Bellum, God of War in Embril | World Anvil

Bellum, God of War

The Conqueror, The Warlord

Symbol: Sword over crenelated wall
Home Plane:
Field of Battle
War, battle, strife
Soldiers, warriors, fighters, gladiators
Cleric Alignments:
Destruction (PH), Hatred (SC), Strength (PH), Suffering (SC), War (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Widowmaker” (Longsword)   Dogma: Life is constant conflict. Life is endless strife. Life is war. Only the strongest has the right to happiness and the weak shall suffer his mercy. Seek out battle and revel in it, invoking Bellum’s name when you make war. Slay your enemies or accept their surrender, and know that your worth is measured by your victories. But fear not defeat, for dying in battle is the greatest glory. Spoils of war are the victor’s to claim, earned by his show of strength and forfeited by the dead or conquered. Be wary of peace. When peace lingers weakness festers. In times of peace, prepare for war. And in times of war, prepare for peace.   History/Relationships: Bellum is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. During the Age of Eden, his influence over mankind was greatly marginalized, as humans lived in relative peace. But since the beginning of the Age of Conflict, his temple has grown in popularity with wars being constant. Bellum does not necessarily like or dislike any other gods, but he respects them all as their followers have made war in their names, which inadvertently strengthens his church more than theirs. Though, perhaps he cares the least for Vita, Goddess of Life, whose pacifistic tendencies he sees little use for. Of all the gods, Bellum gets along best with Dominus, God of Tyranny, whose desire to conquer often creates many wars. Ironically, a one-sided rivalry with Gruumsh, God of Orcs, exists, who covets the war and battle aspects of Bellum’s portfolio.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Bellum often serve as military advisors, drill sergeants, and battle trainers. In times of peace, they help armies and nations prepare for war. In times of war, Clerics of Bellum are rarely on the front lines in battle, instead providing support in the form of supplies and healing. If they do find themselves on the battlefield, however, they fight with fervor in the name of their god. When faced with clerics of Bellum on the opposing side, Bellum’s Rules of Engagement prevents them from fighting their brothers. Instead, they respectfully acknowledge each other, nodding, raising their weapons, and passing on to the next enemy soldier. Temples of Bellum appear more like fortresses than temples, and are decorated with rusted and battered weapons collected from the fields of past battles. When in public, a cleric of Bellum is always armored and armed. For ceremonial purposes, they wear a crimson tabard emblazoned with Bellum’s holy symbol above their armor.   Holidays:
Parades and drum marches on the anniversaries of famous local battles.
Day of Souls – Day of remembrance for fallen soldiers; drum ceremony at midday; present widows with food, flowers, or household service.   Known Temples:
Swordpoint Hall (Brye, Barosk)
The Hall of Brothers in Arms (Elester, Barosk)
The House of War (Church)
The Holy Fortress (Grenace, Kainan)
The Warrior’s Temple (Penton, Kainan)
Battlehaven (West Andaria, Kainan)
The Hall of Holy Conquest (York, Kainan)


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