Character Creation (0 Level) in Embril | World Anvil

Character Creation (0 Level)

Character Bio Information:
  • Players must complete a character bio template (will be provided)
  • Players may not be from (or ever have been to) the Lake Kingdoms, West Andaria, or Church
  Game Rule Information:
  • Players do not pick a character class
  • Players will roll 4d6 for each attribute (7), re-rolling ones
  • Players can assign stat rolls to any of the seven character attributes
  • Characters must chose an alignment
  • Characters begin with Hit Points equal to 1 + Constitution modifier
  • Characters begin with a base attack bonus of +0
  • Characters begin with base saves of +0 for each saving throw
  • Characters have no weapon, armor, or shield proficiency
  • Characters select no feats
  • Characters may chose their regional language, plus bonus languages for Intelligence modifiers, plus racial language
  • Characters may be assigned a limited number of skill points (see below)
  • Characters may begin with limited starting equipment (see below)
  Skill Points:
  • Up to 2 + Intelligence modifier + 1 bonus (humans only) skill points may be assigned to a character
  • All skills are cross class, except Craft
  • A character can spend a max of 2 skill points in any skill
  • All skills are subject to DM approval and must make sense according to the character's bio
  Starting Equipment:
  • A character may begin with 1 weapon with a max value of 30 gp, subject to DM approval and must make sense according to the characters's bio
  • A character may begin with 1 armor or 1 shield with a max value of 10 gp, subject to DM approval and must make sense according to the character's bio
  • A character may spend up to 10 gp on gear from Table 7-8: Goods and Services on pages 128 and 129 of the Player's Handbook (a character cannot keep unspent gold)
  • A character may begin with 2d10 copper pieces
  • A character may begin with 2d8 silver pieces


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