Caelum, God of the Sky in Embril | World Anvil

Caelum, God of the Sky

The Sky Lord, The Lord Above

Symbol: Face in a cloud blowing air
Home Plane:
Sky, air, avian creatures, wind, travel
Druids, rangers, avian breeders, travelers, sentient avian creatures
Cleric Alignments:
Air (PH), Animal (PH), Celerity (SC), Travel (PH), Windstorm (SC)
Favored Weapon:
“Windcutter” (Longbow)   Dogma: Live free and thank the Sky Lord for every breath, for wherever there is air, there is Caelum. Unfetter yourself from all constraints and allow your spirit to soar. Pursue your dreams wherever they lead you and welcome the experiences each new day brings. Embrace change and let your interests fly like the wind and you will find your possibilities are as vast as the great blue sky.   History/Relationships: Caelum is one of the children of Mundus, God of Nature, and Vita, Goddess of Life, born during the Age of Eden to help his parents with the governing of the natural world. He gets along well enough with his brother Pontus, God of the Sea, and his sister, Terra, Goddess of the Land, though a sibling rivalry exists between the triplets. Each believes his or her aspect of nature is dominant, but Caelum does not put too much energy into this rivalry. He literally, and figuratively, thinks he is above it. He also gets along well with his mother and father, despite their separation. As a god of nature, Caelum tries to remain neutral in conflicts of good versus evil and does not actively seek out enemies among the other gods based on their philosophical outlooks. However, he does harbor animosity towards specific gods on a personal level. First of all, there is his half-sister, Clades, Goddess of Disaster, who purposely interferes with his control of the sky with her storms. Then there is her son, Vastator, God of Destruction, who he hates on principle. Caelum also does not like Luna, Goddess of the Moon, Clades’ mother; he considers Luna a harlot for seducing his father. Mortem, God of Death, has always coveted Caelum’s mother and earned his hatred when he took advantage of her in a moment of weakness. And finally, there is his other half-sister, Umbra, Goddess of Shadow, guilty by association as the child of Vita and Mortem.   Clergy and Temples: The church of Caelum exists as separate cells, only loosely connected to the others by a common belief. No central hierarchy exists within them and each temple is free to choose their direction like the wind. There are perhaps as many druids and rangers within the faith as there are clerics. They each work in different ways to educate the people about the virtues of the air and sky and of Caelum’s philosophies. Many of the clergy are also experts in the fields of birds and other avian creatures, often helping breeders. Temples of Caelum always have many windows, kept open continuously, unless extreme cold makes this impractical. Clerics of Caelum prefer loose fitting clothing that ripples in the wind and often keep their hair long and unbound. Their ceremonial garb is flowing robes of sky blue with a white cape, and their holy symbol hanging over their chest by a long necklace.   Holidays:
Nature’s Blessing – Perform the Windsong Ceremony.   Known Temples:
Shrine (Elmar, Camlund)
The Holy House of the Four Winds (Church)
Shrine (Glimwood, Escaria)
The House of Heavenly Sky (Thar, Escaria)
Shrine (Woodmarch, Escaria)
Westwind Hall (Daymark, Frithia)
Shrine (Kamlin, Frithia)
Wind Hall (Laragos, Frithia)
Windrider’s Reach (Aspara, Jaathridarr)
Aerie Peak (Binnabar, Jaathridarr)
The House of the Windsong (Molo, Jaathridarr)
Shrine (Alidar, Kainan)
The Hall of the Heavenly Breeze (Delvine, Kainan)
Windsong’s Reach (Enera, Kainan)
The House of the Sky Lord (Grenace, Kainan)
Shrine (Kelter, Kainan)
Nature’s Grove (Mundus, Terra) (Kingswood, Kainan)
Green Haven (Mundus, Terra) (Mantle, Kainan)
Shrine (Penton, Kainan)
Shrine to the Nature Gods (Mundus, Pontus, Terra) (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
Sky Lord’s Tower (West Andaria, Kainan)
Nature’s Shrine (Mundus, Pontus, Terra) (York, Kainan)
Shrine (Karavale)
The House of Land, Air, and Sea (Mundus, Pontus, Terra) (Molinay)
Shrine (Pelinhal, North Durman)
Shrine (Green Hills, Oathendale)
The Temple of the Leafy Breeze (Helmsford, Oathendale)
Shrine (Prend, Oathendale)
Shrine (Tall Rock, Oathendale)
Open Sky (Wistor, Oathendale)
The Sacred Grove (Mundus, Pontus, Terra) (Rowadin)
Zephyr Hall (Falfar, South Durman)
Shrine (Talith)
Wildhome (Mundus, Terra) (Adderton, Thayland)
Shaded Sanctuary (Mundus, Pontus, Terra) (Espina, Thayland)


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