Anthaal in Embril | World Anvil


Money is power in Anthaal, literally. One’s social class must be paid for, regularly, much like a membership fee. Anthaal’s government is run by a council of ten members known as the Syndicate of Merchant Princes. A seat on the Syndicate is also purchased, ensuring that only the wealthiest individuals can serve as a Merchant Prince.   Anthaal might not be the wealthiest nation in Embril, but it strives to be, even, and especially, if the majority of the wealth is possessed by the fewest individuals possible. As such, Anthaalans continuously seek increase their wealth. Business and trade is an essential skill. Negotiation is an art form. Business deals are respected and strictly enforced. Taking advantage of someone through dealings is admired. But cheating them through dishonest means is frowned upon.   Anthaal knows that Kainan is a much wealthier nation. They are aware of the rich gold mining dwarves in Great Thrundar. And they realize that, though at a considerable geographical distance, Zamilon’s wealth, particularly that of its red dragon ruler, continues to increase. So Anthaal is doing whatever it can to claim its share of that wealth, and any other. Situated in a key spot along the Mathari coast, Anthaalan ports handle much trade to and from rich Kainan, Great Thrundar, and even Zamilon. It does what it can to control prices between those nations to the east and the ones to the west also in need of goods and coin.  

Life and Society

Wealth is the most important thing in Anthaal. Its people are obsessed with acquiring it, keeping it, and flaunting it. The more wealth one has, the greater his status in Anthaalan society. Anthaal has three distinct social classes. First is the noble class, known as the Affluents. Below them is the common class, known as the Independents. Finally, there is the lowest class, the Indentured.   Affluents are the wealthiest. They achieve their social status by paying a hefty voluntary annual tax increase. As long as one continues to pay this fee, one can remain an Affluent. If one cannot or choses to not pay this fee, they immediately lose their class status and all the benefits associated with it, dropping down to an Independent. Willingly avoiding this class fee in order to maintain ones fortune, but under the title of Independent, is viewed negatively by the rest of the Affluents. Historically such individuals have become targeted by other Affluents, often resulting in dire consequences, such as loss of business connections, thefts, violence, and “accidental” deaths. Being an Affluent gives a person the right to purchase land and homes in certain neighborhoods in cities, as well as in prime locations in the surrounding countryside. Affluents, obviously have more political clout, and have the right to partake in annual election auctions for a seat on the Syndicate of Merchant Princes. These “silent” auctions are carefully monitored, and must be paid up front, usually resulting in an ostentatious display as the Affluent and his entourage bring in sealed coffers full of an undisclosed amount on auction day. This bid is non-refundable and becomes a donation to the treasury, regardless of the outcome. Trying to win a place on the Syndicate can be a dangerous gamble where an Affluent assesses how much political power is worth to him, versus how much disposable income he can afford to lose. According to Anthaalan law, only full-blooded humans can become Affluents. This law was passed early on in Anthaal’s history to prevent a wealthy dwarf of Thrundan descent from infiltrating the Syndicate.   The majority of Anthaalans are Independents. This class encompasses the working class, plus the merchants and business owners not rich enough to afford Affluent status. These are people who can afford to pay their debts, though their lifestyles may vary greatly. Independents cannot purchase land and homes in the best of neighborhoods reserved for the Affluents, but they can purchase land anywhere else. Nonhumans can be Independents. Wealthy dwarves and gnomes have been Independents in the past, but were not allowed to become Affluents, resulting in disastrous feuds with Affluents jealous of their wealth. For this reason, well-to-do nonhumans rarely remain in Anthaal for long.   The Indentured are individuals who have acquired debts they cannot afford to pay. By Anthaalan law, those individuals become indentured servants to their creditors, earning a “fair” wage, completely garnished until the debt is repaid. Once indebted, an Indentured’s situation typically declines, especially if indebted to an Affluent. The creditor can take on responsibility for the debtor, paying for housing, food, taxes, and other living costs, all of which are added to the debt owed. This situation can make it almost impossible for an Indentured to ever fully repay the debt. Though slavery is illegal in Anthaal, this situation is viewed by many outsiders, as well as most Indentured, as a form of slavery. But to rich Anthaalans, this is just business.  

Major Geographical Features

Anthaal, for the most part, is a large nation of serene, flat, countryside on the Mathari coast. To the north are the Quartzrock Mountains and to the south and east is the Mathari Sea. Much of the land in between its cities are farmland, carefully and efficiently run so that even farmers here can turn a profit. Anthaal also has many vineyards, producing wines that are sold throughout the nation and abroad.   Giant’s Wash: This river flows south from the Quartzrock Mountains until is joins with the larger Pale River. The north to south line formed by the joining of the rivers marks the border between Anthaal and Barosk. This river gets its name from the hill giant settlements near the mountains in the time of the Andarian Empire, and the giants that were said to bathe in it.   Pale River: The Pale River gets its name from whitewater often found throughout its length. The rapids in the river can be turbulent and dangerous in spots. The worst areas, however, are closer to its source in the Quartzrock Mountains. At the point where it is joined by the Giant’s Wash, the Pale River continues the border between Anthaal and Barosk.   Quartzrock Mountains: Named after the heavy quartz deposits in the range, these mountains truly became famous for gold mining. However, most of the gold mining is in the northern half, controlled by Great Thrundar. The southern half of the mountain range is known for being more volcanic and generally less habitable. Multiple species of giants and dragons have been known to lair in the Quartzrock Mountains since the time of the Andarian Empire, most of them concentrated in the southern half.   Though, officially, Anthaal’s border extends to the mountains, the land nearing them is far from civilized. Anthaal maintains scattered mining operations in the mountains, and these are heavily guarded. But outside the range of these mining sites they do not patrol the range at all. Mercenaries and adventurers, however, can often find rich benefactors willing to sponsor brave individuals willing to venture into the mountains in search of treasures or monsters to slay.  

Important Settlements

Spread throughout its rich farmland and countryside, Anthaal has a number of cities. These cities are connected by paved roads that help promote the flow of trade within the nation. Mercenaries are often paid to patrol these roads, especially when important merchant caravans are traveling them.   The majority of businessmen in Anthaal live in the cities, where they can oversee their mercantile operations. Many Affluents, though, also maintain lavish country homes useful for vacations, getaways, and, sometimes, private meetings away from witnesses in the city.   Cities in Anthaal are typically crowded and bustling. As in most cities, crime is always a threat, but in in Anthaal, theft and burglary carry especially severe penalties, either lengthy jail sentences, public lashes, and sometimes execution, all depending on who was the victim of the crime. Most cities have a considerable city guard presence, but this is mostly felt in Affluent neighborhoods or around Affluent run business. In addition to city guards, many private guards can be seen guarding Affluent interests. The poorer sections, unfortunately have a smaller guard presence.   Bay Shore (Large City, 15,500): Bay Shore is the smallest port city in Anthaal, but it is still an influential one, seeing its fair share of trade. Many ships stop here on their way farther east or west to resupply, so Bay Shore sells more than it buys in naval trade. It resupplies itself mostly with caravan trade, helping to keep the cycle of commerce going. Situated in a narrow inlet off the Mathari Sea, the waters around Bay Shore are gentle. Many fishing boats can often be found in the inlet, causing some congestion, but Bay Shore’s fish markets are typically well stocked with fresh catches that turn a tidy profit.   The current administrator of Bay Shore is Lotramere Alfontin.   Inderlin (Metropolis, 55,000): This is the capital of Anthaal and it is located in the center of the country. The roads leading to and from Inderlin are usually well-traveled, especially by merchant caravans. The Emporium of the Merchant Princes is the main government building, located in the center of the city. Alongside it is the city guard headquarters and a Golden Vault branch. Various market areas surround the city center, followed by a ring of residential and business districts. The Affluent neighborhoods are all on the north side of the city. At the edges of the city, by the three main entrances are caravan districts where traveling merchants can setup their wagon stalls for business.   The current administrator of Inderlin is Darius Klemens.   Kole (Small City, 10,000): This city sits off the Giant’s Wash at the western edge of the country. It is Anthaal’s smallest city, but still a great center for commerce. Kole sees a lot of trade with the neighboring Baroski city of Brye. Kole is the main producer of wine in Anthaal, overseeing several vineyards to the south. The production of this wine is controlled by two Affluent families, the Glandrian family and the Escantu family. Glandrian and Escantu wines are known for their quality and sold all throughout the Mathari coast.   The current administrator of Kole is Pom Linten.   Niadara (Metropolis, 38,000): As Anthaal’s second largest city, Niadara controls its largest port. It handles trade from east to west as a kind of focal point. It gets first look at goods sailing in from the nations along west coast of Velen and can monitor what leaves Anthaal heading west as well. It supplies ships with goods, repairs, and parts, boasting the largest shipyard in Anthaal. With a lack of large cities and towns in the southeast quarter of Barosk, Niadara supplies the city of Elester with as much, if not more, trade than any Baroski city. Caravans launching from Niadara can find markets in either direction it travels.   A portion of the city to the southeast sits on bluff that overlooks the Mathari Sea. Many caves dot the shore beyond the city. Adventurers are often hired to clear out some of these caves as various monsters inhabit them.   The current administrator of Niadara is Yohan Silverton.   Olori (Large City, 20,000): Olori sponsors many of the mining operations in the Quartzrock Mountains. It is perhaps the only city in Anthaal that has as many craftsmen as merchants, most of these being metal workers and lapidaries. Olori purchases much from Port Dundren too, mostly gold, gems, and metal ore, while supplying the Thrundan city with textiles, leather, and vegetables. Olori’s port also sees much traffic, controlling the outflow and inflow of goods to and from the east. One third of the city is dedicated to its ports and maritime industries. Another third consists of its markets and business district. The final third is residential, containing a walled division between its Affluent and Independent sections.   The current administrator of Olori is Barben Twill.  

Regional History

Anthaal was founded in 2344 AC when three rich lords came together to form an alliance. Dwarves from Great Thrundar were looking to expand by purchasing land near Olori. Lord Torvan of Olori initiated the alliance talks with Lord Marks in Inderlin and Lord Gwenvir in Bay Shore. Together, he argued, they could match the dwarven wealth and turn them away. The other Lords saw the wisdom in this and agreed. After much discussion, Inderlin was made the capital due to its location, and the Lords agreed to share leadership. The country was named Anthaal, the historical name of the region since the time of the Andarian Empire.   As the years went by, they sought out others with wealth that could help their fledgling nation. Their council grew as did the newly founded Anthaal’s influence in the land around it. The original Lords passed on, but their heirs continued the tradition in the council. Anthaal focused on its economy since the beginning, fearing the monetary resources the dwarves of Great Thrundar possessed. They raised mercenary armies to guard their land. They established trade with neighboring kingdoms and worked to put operatives in places of power within them.   They purposefully altered their language in order to maintain secrecy among those who spoke mainly Andarian. The Anthaalan language is, of course, derived from Andarian, but changed significantly until over the centuries it became its own form of speech.   After multiple wars, some fought with armies, some with trade and economics, Anthaal conquered neighboring territories, until it expanded to the size it is today. It focused on building its economy further as Kainan to the east continued to grow in power and influence. Next to Kainan, Anthaal stands as a power in the region. Its other neighbor, Barosk, has established itself as a militaristic nation, but it is too dependent on trade with Anthaal to be any threat yet. Anthaal has hoped to leverage this economic advantage into an alliance.   In 491 AV, taking a cue from Barosk, Anthaal established a colony in the continent of Kazura to the south. The colony, Minton, provides raw materials, such as lumber, and ore, that Anthaal can turn into profit. Minton also mines for gems and silver, but the returns have not been as great as they initially had hoped. Anthaal hopes to increase its yield in this department, negotiating with the Kazuran natives for the locations of more profitable mining locations.   Recently, in 495 AV, Kainan accused Anthaal of supporting rebels in Sylvia. The Syndicate of Merchants denied this, of course, citing that if any of the weapons used by the Sylvian rebels were of Anthaalan origin, they were purchased on the open market, and not government sponsored. Kainan then imposed steep tariffs on Anthaalan trade goods, hitting the Syndicate where it hurts them most, economically. The Syndicate responded in kind, raising tariffs on Kainish goods.   The two nations continued to negotiate, but to no end. Kainan began avoiding Anthaalan ports, circumventing them with their trade ships. Anthaal then gambled by using naval blockades to prevent ships from sailing around their ports, in what they considered Anthaalan waters. In February of 496 AV, an incident occurred in which two Kainish ships sailed too close to the blockade. The Anthaalan ships, most of which are privateer in origin, attacked the Kainish ships, as preventative self-defense. The Kainish ships were destroyed. Kainan then demanded reparations, but the Syndicate did not want to give in to Kainish demands, knowing that it would weaken their position against further demands. On February 19, 496 AV, Kainan declared war on Anthaal. Most in Anthaal now believe the Syndicate will attempt to leverage their economic advantage over Barosk and enlist them as an ally, knowing that, Anthaal’s mercenary armies are no match for the massive Kainish military.
Black, gold, and black vertical stripes, emblazoned with a column of five gold coins in the black stripes
1,453,000 (humans 91%, halflings 3%, gnomes, 2%, half-elves 2%, dwarves 1%)
Artis, Fortuna, Pontus, Umbra
Anything that can be resold
Anything that can be sold
The Continent of Velen


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