Athayra in Embril | World Anvil


Psionics, another facet of the Mystic Arts is the dominant force in Athayra. At least one-third of the population has some psionic ability. Of this one-third, only half are practicing manifesters. The other half are considered “talented,” meaning they have tapped into their mental capacity and are considered to be psionic, having a special sensitivity and affinity for psionics, though may not necessarily have developed the ability to manifest powers. Of the practicing manifesters, most of them are psions, which is seen as the pinnacle of achievement in the Mystic Arts, though there are a healthy number of other, less common, psionic classes.   Athayra is a psiocracy governed by the Mystic Conclave, an all psion council of six members which acts as the legislature for the country. Each member of the Mystic Conclave represents one of the six psionic disciplines and is considered one of the foremost leading experts in his particular discipline. A Mystic is appointed to the Conclave for life, but can be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the other five members. When there is a vacancy on the Conclave, this seat can only be filled by a unanimous vote of the other five members. The current Mystic of Clairsentience is Zephine Orola. The current Mystic of Metacreativity is Exar Thomlin. The current Mystic of Psychokinesis is Nabess Runthorn. The current Mystic of Psychometabolism is Agolore Doradine. The current Mystic of Psychoportation is Uwyn Magladar. The current Mystic of Telepathy is Vikalis Fathrim.  

Life and Society

Education in Athayra is available for free to all citizens. Even training in the Mystic Arts at a psionic school is free, though acceptance into curriculums at the more prestigious schools may be hard to come by unless one can demonstrate exceptional psionic talent. As a result of their educational system, almost all Athayran’s can read and write.   There are no formal class divisions in Athayra, but those with psionic ability are more respected than those without. And to aspire to become a member of the Mystic Conclave, one must be a psion. But people in Athayra do not openly look down on those without psionic ability, nor do they judge people prematurely because they do not appear wealthy. Because of their education, intelligent conversation can be had with most anyone throughout the country, from the local barmaid to the city magistrate.   The majority of Athayra’s population are farmers and local laborers. Most of those live in rural areas around the island. The majority of practicing psionicists, live in the cities. People in Athayra can also make a living fishing, seafaring, and gemcutting. There are also several gem mines that produce psionically sensitive crystals.  

Major Geographical Features

Athayra is an island in the Mathari Sea, approximately 150 miles off the coast of Anthaal. The center of the island is dominated by a solitary mountain, Mount Athayra. The rest of the island is pleasant hillside and coastal cliffs. Having been inhabited by humans for well over 2,000 years, the island is largely civilized, with few monsters. The main threat to the island comes from sea creatures and aquatic monsters.   Mt. Athayra: This mountain comes to a sharp peak overlooking the island. Many crystal mines operate around the base of Mount Athayra. Though most of these mines have been cleared, the occasional monstrous creature rises up from the depths below to threaten workers. The Nascadia River originates in Mount Athayra and flows northwest into Nascadia Bay.  

Important Settlements

Two main settlements can be found on Athayra, each at opposite ends of the island. The land between them is predominantly farmland.   Alim (Small City, 5,500): The city of Alim sits on the east coast of a narrow peninsula at the southern tip of Athayra. Its entire eastern edge is lined with docks from which many fishing vessels set sail daily. Deep sea fishing in the Mathari Sea is Alim’s primary industry, and shark is one highly sought after delicacy that is often sold in its markets and prepared in its inns.   The current magistrate of Alim is Holon Grealo.   Nascadia (Small City, 11,000): The capital city is located along Nascadia Bay at the north end of the island. It is a grand port, welcoming numerous ships daily. The majority of Athayra’s trade flows through Nascadia, ensuring its markets are predominantly well-stocked. Psionic items are available in the city’s shops, for a fee, similar to that of the comparable magic items found in shops elsewhere. Magic items can also be found here, but at a higher than average price.   The city slopes upwards from east to west, originating in Nascadia Bay and culminating at High Thought Hill, where the Hall of the Mystic Conclave can be found. The rest of the city spreads out in between in layers with several stairways and sloping streets connecting the varying elevations. The Nascadia River also flows through the southern half of the city creating a cascading waterfall alongside the prestigious Academy of the Mystic Eye, the most famous psionic school in all of Velen.   The current magistrate of Nascadia is Laramee Krandon.  

Regional History

No accurate records remain proving when the island of Athayra was first settled by humans, but it is believed to have been somewhere in the 6th century AC. What is known is that the Andarian Empire conquered the island in the year 1025 AC, bringing greater civilization to the islanders who previously inhabited it. From then, an age of prosperity began in Athayra. Even after the collapse of the Andarian Empire in 1965 AC, Athayra remained largely stable. Its two main cities, Nascadia and Alim, became independent city-states and maintained the peace on the island. This was in part due to the fact that warlords and would-be kings on the mainland were too busy fighting amongst themselves to worry about the islands of the Mathari, and Athayra was largely ignored.   In 2155 AC, the nation of Athayra was founded when Nascadia and Alim united. From its inception, Athayra was a psiocracy. Throughout the island’s history, psionics had always played a part, in no small part due to the psionically sensitive crystals found in Mount Athayra. Most of the rulers of its cities had always been psionic in some way, and the Mystic Conclave was seen as the best way to ensure equal representation of all psionic schools of thought. Of all nations on Velen, Athayra’s history has been the most peaceful. It has managed to stay clear of any major wars and conflicts and often resolves diplomatic meetings and summits in peaceful fashion, with all parties almost always coming to a mutually beneficial consensus. The Academy of the Mystic Eye was founded in Nascadia in 45 AV. This school was funded by the government and continues to receive financial support from the Mystic Conclave. It is no wonder that the majority of all Mystics to serve in the Conclave have been graduates of the Academy of the Mystic Eye.
Red background with a golden six-pointed star set with an eye in the center
185,000 (humans 91%, halflings 5%, half-elves 2%, dwarves 1%)
Artis, Eruditio, Magus, Vita
Armor, grain, metal, ore, timber, weapons
Books, fish, gems, jewelry, textiles
The Continent of Velen


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