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The world of Elutil is old and ancient. The races of the continent of Dovruin all have differing ideas as to how it was made. Elves believe the world and the multi-verse itself was sung into existence by the celestials themselves. Dwarves believe the world of Elutil was the sole creation of their god, Mahal, who shaped it with their mighty hands. Humans have no unified idea, but many feel that several beings of great power came together and worked to create the world as it is.   The only common theme between all of these ideas is that before even the Elves, Dwarves or Men walked the earth of Dovruin, Dragons were there first.   Dragons created Elutil's first civilization and existed for thousands of years before it came crashing down. The remains of their ancient empire are scattered across the landscape and the sole survivors of their late great civilization are the servant race they created, the Dragonborn. As for the Dragons themselves, they are all considered dead after the fall of their empire. No one knows why or how all the Dragons perished, just that since that early era, no dragon has been seen since.   The world now is at the height of the Draco Nova Imperii, the New Dragon Empire, or the empire of the Eturusi. A human empire that is wanting to bring the whole of the continent under its control, much like the ancient dragon empire of old. Only one kingdom of the elves still exists and the magocracy of Loterra also resist the Empire's desire to bring it to the fold.

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