
Boating covers the operation of small floating craft on rivers, lakes, and close inshore. Appropriate vessels are generally boats, canoes, or rafts which travel short distances, and are unsuited to the rigours of the open sea. Most are propelled using oars, paddles, punts, or simple sails; or can even be towed by animals or powered by magic. Ships with large crews or designated for long overseas journeys are covered under the Seamanship professional skill.

The skill measures a character's competence in propelling a boat in the right direction and dealing with adverse conditions. With no distractions and optimal conditions, a Boating roll is unnecessary, although lesser skilled characters may take longer to gget where they need to as they manage the boat's handling.

A critical Boating success increases the vessel's Movement rate by one tenth.

A failed Boating roll implies that the boat's movement rate is halved or it failed to reach its intended destination; for instance navigation to an isolated rock positioned above a waterfall.

A fumbled Boating roll indicates losing an oar, taking on water, or some other serious inconvenience. If the weather is bad or the water violent, then a fumble causes the boat to capsize.

Standard Skill Base Skill Value: STR + CON


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