Clades, God of Disaster in Embril | World Anvil

Clades, God of Disaster

The Fury, Mistress of Storms

Symbol: Lightning bolts shooting from a circle
Home Plane:
Natural disasters
Those who fear the destructive power of nature
Cleric Alignments:
Chaos (PH), Destruction (PH), Evil (PH), Fire (PH), Storm (SC)
Favored Weapon:
A lightning bolt (Shortspear)   Dogma: Fear Clades’ power, the destructive power of nature, and make others fear it even more. Her fury is as unpredictable as the weather and can claim your life at any moment. Pray to her openly, and often, showing others that only these observances can protect you from the natural disasters she unleashes. Cause destruction in her name, and proudly display the power she has granted you, letting all who witness it know only those who bow down and worship Clades will be spared her wrath.   History/Relationships: Clades was born from an affair between Luna, Goddess of the Moon, and Mundus, God of Nature. This affair caused quite a stir among the gods and Clades’ was often looked down upon by them, especially her half-siblings, Caelum, God of the Sky, Pontus, God of the Sea, and Terra, Goddess of the Land. As a result, she became the Goddess of Disaster, interfering with her half-siblings’ realms of control as a way to spite them and all the other gods. Apart from occasional conflicts with her half-siblings, Clades remained apart from the other gods as much as possible. She then gained the animosity of all the other gods when she ended the Age of Eden with Clades’ Wrath, a series of natural disasters that destroyed the Valley of Eden and forced the humans to venture out into the rest of the world to claim their territory. After this event, Clades became pregnant and her son, Vastator, God of Destruction was born nine months later. No gods have ever stepped forward as the father, and Clades claims he was conceived magically from her tapping into the energy of the Elemental Planes when she destroyed the Valley of Eden.   Clergy and Temples: The church of Clades has no formal organization. Each temple governs itself, focusing on the natural disasters common in the particular climate where it is located. The majority of Clades’ temples are kept hidden as her faith is unpopular in most places. Her clerics in these temples act to cause destruction by aiding natural disasters in whatever way they can, such as breaking dams, causing avalanches, or starting fires. At known temples in civilized societies, clerics serve as doomsayers warning the people of eminent destruction by the powers of her nature, unless they appease her. Sometimes, these clerics act in secret to help cause natural disasters, if they can. Ceremonial garb for Clerics of Clades varies based on location. For example, clerics in Varoud will wear robes matching the color of the desert sand with red streaks symbolizing the volcanic Charred Mountains, while clerics in Barosk will wear robes gray, like an overcast sky, with yellow lightning streaks.   Holidays:
Clades’ Wrath – Celebrate Clades’ Wrath and the destruction of the Valley of Eden.   Known Temples:
The House of Storms (Southpoint, Barosk)
The Hall of Fury (Church)
Stormtower (Talith)
Sandstorm Hall (Ayabo, Varoud)
The Hall of the Impending Storm (Chadai, Varoud)
The Holy House of Volcanic Fury (Forgaja, Varoud)
The Sanctuary of Slumbering Fire (Halatham, Varoud)
The House of Wrath (Jast, Varoud)


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