Criticals in Embril | World Anvil


Critical Hit Table

Use when attack roll to confirm a Threat is another Threat (natural weapon threat range only, not including Keen or Improved Critical, etc.).

Roll D20:
1-3: +d4
4-6: +d6
7-8: +d8
9-10: Shaken*: -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 round
11-12: Dazed*: Take no actions for 1 round
13-14: Stunned*: Drops everything held, can't take actions, takes -2 penalty to AC, and loses Dex bonus to AC for 1 round
15-16: Prone*: -4 to attack rolls, -4 to armor class against melee attacks, +4 to armor class against ranged attacks
17-18: Extra attack roll at current attack bonus
19: Add one damage multiplier: ei. X2 = X3, X3 = X4, etc.
20: Dying*: Hit Points become -1 (or worse based on damage dealt)

*Subject to a Fortitude Save: DC(15 + Base Attack Bonus)  

Critical Fumble

Use when attack roll is a Natural 1. Roll an attack roll at the same base attack bonus to confirm. If the result is high enough to hit the target's AC, the attack is not a critical fumble, but it is still an automatic miss. If the result is not high enough to hit the target's AC, the critical fumble is confirmed and roll on the table below for an additional effect.

Roll D4:
1: Drop weapon
2: Attack an ally within range
3: Fall prone
4: Attack self (1/2 damage and only damage from applicable sources; ie. Weapons with Shock, Flaming, etc. do not harm the wielder)


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