Emaxus is currently undergoing a large entry into a new Age (and a large revision of the current Age). Consider this an active construction zone: things are moving around, getting changed, and the world's being reorganized. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- Brian


Thanks to Ari Matti for the awesome cover art/visual design!
Oathkeeper was once the blade of Empyrean, the first Solar to fight in the Battle of Yathra Silthame. With it, he slew hundreds, if not thousands, of fell creatures and demented followers of the Obsidian Lords in one of the largest battles of the Reckoning. But it was for naught. The solar was laid low, and as his body and mind was torn asunder, so too was his blade. No one knows what happened to the pieces of Oathkeeper after the Reckoning, but many believe they were hid around the world to prevent the mad solar from ever reclaiming them.   The truth is, no one knows the truth.  

The Legend

For millennia, Empyrean served as Yamma's right hand and the Solar of Justice. His blade, Oathkeeper, was legendary across the planes for the corona of flame that wreathed its rune-etched surface. Ancient dragons and elder evils were cut down by Empyrean with Oathkeeper, but in the Reckoning, it was not to be so. When the Solar of Justice arrived on the front lines of the Battle of Kaer Nyssen, he was shattered by the full might of Narvox and Laeelum, and as his mind and body were broken, so too was Oathkeeper.   When Yamma imprisoned Empyrean deep beneath Iotura, it is believed that he scattered the pieces of Oathkeeper across the continent. This was to prevent any followers of the Obsidian Lords or the Broken Solar himself to reforge the blade. Whether or not this is true, no one knows.  

The Remnant

longsword, legendary, requires attunement by a paladin   Depending on the method of reforging (and the strength of the blacksmith), Oathkeeper could return at any stage. The pieces as they are, scattered and disparate, are inert and broken; however, should they be empowered and brought back together, the blade could be recreated.  


In its dormant state, Oathkeeper appears as a normal, if not well-made, longsword. None of its runes are apparent, and there is no innate glow along the blade; however, in combat, the blade does glow a faint orange when swung.
  • The wielder gains +1 to attack and damage rolls made with Oathkeeper.
  • Empyrean's Spirit. Attacks made with Oathkeeper deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.
  • Justice. While wielding Oathkeeper, the wielder can cast each of the following spells: searing smite, thundering smite, and wrathful smite. Once a spell has been cast using Oathkeeper, that spell can't be cast again until a week (10 days) has passed.


Once it has been empowered whether through its reforging or through combat, Oathkeeper regains the glowing red runes along the base of its blade. They read, in Celestial, "In victory, peace. In peace, justice." When the blade is swung in battle, the full aura of flame is apparent for a moment.
  • The wielder gains +2 to attack and damage rolls made with Oathkeeper.
  • Empyrean's Spirit. Attacks made with Oathkeeper deal an additional 2d6 fire damage.
  • Justice. While wielding Oathkeeper, the wielder can cast each of the following spells: blinding smite, branding smite, searing smite, thundering smite, and wrathful smite. Once a spell has been cast using Oathkeeper, that spell can't be cast again until a week (10 days) has passed.
  • Dawn's Guidance. Once per short rest, the wielder can choose to roll any Wisdom ability check (including Wisdom skills) or saving throw with advantage. They must determine this before they roll.
  • Healing Touch. Once per long rest, the wielder can use an action and touch another creature. The creature magically regains 4d8 + 4 hit points and is freed from any disease or poison.


Whether through powerful reforging or intense trials by its wielder, Oathkeeper has been returned to its glory before the Reckoning. The corona of divine flame has returned to the blade's edge, and the runes once again glow a deep red. When swung, flames and divine light trails behind the blade.
  • The wielder gains +3 to attack and damage rolls made with Oathkeeper.
  • Empyrean's Spirit. Attacks made with Oathkeeper deal an additional 2d6 fire and 1d6 radiant damage.
  • Justice. While wielding Oathkeeper, the wielder can cast each of the following spells: banishing smite, blinding smite, branding smite, searing smite, staggering smite, thundering smite, and wrathful smite. Once a spell has been cast using Oathkeeper, that spell can't be cast again until a week (10 days) has passed.
  • Dawn's Guidance. Once per short rest, the wielder can choose to roll any Wisdom or Charisma ability check (including Wisdom and Charisma skills) or saving throw with advantage. They must determine this before they roll.
  • Healing Touch. Once per long rest, the wielder can use an action and touch another creature. The creature magically regains 4d8 + 4 hit points and is freed from any disease, poison, blindness, or deafness.
  • Empyrean's Wrath. Once per long rest, the wielder can use an action and emit flaming, divine energy. Each creature of the wielder's choice within a 10-foot radius must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 fire damage plus 4d8 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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