Gaeric Isles in Embril | World Anvil

Gaeric Isles

The Gaeric Isles are comprised of two main islands, Camlund and Durman. Within these islands are three independent kingdoms, Camlund, North Durman, and South Durman. All three kingdoms share a common history, having originally been one. Each is a monarchy and each royal family can trace its lineage to the same bloodline.  

Life and Society

To an outsider, the three cultures of the Gaeric Isles might seem as one. But to the citizens of the kingdoms on these islands, the subtle differences in their cultures is what defines them. Though they share the same language, the accents between the three kingdoms differ. Foreigners might not be able to distinguish between the different accents, but to a North Durmian, a South Durmian’s speech sounds almost forced and excessively nasal, and Camlunders might as well be speaking a different language altogether. Social customs, drinks of choice, songs sung on holidays, all vary between kingdoms.   The similarities they share, however, are numerous. Social classes are divided into nobles and commoners. Nobles are people of wealth and stature, baring a title legally granted to them under decree of the royal family. Commoners are everyone else. Nobles own most successful businesses and employ commoners as their laborers. Commoners make a living fishing, crafting, mining, hunting, trapping, or as servants in an inn, tavern, or a noble’s home. Farmers, herders, and ranchers are the most popular professions outside of the cities. Additionally, in all three kingdoms there is a steady supply of sailors and adventurers. Skilled sailors from these islands can go on to the mainland in search of employment on ships hiring crewmembers in any port along the west coast of Velen. And many a young man, or woman, leaves their home on Camlund or Durman in search of adventure on a merchant or pirate ship, or as a sword for hire on the mainland.  

Major Geographical Features

The islands of Camlund and Durman possess various forests dotting the countryside alongside open plains, fields and hills. On Durman, two mountain ranges occupy the center of its opposite halves. To the east of Durman is the Gaer Sea from which derives the term Gaeric Isles. However, the islands themselves are officially in the North Pontian Ocean. The Gaer Sea is the shallower portion between Durman and the continent.   Alcor Mountains: This small mountain range is in South Durman. Heavily mined by the South Durmians, it provides much ore and gems for their production and trade. Many monsters inhabit the mountains, both up in the peaks and slopes as well as underground. The majority of the mines are in the south of the range, closest to Falfar.   North Pontian Ocean: This large ocean is to the west of the continent of Velen. It is home to all manner of aquatic creatures. A few large islands can be found in this ocean off the coast of Velen, like Frithia, Durman, and Camlund. It is not known how far the ocean continues west, but it is hypothesized that there may be undiscovered land masses within, perhaps even another continent. So far, among the few voyages that have sailed west, none have never returned.   Mintove Mountains: This small mountain range is in North Durman. Its western half is much more monster infested than in the east. The east is home to several mines operated by the North Durmians, yielding ore and gems.  

Important Settlements

The Gaeric Isles are sparsely settled with only a few small cities. The rest of its civilization lives in small villages and hamlets throughout the countryside. Most of these are concentrated closest to the cities, but villages can be found around both islands.   Elmar (Small City, 5,500): Elmar is the capital city of Camlund. It is the island’s only proper city and port. Originating as a fishing village, fishing is Elmar’s largest industry. The entirety of Camlund’s imports and exports travel through the port at Elmar. The majority of Camlund’s craftsmen are based in Elmar as well.   King Woldar Ilthorian rules the nation of Camlund and his palace is located on the eastern outskirts of the city atop a steep rise forming a wide plateau.   Camlund’s banner is a blue background with a silver shield emblazoned with an anchor.   Falfar (Small City, 10,500): Falfar is the oldest city in the Gaeric Isles. It had served as the capital of Durman since the nation’s founding and continued as the capital of South Durman after the Durmian Civil War. Set in a calm bay of cold water, Falfar supports a large docks district visited by many ships daily. Several inns and taverns are available to visitors, serving famous South Durmian ale.   King Abramar Daru III is the leader of South Durman. The royal palace is located in the center of Falfar.   South Durman’s banner is a background of yellow and blue quadrants with a blue crown in the top yellow quadrant and a blue wave pattern in the bottom yellow quadrant.   Pelinhal (Small City, 8,000): Pelinhal is the capital of North Durman. Its streets rise up a steady slope, creating different tiers of elevation. The lower tier holds the docks. Beyond them are inns and taverns and markets and craft shops. The next tier is residential, housing the majority of residences. The highest elevation holds the noble villas and the royal palace.   Queen Sulemia Tergazar rules North Durman. Her palace sits on a cliff overlooking the sea at the northern edge of the city.   North Durman’s banner is a white and blue background, split diagonally, with a crowned eagle holding a laurel wreath in its talons, depicted in red.  

Regional History

Humans had been visiting the island of Durman since the time of the Andarian Empire, but it was not until 2354 AV when settlers from Molinay established the first permanent settlement there. Before then, the island had been a wild hunting ground for adventure seekers looking for a claim to fortune and fame while fighting off aquatic beasts, dragons, and other monsters. When settlers established Falfar and defended it through their first winter, the island’s image began to change. More immigrants flocked to Durman and its fledgling civilization grew. By 2503 AV, the town of Falfar was well rooted on the coast, surrounded by several villages, and the nation of Durman was founded.   Joran Highdane was crowned as Durman’s first king. The Highdane family ruled for approximately 400 years and during their reign, the Durmians settled the island of Camlund. Despite numerous wars with monstrous tribes and conflicts with beasts and sea creatures, Durman maintained control of the Gaeric Isles and established settlements throughout both islands.   In 306 AV, armies of sahuagin rose from the sea and attacked settlements on both Durman and Camlund. A bloody conflict known as the Sea Devil War followed. During the Sea Devil War, humans on the island of Camlund were in danger of being defeated. Duke Tomas Ilthorian of Camlund, cousin to King Mikar Highdane, asked that aid be sent. His request was denied as Durman was also locked in its own bloody war with the sahuagin. In the end, the Durmians fought off the sahuagin on both islands, but at a cost of many lives. Duke Tomas and the people of Camlund saw Durman’s refusal to send aid as an insult and a deep animosity between the islands formed immediately and led to a revolt in a few years’ time. In the Camlund Revolution of 309 AV, the island of Camlund declared its independence and Tomas Ilthorian assumed the role of king. A short war followed, but having not recovered yet from the Sea Devil War, Durman conceded independence to Camlund.   Shortly thereafter, King Mikar Highdane abdicated his throne. Leadership of Durman passed to Abramar Daru, another cousin of the king.   Things remained relatively stable in Durman for another hundred years until those in the northern half of Durman started becoming disillusioned with the south’s leadership. To the north, proclamations from the Daru throne appeared very south centric, greatly favoring Falfar over Pelinhal. Ore and gem production from the mines in the Mintove Mountains were diverted to Falfar to enrich markets there as well as fill export quotas. Eventually, in 417 AV, when Pelinhal could take no more, the Durmian Civil War erupted. The war lasted until 419 AV, when Falfar conceded the north to Pelinhal.   Payal Tergazar became king of North Durman. The Tergazar family was related to the Highdane family by blood and Payal was descended from the marriage of King Mikar Highdane’s daughter to a Tergazar noble. The current ruler of North Durman, Queen Sulemia Tergazar is a queen regnant, having inherited the throne from her father, King Coran, who had no male heirs.   Since 419 AV, the nations of the Gaeric Isles have existed as three. They are not openly hostile to one another, having left previous conflicts in the past, though when enough ale has been imbibed, and songs of old loss are sung, forgotten scars can flare up and insults inadvertently blurt out.
Elmar (Camlund), Pelinhal (North Durman), Falfar (South Durman)

All monarchies

Varies by kingdom

327,000 (humans 95%, halflings 2%, gnomes 1%, half-elves 1%)

Camlunder, North Durmian, South Durmian

Caelum, Luna, Pontus, Solis, Vita

Books, grain, spices, textiles, timber

Ale, fish, jewelry, ore, pearls


The Continent of Velen


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