Evercress in Embril | World Anvil


Evercress is a land ruled by gnomes in the southern half of the Ever Hills. It is populated almost entirely by “little folk,” mostly gnomes, but with a healthy number of halflings as well. Very few “tall folk” call Evercress home, as the majority of the structures in its cities are not sized for them.   King Clenkinog Umberdel is the head of the royal family, ruling with the aid of the Enlightened Council. His son, Prince Poliwinks, and his grandson, Grandprince Haramathis, as direct descendants to the throne are on the council alongside chosen nobles. Evercran kings rule for life so it is common for a king to have sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and even great-great-grandsons in line for the throne during one’s reign. The eldest son of each generation is considered eligible to be in line for the throne and automatically joins the Enlightened Council on his 100th birthday. And because of gnome lifespans, kings typically inherit the throne later in life, having spent the majority of their years on council.  

Life and Society

Gnomes in Evercress prefer to live in burrows among the hills. Their burrows are usually warm and inviting, well-decorated and cozy. Their architecture is typically rustic, preferring dark wood colors with sporadic metal accents. Their layouts are organic in nature with very few straight lines. Doors are rounded, or sometimes an oblong shape.   Though they prefer their domiciles within the ground, Evercrans get out into nature often. Many hunt, breed animals, plant gardens, or tend to farms. Knowledge of plants helps with alchemy, one thing for which gnomes are renowned. Though not all gnomes in Evercress practice alchemy as a way to make a living, many have a basic knowledge on the subject, enough to concoct home remedies and basic salves. Evercress is also known for producing inventors and technicians as well.   Evercress has always seen many halfling immigrants, drawn to a society designed for beings their size. However, the halfling population in Evercress has tripled in the past 70 years, largely due to the rise of nonhuman slavery in Barosk and the lack of a proper halfling nation to call their own. Most have taken to the burrows as well and many are enjoying the quiet life tending to small farms or working on one as hired help. They get along with the gnomes well and have integrated into their society with little difficulty.   Class distinctions in Evercress do not carry as much weight as they do in traditional monarchies. There is the royal family, nobles, and commoners. But these divisions play little part in Evercrans’ daily lives. Villages throughout the country are largely independent and rarely interact with the central government, save for tax collection, census counts, and broad proclamations.  

Major Geographical Features

Evercress spans the southern half of the Ever Hills, from the Blacktooth River to the Golden Lake. It sits nestled between mountain ranges and the Great Forest, bordering the Lake Kingdoms.   Ever Hills: The Ever Hills run from the southern edge of the Serpent Peaks down to Golden Lake. In the southern half, below the Blacktooth River, the rolling hills are a pleasant and serene landscape dotted with warm gnomish burrows. North of the Blacktooth River, however, the beauty of the Ever Hills is often marred by goblinoid tribes originating in the Haegren Barrens. Creatures from the Orgron Mountains and Serpent Peaks often explore these hills below the mountains as well.   Giant Mountains: These mountains were not named for their size, as they are the smallest mountain range in the area, both in terms of area and altitude. Instead, they received this name because of the numerous tribes of giants that have always inhabited them.   Golden Lake: Since its discovery, gold deposits have been found in the lake. It is not so much a popular location for gold prospectors anymore as the majority of the gold has already been found, but many believe that more rests on the bottom of the lake waiting for someone with the ability to safely venture into its depths. Many have tried with the aid of magic and yielded slight returns, but the effort is largely viewed as impractical. This serene lake is fed by a waterfall in the Quartzrock Mountains and empties out into the River Dundren. The dwarven capital of Thrundalin as well as the gnome city of Brinshire are both lakeside settlements.   Great Forest: This massive forest dominates the center of the continent of Velen. Oaks, maples, elms, birch, pines, and numerous other trees can be found within its broad expanse. Broad leaves that shed in the autumn are common. Nuts, fruits, pinecones can all be found in the forest’s different regions. The Great Forest is considered by many the most beautiful forest, if not terrain, in all the world. But it can also be one of the most dangerous. Creatures of all kinds call the forest home, from small kobolds to gargantuan green dragons. The southern half of the forest is the most civilized, but the farther north one goes, the wilder, and more unpredictable it becomes.   Orgron Mountains: Ogres and wyverns are among the most common monsters found in the Orgron Mountains, but many other creatures can be found there as well. Closer to the Haegren Barrens, there are several goblinoid tribes. On the eastern side of the range, many kobolds dwell. It is also known that multiple paths to the Underdark can be found in the Orgron Mountains, leading to the drow city, Ylathys.  

Important Settlements

The majority of Evercress is small villages and hamlets made up of burrows. Its three major settlements are exceptions standing in contrast to the rest of the nation.   Brinshire (Small City, 7,500): Along the Golden Lake, Brinshire is the least Evercran city in the kingdom. It caters to a lot dwarven visitors, boasting larger burrows with wider halls and rooms, and even higher ceilings that can accommodate visiting “tall folk.” It has the most freestanding buildings, mainly inns and taverns, designed with foreigners in mind. Lake and riverboats come and go regularly from its humble docks, conducting trade with Great Thrundar, both in the Mountains and in the Dundren Hills.   The current mayor of Brinshire is Debbilton Wickerstick.   Doleshire (Small City, 8,500): As the capital of Evercress, Doleshire has a few buildings dedicated to visiting “tall folk.” This includes fine inns and shops. The palace of the royal family is part burrow and part freestanding building, a structure that appears as if it has grown out of a large hill. Its corridors, audience chambers, and waiting areas are all tall enough for humans and elves to walk comfortably. Streets in Doleshire are more like cobbled paths winding around hills. For visitors new to the city it can be difficult to find one’s way without a guide. Many gnome youths gather around the entrances to the city, proffering their services to newcomers for a reasonable fee. Some industrious ones even sell maps they made themselves. Just outside the city is a caravan area where traveling merchants are allowed to setup shop and sell their goods. Many locals frequent this market, hoping to find curious trinkets from abroad.   The current mayor of Doleshire is Toriadar Halaman.   Minshire (Large Town, 2,500): Minshire sits along the southern shore of the Blacktooth River and is Evercress’ version of a frontier town. Hunters and trappers set out from here, crossing the river into the wilder hills to the north, bringing back pelts and game meat for sale. Its market is small, frequented mainly by locals, though the town does see a few visitors from time to time.   The current mayor of Minshire is Quindon Zeezee.  

Regional History

In 2435 AC, gnomes, led by the Red Wolf, Tamtano Umberdel defeated the goblinoid tribes in the area of present day Doleshire to create the gnome nation of Evercress. Tamtano was famous for his shaggy red hair and beard, granting him the moniker, the Red Wolf. Touted as a hero to the gnomes, he became their new nation’s first king, and his family has reigned ever since. During the Red Wolf’s reign, the Evercrans tamed the wilds around them, claiming additional land for their burrows until their territory stretched from the Blacktooth River to the Golden Lake.   Throughout the nation’s history it has remained at peace with their neighboring civilized kingdoms, though they have fought multiple wars with monstrous tribes. Notably, in 2580 AC, Evercress repelled a goblin invasion from the north in a conflict known as the Blacktooth War. In 117 AV, they defeated an invading army of kobolds from the Orgron Mountains in the War of Shortspears.   In more recent history, Evercress granted all halflings Evercran citizenship if they remained in the country for at least a year. This led to an increase in halfling immigration, many of them those who managed to escape slavery in Barosk. Then in 480 AV, Evercress joined in the Great Compact with Aravess, Luthia, Karavale, Rowadin, Great Thrundar, and Oathendale. The Great Compact is an alliance treaty stating that if any of those sovereign nations are invaded by any other nation, each member of the compact will come to the aid of their ally. A desire to remain at peace with its neighbors as well as a fear of additional Kainish expansion prompted Evercress to join the Great Compact, especially since the nearby Lake Kingdoms are believed to be Kainan’s primary targets for conquest.


Gold top half and green bottom half divided by a rolling wavy line, with a red wolf head in right sided profile in the top half.

196,000 (gnomes 75%, halflings 23%, dwarves 1%)


Garl Glittergold, Yondalla

Gems, glass, metal, ore

Books, fruits, jewelry, vegetables


The Continent of Velen


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