A Brief History of Embril in Embril | World Anvil

A Brief History of Embril

Scholars divide Embrillian history into three distinct ages. These are the Age of Eden (AE), the Age of Conflict (AC), and the Age of Valor (AV).  

Age of Eden (1 AE to 1000 AE)

According to human history, the gods created Embril and the humans, giving them their new world to inhabit. The humans lived in peace in the Valley of Eden, ignorant to the flourishing world around them. Legends claim that the Valley of Eden was located where Clades’ Wrath and Terra’s Wall exist today. For a thousand years, the humans developed, with the help of the gods, learning from them directly at first, before the gods departed for the Astral Planes where they now live.   According to elven history, the elves began settling this new, uninhabited world, and did not see the first human for almost 700 years. During this time, they did encounter other races new to Embril, such as orcs, dwarves, giants, and dragons. The elves, like all the other races were brought to Embril by their gods, or stumbled upon it by some other chance.   Human legends continue that on July 10th, 1000 AE, they were struck by a great cataclysm. This cataclysm was known as Clades’ Wrath. It consisted of a series of violent storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions brought about by the goddess, Clades, destroying humanity’s home and claiming the lives of many. Clades’ Wrath ravaged the Valley of Eden for seven days before the gods managed to stop her. In doing so, Terra erected a ring of mountains around the devastation, Terra’s Wall, to contain and prevent its spreading. Over the centuries, numerous expeditions have set off to investigate Clades’ Wrath, but no one has ever returned.   The term Eden’s Run is now often used to describe humanity’s escape from the Valley of Eden. Humans had scattered from the valley in every direction, and as they fled they began encountering other races for the first time. Often, these encounters turned violent.   No human records survived Clades’ Wrath. Any human history from the Age of Eden was passed down orally and transcribed in the Age of Conflict. Because of this, many details are often debated amongst historians. Elven records account for 696 years before Clades’ Wrath, but cannot account for any years before their appearance on Embril. The human length of the Age of Eden has largely been taken on faith.  

Age of Conflict (1 AC to 2593 AC)

The groups of human refugees that survived Eden’s Run eventually went on to form tribes, settlements, and nations, creating different cultures that would influence the cultures of today. Undoubtedly, the most significant of these was the Andarian culture.   A man named Andar led a group of refugees from Eden south along the western banks of the river now known as Eden’s Run. Along the way, as the humans tried to find a place to settle and claim as their own, they were continuously harassed by a group of orcs that roamed the plans west of the river. Andar, skilled with a sword, helped protect the people and rallied the few warriors they had into a defensive unit as they continued to flee south. Orcs continued to attack what they viewed as “weak” humans, trying to drive them from these lands. Eventually, the humans reached the end of the river as it poured out into the gulf.   Andar had led his people for months since Clades’ Wrath. The winter had set upon them and they were tired of running. There, on shores of the gulf, next to the mouth of the river, Andar decided to make a stand. Just as they were welcoming the new year, the orcs attacked them again. Mustering his defensive force, Andar faced the small orc army and defeated them, killing the orc chieftain in the process. The humans founded a settlement here, unanimously naming Andar as their king. The city of Andaria was founded.   Around the continent of Velen, humans began spreading throughout the land and forging settlements. They continued to come into contact with other races, and the numerous humanoid races crossed paths more and more, often times in conflict. Kingdoms were formed and wars were fought.   The city of Andaria grew and occupied both banks of Eden’s Run, connected by the Golden Bridge, becoming the largest city in the world. Likewise, the kingdom of Andaria arose as the dominant power along the Andarian Gulf. In the year 497 AC, Andaria defeated the neighboring kingdom of Harnack, making it its first vassal state. The Andarian Empire was founded. King Melchion IV became the first emperor of the Andarian Empire. The Andarian Empire went on to last nearly 1,500 years. During this time, it conquered much of the lands along the southern coast of Velen, bringing stability and sometimes “civilization” to these lands. Many human kingdoms fell to the Andarian Empire, but also did they conquer land inhabited by monsters such as orcs, goblinoids, ogres, and giants, driving these creatures from these lands. At its peak, the Andarian Empire stretched from the present day Dragonwood, which marks the entrance into the continent of Aydor, to the Crin River in the Westwoods, claiming all the coastal land along the northern shore of the Mathari Sea, except for the Namarak and Unthara Deserts. Among their land, they claimed a portion of the Great Forest, including the lands of present day Oathendale and Evercress. They even conquered the islands of Jaathridar, Athayra, and Frithia.   During these 1,500 years, other kingdoms arose, and eventually fell to Andaria as the empire expanded. The two other significant nations that existed during this time, and still exist today, are the elven kingdom of Aravess and the dwarven kingdom of Great Thrundar.   The fortunes of the Andarian Empire turned sharply and quickly, beginning in the year 1952 AC when Emperor Gavilian died. Gavilian had been very popular. However, his son and successor, Navius, was viewed as inept, and even insane by some. Emperor Navius’ rule was irresponsible and reckless at times. He attempted to purge any elves from the empire, promoting genocidal means. And despite heavy opposition from politicians, advisors, and military commanders, he began preparing for war with Aravess. During the reign of his father, relations with Aravess had been cordial. Navius’ sudden change in policy was very ill received. The war with Aravess never came. Emperor Navius was often too distracted to truly accomplish anything. Much of his spare time was consumed with prostitutes, indulging fetishes and lusts.   In 1965 AV, Navius was murdered by a prostitute he had hired, dying without a legitimate heir as he had never married. A large power vacuum was left by his passing, enveloping the City of Andaria, and the whole empire, in chaos. Politicians, nobles, and generals all vied for political power, dividing loyalties throughout the empire. A few women, all prostitutes, stepped forward, claiming their sons were Navius’ children. These women, and their sons, were murdered and silenced.   A civil war began in Andaria and the rest of the empire crumbled into separate states, each led by whoever managed to take power, often by bloody means. Two generals fought for control of the city, splitting its military and, in essence, the actual city in half, each based on opposite sides of the river that divided it. This civil war ended in 1966 AV, when the Golden Bridge collapsed during a heated battle with troops fighting atop it. Many soldiers from both sides of the city drowned. The city was divided into East and West Andaria, and the fighting stopped, though the animosity between the two halves continued. Neither general controlled much land beyond the city as the territories that once belonged to Andaria were now independent and commanded by new rulers.   In the years that followed, many of the lands that once belonged to the Andarian Empire faced tough times. Wars, infighting, warlords, and monster invasions threatened much of the land as these new kingdoms struggled to maintain stability. Many of these would-be conquerors, power hungry overlords, and ambitious politicians failed in their bids for power. It would be hundreds of years before stable kingdoms once again began appearing in the lands once governed by Andaria. One of these such kingdoms was Lioden, founded in 2206 AC, just south of the Lioden Peaks in the Crown Forest. The kingdom of Lioden was nothing spectacular in its own right and has largely been forgotten, overshadowed by the history of the nation it would one day become.   In 2593 AC, a warlock named Azcreon opened a magical gate in East Andaria, allowing the Demon Lord, Maglari, and his demon horde, to enter Embril. Legends claim that Azcreon was a descendent of the late Emperor Navius, and his pact with Maglari was made in hopes of gaining enough power to reclaim the lands once held by the Andarian Empire. The demons caused much damage in East Andaria before Azcreon managed to convince Maglari to move his horde west across the river. Maglari and his horde decimated West Andaria, killing thousands before continuing farther west. The horde destroyed anything and anyone in its path. Armies and adventurous heroes alike fell before the Demon Lord Maglari. Cities were ravaged. Villages and towns in the path of destruction were wiped out.   Hearing of the advancing horde, King Dinius of Lioden fled the capital city of Rondel with his family, seeking refuge in the port city of Grenace, where he could further flee by ship if it became necessary. By default, General Kain York was left in charge of Rondel’s defenses in the king’s absence.   General York gathered all available troops and volunteers to mount a defense, bolstering his men with inspiring speeches. They vowed to stand against the demon horde and protect the citizens of Rondel with their lives. Before the battle, as the demon horde could first be seen on the horizon on the morning of the summer solstice, June 21, General York led his troops in a prayer to Solis and Iustitia, calling on the Shining God’s light to eradicate the demon horde and the Lady of Justice to protect them from the chaos Maglari and his demons represented.   The horde vastly outnumbered the city’s defenders and the faith of some of the troops began to wane, but the majority stood their ground behind General York, prepared to fight the demons to the death. Then, as the horde reached the city, a bright flash of light suddenly blazed before them and out stepped the avatars of Iusitia and Solis, followed by a host of angels.   They waded into the demonic forces, fighting with their divine might, despite, according to witness accounts, the goddess Iustitia appearing visibly pregnant. General York and his troops charged forth and joined the battle, emboldened by the presence of the gods and eager to fight alongside them. A host of balors moved in to engage the gods while Magliari, himself, snuck up behind them to mount a surprise attack. The sheer numbers and might of the horde seemed too much, even for the gods and angels. But then a light erupted from Iustitia and out from her womb burst a blinding light that leveled the demon horde. When the flash subsided, there stood the infant form of Viribus, wearing bright armor and wielding a scimitar and shield. The infant god charged into battle, slaying demon after demon, growing larger and stronger with each killing blow until he stood as an adult. Then, he and his mother and father killed Maglari together, simultaneously delivering the final blow, Iustitia chopping off the demon lord’s legs with her longsword, Viribus decapitating him with his scimitar, and Solis crushing his chest and smashing his heart with his morningstar.   The surviving demons of the horde began to flee, but were pursued and cut down by angels.   General York was made king by the people of Rondel, seeing it as a sign that he was favored by the gods. They refused to allow King Dinius back into the city. General York did not desire to be king, but could not escape the pressure of the people to assume leadership of Lioden. However, the people also renamed the city York and the kingdom Kainan. King Dinius returned to Grenace and attempted to raise an army to put down what he saw as an underhanded coup upon his throne. But most of the soldiers there would not fight for him after news of what happened in Rondel had reached them. In the fall, he was captured by a general in Grenace and taken back to York. In York, the populous hated him and called for his execution, citing treason. Despite the pressure, King Kain would not sanction an execution, having Dinius and his family exiled from Kainan instead.   Though the battle officially took place in Rondel, it has become known as the Battle of York, further overshadowing Lioden and its place in history. The final fate of the warlock, Azcreon remains unknown. He was never captured and it is largely believed that he fled East Andaria after Maglari was defeated.   According to historians, Maglari’s rampage and the divine intervention of the Trinity at the Battle of York marked the end of the Age of Conflict. The following year began the Age of Valor, 1 AV, honoring the birth of Viribus, God of Valor.  

Age of Valor (1 AV to 496 AV, the present)

The Battle of York and the birth of the God of Valor served as an inspiration to people everywhere. Heroism emerged as a new trend. People of all races took to seeking out monsters and evil to destroy. Of course, the opposite was also true and many evils grew emboldened to compete.   The new nation of Kainan instantly became a power, growing in popularity and population as many sought to live in the nation favored by the gods. Over time, Kainan’s influence expanded, as did its territory, until Kainan became like an empire, claiming some of the regions that once belonged to the great Andarian Empire. It has done this by conquering its neighbors and also through diplomatic means and arranged marriages.   Other nations arose as well, while existing ones became more stable. Civilization, as a whole, prospered. But this included evil powers as well. Nations ruled by outsiders like efreets, demon worshippers, and devil worshippers were formed, threatening the power balance. Garamoor became a nation just east of Eden’s Run, ruled by demon worshippers who took power after the invasion of Maglari and his horde. This nation worships the Demon Prince, Graz’zt. Tenthell to the south of them is ruled by devil worshippers who came to power after the intrusion of the god, Azmodeus into the pantheon of Embril. Varoud on the northern tip of the continent of Kazura is ruled by an efreet. Even a great red wyrm rose to power, conquering the kingdom of Zamilon and forging it into a growing empire.   Currently, Kainan stands as the strongest nation, boasting the largest population by far. It is estimated that its population almost as great as every other nation on the continent put together. Kainan believes itself a wall between the evil, and sometimes aggressive, nations of Garamoor, Tenthell, and Zamilon to the east and the rest of the world to its west. These other nations to the west are numerous, but each lacks the military resources and population of the ones around the Andarian Gulf.   Recently, war has erupted between Kainan and Anthaal. Kainan declared war on Anthaal in February. Thus far, only some naval battles have been fought. It is reported that Kainan has been in negotiations with Great Thrundar in an attempt to convince the dwarven nation to allow the passage of Kainish troops through the Dundren Hills into Anthaal. Thus far, Great Thrundar has refused to allow this.   The campaign begins on April 1st, 496 AV.


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