Disarm Opponent


The character knocks, yanks, or twists the opponent's weapon out of their hand. The opponent must make an opposed roll of their Combat Style against the cahracter's original roll. If the opponent loses, their weapon is flung a distance equal to the roll of the character's Damage Modifier in meters. If there is no Damage Modifier roll or it is negative, the weapon is dropped at the opponents feet.

The comparative size of the weapons effects the roll. Increase the difficulty grade of the opponents opposed roll by one difficulty grade for each step larger the character's weapon is (or decrease the difficulty grade if the opponent has the larger weapon by the same logic).

Disarming only works on creatures of up to twice the attacker's STR.

When firing at range, striking a handheld weapon (with the exception of shields) is more difficult than striking a specific hit location. Disarm Weapon may only be selected by ranged weapons on a Critical Success.


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