Fortuna, Goddess of Luck in Embril | World Anvil

Fortuna, Goddess of Luck

Lady Luck, The Mistress of Fate

Symbol: Blank golden coin
Home Plane:
Fortune’s Run
Luck, adventure, bravery
Adventurers, gamblers, rogues
Cleric Alignments:
Chaos (PH), Courage (SC), Fate (SC), Luck (PH), Trickery (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Lucky Coin” (Shuriken)   Dogma: Fortuna favors the bold. Live an adventurous life and be willing to take great risks in order to claim even greater rewards. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do not bemoan your fate or the hand you have been dealt. Instead, face life each day with zeal and determination as you strive to achieve your goals. Fortuna does not make one lucky or unlucky. She merely inspires the brave to take chances and reach their full potential.   History/Relationships: Fortuna is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. Her faith has always been popular and mortals often invoke her name when taking any kind of risk. She considers no deities her enemies, regardless of their opinion of her, and tries to remain neutral in moral debates between the gods. Fortuna believes all the gods must take their chances if they hope to achieve anything.   Clergy and Temples: The church of Fortuna has no real hierarchy or central organization. Each temple is independent, serving as refueling stations for adventurers. Potions and healing services can be purchased at these temples at discounted rates, sometimes even for free. Temples of Fortuna often hire or sponsor adventurers to go on dangerous quests in the name of the church, touting Fortuna’s blessing when they successfully return, while those who fail are quietly forgotten. Temples also often double as casinos or gambling halls. Clerics of Fortuna wear red ceremonial robes decorated with golden filigree.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
The Lucky Coin (Bay Shore, Anthaal)
The House of Rich Fortune (Inderlin, Anthaal)
The Hall of Golden Fate (Kole, Anthaal)
Lady Luck’s Hall (Niadara, Anthaal)
The Fortunate Fate (Olori, Anthaal)
The Hall of Fortune (Brye, Barosk)
Fortuna’s Hall (Cadrie, Barosk)
Fortune’s Home (Church)
Fortune’s Oasis (Darmae)
Fate’s Hall (Bransea, Goldcoast)
The House of Mystic Fortune (Sulgerd, Goldcoast)
The Towers of Good Fortune (Delvine, Kainan)
The Hall of Luck (Grenace, Kainan)
The Hall of Hope (Kelter, Kainan)
The Lady’s Boon (Mantle, Kainan)
Fortune’s Sanctuary (Penton, Kainan)
The House of Chance (Sylvia, Kainan)
The House of Luck (West Andaria, Kainan)
Kismet Hall (Karavale)
The Temple of Chance (Luthia)
Luck Hall (Molinay)
The Luck House (Rowadin)
The Spinning Coin (Pruil, Rynord)
The Lucky Break (Wilcree, Rynord)
The House of Prosperity (Southcoast)
The Chapel of Luck (Talith)
The Cathedral of Fortune (Adderton, Thayland)
The Blessed House of the Lady (Oakhead, Thayland)


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