Frithia in Embril | World Anvil


Most who have never been to Frithia think of it as an uncivilized island full of pirates, merfolk, and sea monsters. The truth, however, is that the Andarian Empire settled the island almost 2,000 years ago and its cities and towns are quite civilized. Though there might be some pirates and sea monsters found there as well, they are not nearly as widespread as most people believe. Over the centuries, Frithia has become an independent nation that produces and trades regularly with the mainland.   Frithia is governed by an elective monarchy working in conjunction with a six person council, known as the King’s Council comprised of two representatives from each of its three provinces. The current king is Henrick Brenton.  

Life and Society

Fishing, farming, and mining are the most common ways to make a living in Frithia. Exotic ocean fish can command high prices, so a skilled fisherman can make a decent living. Farming in any society is necessary as is the tending of herd animals for food. The volcanic mountains are a good source of gems, though mining them carries various dangers that brave, skilled miners are willing to face for the sake of potential profits.   The island life in Frithia does not offer easy opportunities to travel. Caravans are limited, and land-bound travelers are usually familiar faces. To really go anywhere, one must board a ship and leave the confines of the island. But those voyages are long and a return trip is not always guaranteed. Still, many a young lad or lass grows up with a wanderlust that can lead to a life of adventure on the mainland.   Society in Frithia is more similar to that of the Andarian Empire than most people realize. After all, the island was settled by Andarians, and even in close to 2,000 years, visitors and outside influences have been limited, so traditions and customs are almost entirely their own. The social breakdown of Frithia includes nobles, commoners, and skilled craftsmen somewhere in between. Only nobles can aspire to become part of the King’s Council or elected king. If a noble traces family lines far enough, one might find himself distantly related to just about every other family is some way.  

Major Geographical Features

The island of Frithia is dominated by a volcanic mountain range in the center and surrounded by the North Pontian Ocean. The north half of the island is decently forested and parts of it are still wild. The southern half, where the majority of the population has lived for almost 2,000 years, has had much of its trees cut down for lumber and to make way for farmland. Around the coast of the island, many aquatic creatures can be found, such as kuo-toa, sahuagin, locathah, and merfolk. There are also rumored to be secret pirate holds scattered around the north.   Frithian Mountains: This volcanic mountain range is home to many fire dwelling creatures, most of which are extraplanar in origin, drawn to Embril through portals or other such magic. Red dragons were said to have lived in the volcanic range in the past, but no dragon has been seen on Frithia in hundreds of years. On the outskirts of the Frithian Mountains are several mining sites, digging for gems frequently found in volcanic rock.   North Pontian Ocean: This large ocean is to the west of the continent of Velen. It is home to all manner of aquatic creatures. A few large islands can be found in this ocean off the coast of Velen, like Frithia, Durman, and Camlund. It is not known how far the ocean continues west, but it is hypothesized that there may be undiscovered land masses within, perhaps even another continent. So far, among the few voyages that have sailed west, none have never returned.  

Important Settlements

Frithian settlements have stayed small over the centuries. The island simply does not have the amount of immigration that other places might have. In fact, more leave the island to seek adventure than come to the island to live. The result has been slower growth than mainland settlements. Many of the growth on the island spread away from the towns to farmlands and villages. The three major settlements are the heads of the provinces with which they share a name. Each province is administered by a governor.   Daymark (Large Town, 3,500): Daymark was named so because it was the farthest western settlement at the time of its founding, marking the end of the day in the Andarian Empire. Its beaches boast calm waters where schools of fish often gather. To the south of the beaches is the dock where fishing vessels set sail daily. Pearl diving is popular a little farther off the coast to the north of town.   The current governor of Daymark is Dalin Almworth.   Kamlin (Large Town, 3,000): The capital of Frithia is also its smallest town. Its location at the base of an active volcano does not always attract visitors. But the majority of the gem mining operations in Frithia originate from Kamlin. Kamlin commands the largest standing army on the island, used primarily to fend off attacks from creatures from the mountains or to protect mining operations. The king’s palace sits on a rise to the east of town.   The current governor of Kamlin is Ford Linmark.   Laragos (Small City, 7,000): The largest port and city on the island, Laragos sees the most visitors. The majority of ships to Frithia dock here, making it the nation’s main hub for trade. For most visitors to Frithia, Laragos is all they know, rarely venturing deeper into the island. Laragos has many taverns and inns for visitors and is most similar to a mainland city than any other in the island. It boasts paved streets, stone and woodwork buildings, a busy market, and a variety of entertainment.   The current governor of Laragos is Panatar Kendril.  

Regional History

The Andarian Empire first landed on Frithia in 1276 AC, establishing the settlement of Laragos. The military drove away the hostile amphibious creatures inhabiting the area and continued to push farther into the island. Under Andarian rule, Frithia grew in population and thrived for close to 700 years. After the empire collapsed in 1965 AC, Frithia remained stable, its regional governor assuming command in a rather seamless switch of government. The island tried to be as self-sufficient as possible, while maintaining vital trade connections with mainland ports for the goods it could not produce on its own.   It took over another 600 years before things significantly changed. In 14 AV, the nation of Barosk invaded the island and conquered it in less than a month. For just under 200 years, the Frithians resisted cultural changes, sticking to their centuries old traditions, many of which had Andarian origins. The Baroski language was viewed as a butchering of Andarian, the language it had originated from anyway, so the Frithians did not take to it. Communications between the Baroski rulers and the Frithians were strained.   Barosk began taking advantage of the island, looking to profit from its gem mines. As the profits came in, Baroski rule grew lax, underestimating the resources of the Frithian people. When the Frithians rebelled in 207 AV, Barosk was unprepared. The Frithian Revolution lasted just over a month before the remaining Baroski troops withdrew.   Since then, Frithia has remained stable, enjoying self-rule once again. The government grew its naval military to add extra protection from potential invasion and has been known to hire privateer ships in times of need. Trade ties to the mainland are numerous and mutually beneficial, even with Southpoint in Barosk. In recent decades, since the Baroski Revolution and the reformation of the government there, Frithia has seen a sudden influx of non-human immigrants, many fleeing slavery in Barosk.


Light blue top, green middle, blue bottom, with a golden laurel wreath in the middle of the green.

148,500 (humans 93%, halflings 3%, elves 2%, half-elves 1%)


Caelum, Pontus, Vita

Glass, grain, metal, textiles, timber, vegetables

Fish, gems, jewelry, pearls


The Continent of Velen


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