Escaria in Embril | World Anvil


The forest kingdom of Escaria is ruled by King Galton Rodain. It has been a hereditary monarchy under the Rodain family since its founding. The king of Escaria is influenced and aided by noble courtiers and the Knights of the Wood.   The Knights of the Wood is a unit of woodsmen, knighted by the king, granted title and land in return for service to the kingdom. Many Knights of the Wood are rangers, though it is not a requirement. The Knights help keep peace within Escaria, serving as judges and moderators, fighting monsters that encroach upon established settlements, and tracking and hunting lawbreakers and fugitives.  

Life and Society

Many a skilled woodsman lives in Escaria, with the elves to the north being an influence in the region since before the nation’s founding. Almost every man living outside of the cities has at least a basic knowledge of hunting and gathering food, and can survive alone in the woods if the need arose. Most Escarians are farmers tending to crops and herds in the glades and clearings that have been carved out in the forest, but there are many hunters and trappers as well.   Officially, in Escaria, there are commoners, nobles, and knights. Commoners are those who bare no title, and therefore no additional influence in the royal court or in society. They are, of course, the largest group of the population and make up the majority of the laborers in the nation. Nobles bare a title inherited through lineage or granted to them by the king. Most nobles hold some authority in within the cities or are part of the royal court. Knights are typically active pursuing some goal, either mandated by the king or requested of them by those in need. There is much debate within Escarian society as to whether nobles or knights bare the higher title, but no formal ruling exists. No king has ever addressed this definitively, and it is believed that most monarchs have used this competition between the classes to their advantages in garnering support and accomplishing their goals.  

Major Geographical Features

Forested valleys and low hills are abound throughout Escaria. The majority of the country is covered by woodland, with the coastland baring the least trees. Most of Escaria’s timber production comes from the western edge of the Westwoods. Various wild animals and monsters live within Escaria’s borders, lairing as far from the encroaching civilization as possible, at least until their needs require otherwise.   Haegren Barrens: This inhospitable wasteland is home to many monstrous tribes and creatures. Goblinoids are the most common of the humanoid monsters, with a sizeable population of orcs coming in second. Many kobolds also live in the Haegren Barrens, but mostly near the mountains. Reptilian and insectoid creatures are also quite common. Because of the harsh, dry climate, only hardy, adaptable species tend to thrive. Few trees grow in the Haegren Barrens, with brush and scrub being the more common flora.   Civilized humanoids tend to avoid the Haegren Barrens. Survival within is difficult, with both the terrain and the inhabitants posing potent dangers. Though adventurers often explore this wasteland in search of rumored treasures or rare components sought after by spellcasters.   Haegren River: The Haegren River is the longest river on the continent of Velen. It begins its course at the northeast of the Stone Horn Mountains, winding through the Haegren Barrens before spilling out into the North Pontian Ocean.   Westwoods: The Westwoods covers a large portion of the west coast of the continent of Velen. It is home to many woodland creatures, monsters, as well as elves and humans. It bares several varieties of tall, leafy trees. The undergrowth in the forest is moderate, and the trees are not as densely packed as in the Great Forest. But the thick canopy keeps the majority of the forest floor in perpetual shade.  

Important Settlements

Escaria is comprised of many small villages and hamlets surrounded by farms. Between these settlements is mainly natural forest. Its three large settlements are spread across its length, east, west, and center.   Glimwood (Small City, 10,000): As Escaria’s only port city, Glimwood handles a large majority of the country’s trade. Beyond its docks are rows of warehouses owned by various nobles, storing imports and exports. This city itself does not give off the impression of a forest kingdom, as the tree line around it has been cut far away by timber operations that began during the time of the Andarian Empire. Glimwood’s buildings are mainly stonework, with wooden trim providing dark accents. Two story buildings line its streets in the mercantile and craft districts, while the residential streets are dominated by single story homes. Noble villas, though, are grander in scope, boasting two stories with balconies and terraces, and yards lined with garden paths and surrounded by ornate fences.   The current warden of Glimwood is Symon Fulthor.   Thar (Small City, 8,000): Five roads converge on Thar, the capital city of Escaria. As a result, several merchant caravans are present at all times, regardless of season. Multiple inns are situated near the gates to each road, catering to travelers, be they merchant, adventurer, or some other form of visitor. In the center of the city sits the royal palace. Its towers only reach three stories high and the main structure only two, but it is a broad castle with large halls and corridors. Near the palace is a guard house and the headquarters of the Knights of the Woods. The city spreads out from the palace with streets rounding it in concentric rings. Different wedges of the city form the different districts, some residential, and some mercantile and trade. Residential buildings are primarily wooden constructions, while merchant stores and craft buildings tend to be mostly masonry.   The current warden of Thar is Janat Doleal.   Woodmarch (Large Town, 3,000): This town is on the eastern edge of Escaria, set along a small tributary to the Haegren River. For the most part, life in Woodmarch is quiet as compared to the other two cities in the kingdom. It does not see many visitors, except for adventurers looking for a launching point from which to venture into the Haegren Barrens. Many hunters and trappers operate in and around Woodmarch. The forests around the town are far less influenced by man than the ones around the other cities. Woodmarch derived its name as a result of the treants located in the forest nearby.   The current warden of Woodmarch is Wilmont Barga.  

Regional History

Humans have inhabited the Westwoods for over 1,700 years. When the Andarian Empire first conquered the region, they drove out orcs, goblinoids, and other tribal creatures, establishing the first human settlements in the region. Many of these settlements outlived the Andarian Empire and humans continued to dominate the area. But their control was largely fractured as warlords and would-be kings competed for dominance. In the northern Westwoods, elves returned in 2100 AC and established Dylanthatar. As the elven nation settled and grew in power, so did stability increase in the region as humans saw no choice but to unite or potentially be pushed aside. Small kingdoms arose and formed alliances that offered them protection from the threats of elves to the north and goblinoids to the east. This state of affairs continued for hundreds of years after the founding of Dylanthatar.   It was not until 27 AV, that Escaria was founded when King Milus Rodain of Thar married Princess Donya Elevian of Glimwood, uniting the two small kingdoms. This union of kingdoms was named Escaria, the name of the region dating back to the time of the Andarian Empire, from which both their kingdoms drew their heritage. During its first two centuries, Escaria sought active expansion, conquering and absorbing smaller kingdoms and settlements around it.   Then, in 198 AV, Thayle Tormin, a cousin of King Lohm Rodain, founded Thayland to the south. Instead of going to war with his cousin over land Escaria was coveting for conquest, he honored Thayland’s sovereignty and helped establish set borders between the two nations. With its southern border established, Escaria sought further expansion to the north.   In 277 AV, Escaria founded the settlement of Tallridge at the base of the Stone Horn Mountains. As the town grew, Escaria began claiming more land around it. But in 279 AV, Dylanthatar declared war on Escaria. A long, bloody border war followed until in 295 AV, Escaria finally yielded. They conceded Tallridge to Dylanthatar and their borders were agreed upon, set about halfway between Tallridge and Woodmarch. This war became known as the Westwoods War.   Escaria and Dylanthatar coexisted peacefully after that, if not exactly friendly. But in 344 AV, a great army of goblinoid tribes from the Haegren Barrens invaded the Westwoods. Escaria and Dylanthatar formed an alliance to fend off the invading goblinoids. This conflict became known as the Goblinoid Incursion of 344. As a result of this alliance, peace and favorable relations grew between the two nations. The peace and friendship between Escaria and Dylanthatar has lasted through present day.
Green background split in four by gold filigree with an eagle, bear, deer, and a tree in the separate quadrants
252,000 (humans 88%, half-elves 5%, halflings 3%, elves 2%, gnomes 1%)
Caelum, Mundus, Pontus, Terra, Vita
Armor, books, metal, ore, spices, weapons
Ale, grain, hides, timber, vegetables
The Continent of Velen


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