
Compared to most of the nonhuman races, who tend to get along with others of their own race reasonably well, the humans of Jalirûn are divided into innumerable competing nations, states, sects, religions, bandit kingdoms, and tribes. Humans argue about anything, fight about most things they argue about, and hold dear among their many deities quite a few who actively encourage that type of behavior.

The longer-lived races of elves and dwarves tend to have respect for individual humans who deserve it without necessarily respecting the entire race. The elves have difficulty forgetting the early human empire of Rivvik that, soon after they fought alongside the elves, tried to cast them from the continent. The dwarves, particularly the shield dwarves of northern Jalirûn, respect humans as fierce warriors, but fear that there would be little room for their race in a world dominated by humans.

Humans don’t see it that way, of course. Their greatest heroes outshine the deities themselves or become deities in their own right. Unfortunately, the same could be said of humanities greatest villains, and that is the challenge facing any human adventurer.

Table: Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3
15 years +1d4 years (16 – 19 years) +1d6 years (16 – 21 years) +2d6 years (17 – 27 years)
1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.
2 This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches.
3 This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, and wizards.

Racial Abilities

Humans have all of the Human racial traits, except as follows:
  • Automatic Languages: Common, home region. Bonus Languages: Any

Pathfinder 1e Statistics

Size Medium
Type Humanoid
Subtype(s) Human
Challenge Rating 1/2

General Information

Average Lifespan Less than a century
Language(s) Common, regional languages


Skin Color(s) Pale to dark brown
Hair Color(s) Red, blonde, brown, black
Eye Color(s) Blue, brown, gray, green, hazel


Average Height 5'0" ‒ 6'6" (1.5 ‒ 1.9m)
Average Weight 120 ‒ 300 lbs (54 ‒ 136 kg)


Average Height 4'7" ‒ 6'1" (1.4 ‒ 1.9 m)
Average Weight 85 ‒ 265 lbs (39 ‒ 120 kg)


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