Asmodeus, God of Sin in Embril | World Anvil

Asmodeus, God of Sin

Supreme Master of the Nine Hells, Lord of the Ninth

Symbol: Red pentagram
Home Plane:
Baator (The Nine Hells)
Sin, corruption, punishment, torment
Devils, devil worshippers, sinners
Cleric Alignments:
Evil (PH), Greed (SC), Law (PH), Lust (SC), Suffering (SC),
Favored Weapon:
Ruby Rod of Asmodeus (Light Mace)   Dogma: Asmodeus is your true master. Obey his commands absolutely. Those who serve him well can gain special favors, both in life and in the afterlife. Sell your soul to Asmodeus and be rewarded. Indulge your lust and greed and encourage others to do so as well. Tempt new worshippers into selling their souls in exchange for the great rewards Asmodeus promises. As you enjoy your rewards, luxuriate in the pleasures of life, but never falter in word or commitment.   History/Relationships: Asmodeus is an ancient god whose origin is not fully understood in Embril. Nor is it fully understood how, or why, he came to this world and invaded its pantheon. He is the ruler of Baator, the Nine Hells and a being of incredible power, both an archdevil and a god. Asmodeus has no allies among the gods of Embril, and they all consider him and invader and an interloper.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Asmodeus seek to pervert anyone who succumbs to greed and impatience. The church observes no holy days and expect service on a continuous basis. Open rituals vary from orgies to feasts to torture sessions. Private rituals often include sacrifices. Temples are often constructed in reddish stone, or some dark colored stone and decorated with red. Fragrant flowers are often hung within ample chambers to provide a soothing scent. The church of Asmodeus is strictly regimented and its most significant temple is located in Aslux. Ceremonial garb for a cleric of Asmodeus is red robes with black accents.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
The Holy Chapel of the Supreme Master of the Nine Hells (Church)
The Grand Temple of Admodeus (Aslux, Tenthell)
The House of Asmodeus (Cloven, Tenthell)
The Hall of the Sacred Pentagram (Holdrid, Tenthell)
The Cathedral of Sin (Shole, Tenthell)


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