promise. He's just a little too cocky. As a show of good faith, a few of us saw a man in dark robes and strange markings heading towards Mynol's Tinctures. Might be good to start your search there.   -Silas

Notable NPCs met

  • Silas (encountered from afar, high ranking member of the Snike)
  • High Captain Muragar (Leader of the guard, second in command of the Aldhon military [though he likes to say he's in charge] and in charge of its defense)
  • Mynol (Frazzled Wood Elf Shop Keeper, Mynol's Tinctures)
  • Priest of Deyjau (Dwarvish man with face tattoos, short braided beard, long braided grey hair, and grey eyes)
  • Secrets and Information Gathered/Spread

  • An entity has possibly made a deal with Nebris
  • The priest of Deyjau mentioned that another one like Loro has passed through
  • A "Swirling" has centered around Bayhold
  • The queen is planning on asking the Reliquary for mages to aid in the war effort
  • Report Date
    22 Jun 2024

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    Cover image: View of Schroom Mountain, Essex County, New York by Thomas Cole


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