The design and building of large-scale structures, from houses to bridges, gates to siege engines, is in the remit of the Engineering skill. Rolls are neccessary when planning large scale projects to ensure correct construction, but are also made when an engineer wants to assess a structure's integrity for whatever reason (state of repair or weak spots, for example).
A critical success highlights any unnoticeable major flaws or problems with the item under study. It also makes subsequent rolls dependent on the structure one grade easier. Alternatively it may allow a tougher, more resilient construction to be built (a tenth more Hit Points or Armor Points).
Failing an Engineering roll results in a construction which is sub-standard (a tenth fewer Hit Points or Armor Points) or an inability to determine any structural information.
A fumble actively introduces a major flaw into a project or disastrously assesses the condition of an item, providing incorrect and misleading information. Subsequent rolls dependent on the Engineering check are made on grade harder.