Corellon Larethian, God of Elves in Embril | World Anvil

Corellon Larethian, God of Elves

Creator of the Elves, The Protector

Symbol: Crescent moon
Home Plane:
Elves, half-elves
Cleric Alignments:
Community (SC), Elf (SC), Good (PH), Protection (PH), War (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Sahandrian” (Longsword)   Dogma: The elves are sculptors and wardens of magic’s endless mysteries. Bring forth the beauty that envelops and let the spirit gambol unfettered. Seek out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those that would destroy what they cannot create. Commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant against the return of banished darkness, and be strong in heart against the corruption of the Spider Queen.   History/Relationships: Corellon Larethian is the creator and protector of the elven race. In the early days of Embril, he sent elves on a quest to explore this new world and help settle it in his name. Corellon has integrated into Embril’s pantheon and counts the gods of nature as his allies, as well as the Trinity and Bahamut, God of Good Dragons. His greatest enemies are Lolth, Goddess of Drow, and Gruumsh, God of Orcs. It is because of Corellon’s battle prowess that Gruumsh is called the One-Eyed God.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Corellon serve as leaders, teachers, diplomats, and generals in elven communities. They train others in the arts of combat and magic while honing their own skills, and they serve as mediators in any disputes that may arise from the elves’ independent lifestyle. In addition, they usually seek to maintain cordial relations with other good, sylvan creatures. The church of Corellon has no clear organizational structure. Temples are always beautiful and designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape, while being both sturdy and defensible. They can be on hilltops, river crossings, or other locations of strategic significance. Living plants or trees are always included in a temple of Corellon, either as decorations or as part of the structure. Clerics of Corellon wear blue cloaks emblazoned with their holy symbol over their armor.   Holidays:
Nature’s Blessing – Perform Corellon’s Communion.   Known Temples:
The Protector’s Grove (Mythryden, Aravess)
The Temple of Corellon Larethian (Church)
The Sanctuary of the Crescent Moon (Hovian, Dylanthatar)
Corellon’s Glen (Lirinin, Dylanthatar)
Corellon’s Sacred Grove (Sembria, Dylanthatar)
Shrine (Tallridge, Dylanthatar)
The Mystic Grove (Valquin, Dylanthatar)
The House of Corellon (West Andaria, Kainan)


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