Eruditio, God of Knowledge in Embril | World Anvil

Eruditio, God of Knowledge

The Omniscient, The Thinker

Symbol: Open tome with quill
Home Plane:
Knowledge, education, bards
Sages, teachers, bards, scribes, wizards, cartographers, inventors
Cleric Alignments:
Craft (SC), Knowledge (PH), Magic (PH), Mind (SC), Oracle (SC)
Favored Weapon:
“Mighty Quill” (Dagger)   Dogma: Knowledge is the greatest power. Use it wisely and spread it freely. Teach anyone willing to be taught, and educate those who believe in falsehoods. All ideas should be heard and considered, no matter how crazed they might originally seem. Ideas must be judged by logic and reason in order to assess their true worth. Work to bring education to all, and at no cost whenever possible. Knowledge does not differentiate between rich, poor, highborn, or lowborn. A learned people benefits all mankind, while knowledge restricted to only a few is the worst form of oppression.   History/Relationships: Eruditio is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. It is said that his knowledge is infinite, and throughout history he has controlled the flow of knowledge to the races to aid in their development. Eruditio works closely with Artis, Goddess of Craft, and Magus, God of Magic. In addition, it is rumored, by both clergies, that his relationship with Artis is often romantic. Eruditio tries to get along with all deities and does not wish to call any of the other gods his enemy, but he sees no justification in Vastator’s actions and opposes him in all things.   Clergy and Temples: The faithful of Eruditio are often sought after for their knowledge and expertise on a variety of subjects. Clerics are often teachers, philosophers, academics, sages, and tutors. The church of Eruditio does not adhere to a strict structure, but it is recognized that the temple in Church, the City of Truth is their high temple. Annually, for a week in May each temple sends a representative, typically the high priest, to the Conference of Knowledge, where they discuss any breakthroughs, discoveries, philosophies, and other academic subjects from the previous year and their focus for the next. Temples of Eruditio appear like a library, full of books of all kinds, and often serve as public libraries. Ceremonial garb for a priest of Eruditio is dark brown robes with a light brown, or parchment, colored stripe down the center.   Holidays:
Conference of Knowledge (3rd full week in May)   Known Temples:
The Temple of the Mind (Alim, Athayra)
The House of Thought (Nascadia, Athayra)
The Great Library (Church)
The Hall of Learning (Bransea, Goldcoast)
The House of Tomes (Sulgerd,Goldcoast)
The Sanctum of Knowledge (Uhlm, Goldcoast)
The Keep of Learning (Delvine, Kainan)
Sanctuary of the Holy Scrivener (Grenace, Kainan)
The Scholar’s Temple (Penton, Kainan)
The House of Knowledge (West Andaria, Kainan)
The Hall of Reason (York, Kainan)
The Educator’s Hall (Rowadin)


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