Elyssaea: A Casual Welcome in Elyssaea | World Anvil

Elyssaea: A Casual Welcome

So, if you're familiar with my other currently very active worlds (Iron Horizons, Centurion Club or Laeonesse), this one is going to be very different. It'll be much more casual and laidback than the other two. It's a much earlier stage of development and doesn't have a central concept like the other worlds.
The only underlying or unifying concept for Elyssaea was that I wanted to do something thoroughly self-indulgent in worldbuilding rather than having any strict thematic goals or purposes. In that sense, it's kind of the opposite of what I would usually do- which is very much a top-down approach in most cases. This one is much more bottom-up and based on some very disparate concepts.
  • A Sea Kingdom- because I have a deep and abiding obsession love of Numenor, sailing ships/nautical stories, and the Elvish ships in Middle-Earth.
  • Wind-Nomads- These ones came to me in a dream, honestly. It was a funky one that involved wagons pulled by sails.
  • Sky Whales- I don't actually remember where these came from, but probably Treasure Planet.
  • Elves-in-the-Silmarillion-vein: Gimme those sweet, sweet immortal disaster babies with terrible decision-making skills.
  • Swan Knights: I want more characters like Prince Imrahil!
  • Cozy Treehouses: Like Redwall, but trees.

  Ah, yeah. So that's what we started with. Then I had some other ideas that I decided to graft onto those, so I'll try to use tags to help keep the two main projects separate. They're both novels/series projects, and I don't really plan on doing anything with RPGs in this world. Not that it isn't possible, it's just not on my to do list. And it wouldn't be hard to stick some 5e stuff into it if you really wanted. But anyway- here's the two projects:
  1. Signet of the Sea-King: A NaNoWriMo novel from last year that was a mess, but also my first 50,000-word win, and it was a lot of fun just to write something based entirely on what I enjoyed. Basically, the hero is a scandalous, swashbuckling, singing wastrel from an ancient, noble, but financially declining family who gets temporarily disinherited only for his father to disappear with the signet rings, meaning he's cut off from his inheritance until he can either find his father or both signet rings. I think there's some political and economic intrigue going on as well, but I'm not really sure.
  2. The Duunaric Saga: I was going through books in bad shape at work, and there were a couple of the 90s family sagas, and I skimmed the back cover and thought it sounded melodramatic and kind of boring. So then I was like, why don't they ever make these as fantasy novels? But then I felt dumb because I realized that I just described the Old Norse sagas. But anyway, this is a historically inspired, multigenerational saga that follows twin sisters (daughters of a goddess and a mortal man) and their descendants. Lots of inspiration from the saga of the Volsungs, so it's essentially a Migration Period part of the world, with some particular inspiration from the Vendel or Merovingian periods. But other than that, and the two daughters' descendants have a longstanding feud, I don't have a storyline. No plot, just vibes.
I'm pulling a lot from etymology and linguistics for this one, which has been an exciting experience. Duunaric stuff, especially, I'm drawing mainly from the reconstructed bits of proto-Indo-European to try and aim for that feeling of things being unrecognizable but distinctly and oddly familiar. It's somewhat successful so far? We shall see how it ends up in the long run, but it also depends on how long I feel like trying to use diacritical marks.  
Otherwise, yeah. This is my fun world where I'm mostly just embracing what excites me and healing my inner child, I guess.


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