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Remnants of a World that Once Was

The Southern Wastes have only one real rule: Kill or be killed. They are an inhospitable environment frought with danger and riddled with ruins made of stone and metal. The giant stone and metal corpses of lost cities still serve as last bastions of civilization in this god forsaken land, long after their death. Crumbling tunnels made of cast iron that used to connect these cities are now infested with vermin, demonspawn and worse. Yet amidst all the desolation life has once more found a way to flourish. From sand worms to desert ivies, from underground lakes to lush oases - life is still abundant even after all its been through.   And in the midst of it all there's you. You've done well to survive into adulthood, to be another proof that life goes on even without the mercy of the divine. In the course of your life you have learned a little about this desert you now call home. You know that while small outpost are a dime a dozen in the dunes, the ones that matter can be counted on the fingers of your hand. The Sea of Green to the west, The Fallen city of Elfaivar and the Forest of Iron to the East, Bordertown to the north, the myterious Dutchy of Shifting Sands to the south and in the middle of it all - the budding seed of ambition that is Sandpoint Keep.
Lands that stretched on forever. Skies one could drown in.
The heartbeat of nature, silent yet strong. And amidst it all a people.
Beacons of light and life. Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before.
They are my meaning and my purpose.
My love.
Iomede about the old world "The Divine Will", Chapter 5 page 243

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