Dominus, God of Tyranny in Embril | World Anvil

Dominus, God of Tyranny

The Tyrant, The Supreme Ruler

Symbol: Pointed crown
Home Plane:
Lord’s Palace
Tyranny, fear
Conquerors, tyrants, despots, evil warriors
Cleric Alignments:
Domination (SC), Evil (PH), Law (PH), Suffering (SC), Tyranny (SC)
Favored Weapon:
“Scepter of Authority” (Heavy Mace)   Dogma: Serve only Dominus. Subvert, conquer, and rule in the name of Dominus. Spread his faith and work to stamp out the worship of all others, for no deity is as worthy as the Tyrant. In the end, Dominus will rule supreme, through the mortal kings he places on the thrones of Embril, and also in the heavens when all other deities bow down to him as their faiths are extinguished like the dying flames they are.   History/Relationships: Dominus is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. During the Age of Eden he was active trying to convert as many followers as he could, though his faith was still small and largely disliked. But after the beginning of the Age of Conflict, the church of Dominus grew in popularity as human kingdoms appeared and spread throughout the world. Dominus has no true allies and his ultimate goal is to conquer and rule all other gods, though he sees the benefit of temporary alliances as he non-so-secretly works to achieve this goal. To this end, he often allies himself with Bellum, God of War, whose penchant for conquest Dominus finds useful.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Dominus look to achieve positions of power within their society by whatever means necessary. Many sects of his religion remain secret in most lands, clandestinely seeking to place agents in councils, senates, city halls, and throne rooms wherever possible. In places where Dominus is accepted, these agents can act more openly. In either case, where faithful cannot be placed in positions of power, they work to control those who are. The church of Dominus is highly structured with a rigid hierarchical system, and the penalty for disobeying orders is often severe. Even the secret sects fall into this hierarchy. The line of command can be traced all the way back to Dominus’ head temple in Church, the City of Truth. Temples of Dominus are usually structured to look like a castle or palace with high towers and tall windows. The ceremonial garb worn by priests is purple robes with gold trim over which they proudly display the holy symbol of Dominus on a golden necklace.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
The Grand Lord’s Hall (Elester, Barosk)
The House of the Holy King (Southpoint, Barosk)
The Palace of the Tyrant (Church)
Dominion Hall (Ayabo, Varoud)
The Holy House of the Master (Chadai, Varoud)
Conqueror’s Hall (Forgaja, Varoud)
Obedience Hall (Halatham, Varoud)
The Temple of the Holy Ruler (Jast, Varoud)


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