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The Queen of Carnage

This mysterious young woman appears to be in her early twenties. Her pure white hair barely reaches he shoulders. A little over 6ft tall she appears to be a human of slender yet firm build. Nobody has seen her face in public for she always wears a crimson hood over her armor. A blood red rosary can be seen on her person at all times. She usually wears white and red tightly fitting clothes that can easily accommodate her battered heavy plate
  The queen of carnage just walked into Sandpoint Keep a little over a year ago. Every person who calls the outpost home knows the story of how she demanded to take charge of the settlement and when the old chief, a grizzled half ork veteran, refuse her rosary turned into a blood-red blade. With a single slash her enemy was laid bare, his head rolling in the dust. She has since managed to fortify and strengthen the outpost's position with iron rule and no small amount of bloodshed.
  Under her rule three gangs have have risen to prominence in the region. First are The Vaulters, a group of "scientists" and seekers if long lost knowledge. Rumors have it that she has repeatedly commissioned them to explore the nearby ruins. Next are the Desert Ivies who consist mostly of scholars and healers. Unlike the seekers they prefer the safety of sturdy walls and the comfort of limestone bricks to stave off the desert heat. Last but not least are the cloud hawks, a rowdy bunch of mercenaries under the queen's direct employment.

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