Common Sayings & Vocabulary in Embril | World Anvil

Common Sayings & Vocabulary

Caelum’s Breath: The wind.
“May Caelum’s breath fill our sails.”   Crown: Gold piece.
“That will cost two crowns.”   Dinius: Cowardly.
“The soldier’s dinius desertion before the battle angered his commander.”   Eye of the Muse: Used in referencing a fine work or masterpiece.
“Such fine craftsmanship will surely catch the eye of the Muse.”
“She is so talented, she surely has the eye of the Muse.”   Fortuna Smiles: Used in referencing a person with good luck, or in wishing someone good luck.
“He always wins. Fortuna smiles on him.”
“Draw a card, good sir, and may Fortuna smile on you.”
“All five arrows missed him. Fortuna must have smiled on him.”   Hail: Hello, or a common greeting.
“Hail, friend. What brings you?”
“Hail, John. How are you?”
“Hail. It’s good to see you.”   Journey Valorously: Goodbye, or a common parting in Kainan, also used by worshippers of the Trinity everywhere. Commonly shortened to “Valor.”
“Journey valorously. We’ll meet again tomorrow.”
“Valor. ‘Til we meet again.”   Journey Well: Goodbye, or a common parting.
“Journey well, my friend.”   Luna: The Moon.
“Luna shines bright tonight.”   Navian: Somone who takes advantage of another, or someone easily taken advantage of.
“John had his coin purse stolen by that Navian whore.”
“His Navian personality makes him a terrible negotiator.”   Noble: Silver piece.
“That will cost two nobles.”   Scepter: Platinum piece.
“Do you have change for a scepter?”   Shield: Copper piece.
“That will cost two shields.”   Solis: The Sun.
“Solis burns bright this day.”   Valorous Day: Hello, or a common greeting in Kainan; also used by worshipers of the Trinity everywhere. Commonly shortened to “Valor.”
“Valorous day, friend. What brings you?”
“Valorous day, John. How are you?”
“Valor. It’s good to see you.”


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