Artis, Goddess of Craft in Embril | World Anvil

Artis, Goddess of Craft

The Muse, She Who Creates

Symbol: Cog with two eyes
Home Plane:
Arts, crafts, invention, construction, smithing
Artists, bards, crafters, smiths, engineers, inventors
Cleric Alignments:
Craft (SC), Creation (SC), Earth (PH), Knowledge (PH), Metal (SC),
Favored Weapon:
“Sureshot” (Light Repeating Crossbow)   Dogma: Create. Seek inspiration from the Muse and work in her name. All art and craftsmanship are to be celebrated for they have brought something new into the world, helping to progress mankind. But beware of the misuse of such works, for through malice or ignorance any tool can wrought evil. Help your creations serve the greater good through education. Practice innovation and experimentation, and always strive to improve what is or invent what is yet to be.   History/Relationships: Artis is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. Since then, she has been instrumental in the development of mankind, supporting creativity, fostering invention, and serving as a muse to new ideas. Artis works closely with Eruditio, God of Knowledge, and rumors within both clergy suggest that their relationship may be romantic from time to time. She is also friends with Magus, God of Magic, and Moradin, God of Dwarves, though she considers all good-aligned deities as allies. Artis is enemies with any god who seeks to destroy, holding particular enmity towards Vastator, God of Destruction, and Clades, Goddess of Disaster.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Artis serve a variety of roles. Some are artists, including, painters and performers of all kinds, inventors, master crafters, smiths, and engineers. Their temples are places where many an artist or craftsman go to seek inspiration from the faithful or seek assistance when on the verge of a breakthrough. Temples of Artis often have multiple divisions, each purposed towards a particular discipline. Occasionally, temples of Artis are built adjoining to a temple of Eruditio. The ceremonial garb of a cleric of Artis will vary based on the particular specialty of that cleric. For example, a cleric who specializes in carpentry might where a tool belt adorned with tools, while a painter will carry an artist palette. Each however will wear a blue tabard over their standard dress emblazoned with Artis’ holy symbol.   Holidays:
Jubilee – Artists, bards, and musicians display or perform love and romance themed works.
Spring Festival – Unveil new spring designs, works of art, songs, etc.
Valorous Day – Unveil new summer designs, works of art, songs, etc.
Celebration of the Gods – Works dedicated to the gods are displayed or performed.
Harvest Festival – Unveil new fall designs, works of art, songs, etc.
1st Day of Yuletide – Unveil new winter designs, works of art, songs, etc.   Known Temples:
Inspiration Hall (Inderlin, Anthaal)
The House of Skilled Hands (Olori, Anthaal)
Shrine (Alim, Athayra)
The House of Wonder (Nascadia, Athayra)
The House of Holy Inspiration (Church)
The Working House (Port Dundren, Great Thrundar)
The Lady’s Anvil (Thrundalin, Great Thrundar)
The Hall of Craft and Wonder (Alidar, Kainan)
The House of Creation (Delvine, Kainan)
The House of Song (Enera, Kainan)
Artis’ Workshop (Grenace, Kainan)
The Workshop of Wonder (Kelter, Kainan)
The Grand Hall of the Holy Muse (West Andaria, Kainan)
Creativity Hall (York, Kainan)
The Holy Craft Hall (Rowadin)
The Foundry (Pruil, Rynord)
The Forge of Artistry (Wilcree, Rynord)


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