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Byssus is a textile made from a specific species of seaweed. It has a luminous green colour and once dried and woven, it smells faintly of sea salt. This particular shade of green is extremely difficult to replicate and it is often left undyed just to show it off. The texture of the fabric is very silky with horizontal slubs and only short lengths can be made at any one time.


Material Characteristics

Extremely light and fine filament that is softer and smoother than silk.

Origin & Source

It comes from the Pinna, a type of seaweed.

History & Usage


This material has been historically known as the most luxurious fibre known to Elyria. It is considered even above Tekh in rarity and luxury.


It was discovered and manufactured by Lynnia, the wife of a poor fisherman whose nets dredged up a bunch of Pinna and she managed to turn the fibres into a scarf.


The seaweed, once harvested, must be split into strands and woven into fabric, however, this fabric must only be woven while wet to preserve the full strength of the fibre. Once it is dried, it will shrink and become the beautiful textile coveted most especially by the nobility of Echaea.

Environmental Impact

There are laws in place to prevent the over harvesting of Pinna, but they aren't the most well regulated...

Reusability & Recycling

It's compostable, if anyone was wondering.
Rare, Luxury Item
Luminous pale green
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