Garamoor in Embril | World Anvil


Most outsiders believe, incorrectly, that Garamoor is a nation full of demons and demon worshippers. While it is true that the government is controlled by demon worshippers, and there are citizens who worship demons, the majority of the population does not, worshipping other gods in secret. Also, in terms of the overall population, there are very few demons in Garamoor, but even a few demons is viewed by most as too many.   Garamoor’s government is an autocracy, with its head of state known as the Hand of Graz’zt. The current Hand of Graz’zt is Velkar Olms. The Hand of Graz’zt is said to be chosen by the Demon Prince, Graz’zt, himself. The Hand’s main duty is to see the Demon Prince’s will done upon Embril. As such, all other religions have been outlawed in Garamoor. Some consider Garamoor a theocracy, instead of an autocracy, but many sages argue that since Graz’zt is not a true god, it cannot be considered a theocracy. Plus, the Hand of Graz’zt has never been a direct member of the clergy.  

Life and Society

There are clear distinctions of class and social rank in Garamoor. Nobles are the upper class. They are wealthy families who have publicly professed their loyalty to Graz’zt. Clergy are “holy” men who work for the temple, teaching and spreading the word of Graz’zt. Commoners are free men and women who simply do not have enough wealth to be nobles and are not clergy. Slaves are the bottom class. They have either been born into slavery, purchased as slaves, or have been captured and forced into slavery. Above all the classes are demons. Demons are even considered higher than nobles. Demons in Garamoor can do whatever they wish, and are not subject to any laws. However, the stronger demons police the weaker, keeping their chaotic nature in check, fearing Graz’zt’s wrath if their actions, in any way, threatened the Demon Prince’s ultimate agenda in Garamoor and Embril. Despite this, the occasional torture and brutal murder of a Garamite citizen by a rogue demon still happens.   Life can be hard for the average Garamite. For commoners, keeping a low profile is usually best. Work, eat, survive, and pray one does not get noticed by a demon or a noble with sadistic intent. For a slave, avoiding being beaten, tortured, murdered, or eaten is always of the highest priority. Nobles scheme, connive, and maneuver for more power and influence, hoping to prove their value to Garamoor, the Hand, or the clergy. The clergy, seemingly have it easier than any other class. Their work is respected by those in power. Murdering a member of the clergy is considered a worse offense than that of any other class. Still, the clergy maneuver amongst themselves, vying for power and influence, just like nobles.  

Major Geographical Features

Garamoor stretches from Riverden to Yaridos, encompassing grassy plains, low hills, and sparse woods. Despite it being a nation run by worshippers of chaos, its regions are reasonably safe and civilized. Oftentimes, the cities are more dangerous than the wilds. The northern and eastern borders of Garamoor are the most dangerous in terms of bandits and monstrous humanoid tribes.   Andarian Gulf: Around this important waterway is where the Andarian Empire first began to spread. Many consider the region surrounding the gulf as the birthplace of human culture. Today it is still a busy and influential avenue for trade, dotted with port cities and full of merchant ships. In addition to merchants, the Andarian Gulf also sees its share of piracy. That is one of the reasons the nations surrounding it maintain a significant naval presence. Kainan, in particular, has the greatest number of warships in the gulf, while Tenthell is a distant second with less than half as many. Garamoor has a considerably smaller navy than the others, but at least one warship can always be seen docked in its port cities.   Under the sea, kingdoms of sahuagin and merfolk compete for domination of the Andarian Gulf. They rarely interact with land dwellers, though, save for the occasional sahuagin attacks on coastal villages or small fishing boats.   Eden’s Run: This river flows from its origin in Terra’s Wall down to the Andarian Gulf. It forms the natural border between the nations of Kainan and Garamoor, dividing the ancient cities of East and West Andaria. It derives its name from the legend that claims the river originally flowed through the Valley of Eden before the valley was destroyed by Clades’ Wrath.   Havenwood: This forest of thick oaks got its name from the numerous fugitives fleeing the ancient city of Andaria in the days of the Andarian Empire. It still serves this purpose today as many fugitives from north Kainan and even Garamoor attempt to hide there when on the run from justice. However, other creatures make this forest their home as well, such as gnolls and ettercaps.   The Vast: This enormous stretch of grassy plains is home to many wandering herds of cattle, sheep, and other animals. The southern edge of it is settled with farms and ranches from Garamoor and Zamilon, but the grand majority of this land is wild. Various tribes of gnolls, goblinoids, and orcs roam the grassy fields. Many dragons from the Wyrmspine Mountains hunt the eastern fields, dining on herd animals and whatever else is unfortunate enough to be caught by them.  

Important Settlements

The cities in Garamoor are connected by paved roads, a leftover from the Andarian Empire that those in power have always chosen to maintain for the sake of trade and prosperity. Though demons are known for their chaotic nature, Garamite cities are rather orderly. It is widely known that Graz’zt guarantees protection to merchants and traders who come to conduct business in all of Garamoor.   As in most countries, the majority of the population lives in rural, farming areas. Much of the countryside is dominated by farmland. But Garamoor’s cities have always been, and remain, reasonably populous.   East Andaria (Metropolis, 359,000): East Andaria is the capital of Garamoor, and is the second oldest continuously inhabited city in the world and the second most populated, having been continuously inhabited for almost 3,000 years. Many in East Andaria believe it should share the title of oldest city with West Andaria, since the sister cities were once one, despite the fact that the western shores of Eden’s Run were settled more than 100 years before the east. And they take offense to the monikers of Lesser City and Little Sister.   Back when the sisters were a unified city, Andaria served as the capital of the Andarian Empire. When the empire collapsed, the city was split by two generals competing for control. Their conflict tore the city in two, literally, as the Golden Bridge that once joined the two halves collapsed in the middle of fighting, sending hundreds of soldiers to a drowning death in Eden’s Run. From that moment, the city of Andaria became East and West Andaria, and have remained enemies since.   In 2593 AC, a mad warlock named Azcreon opened a magical gate in East Andaria, allowing the Demon Lord, Maglari, and his demon horde, through. The demons caused much damage in East Andaria before Azcreon managed to convince Maglari to cross Eden’s Run into West Andaria. Since then, the taint of a demonic presence has remained in the city. A ruin remains in the spot where Azcreon opened the gate, even after almost 500 years. Animals do not willingly go near the area; any that are forced become aggressive and violent. No plants grow within 1,000 feet. Occasionally, nearby walls bleed. And from time to time, inexplicable weather targets the area, like freak lightning storms, snow in summer, tornados, or localized earthquakes. Most people avoid the area. Demons in the city are drawn to it.   Despite being under demonic rule, East Andaria is still a grand and diverse city. It contains a noble quarter with opulent villas, separated by walls decorated with gargoyles and the like. On opposite ends of the city are tenement housing areas with multi-level buildings crowded with residents. A block from the ruined site of Azcreon’s gate is the Palace of the Hand, which serves as the main government building. Nearby is the magistrate’s office and the Temple of the Dark Prince. East Andaria also contains a large market district where anything can be purchased, a section of the market devoted specifically to the sale of slaves.   The current magistrate of East Andaria is Hlan Kradon.   Pasplithene (Small City, 10,000): This city is the newest in Garamoor, not being incorporated into a full-fledged city until after Garamoor was founded. Its major production is caravan supplies, including wagons. Many caravans come and go from Pasplithene, trading with Zamilon to the east. At first glance, Pasplithene does not appear like a city under demonic control. Graz’zt’s influence is not so proudly displayed as in East Andaria. But the city does house a temple to the Dark Prince where devout worshippers, plus those mainly concerned with making appearances, go to worship.   The current magistrate of Pasplithene is Glia Thornbeck.   Riverden (Large Town, 4,500): This logging town sits at the southern edge of the Havenwood. It has existed since the time of the Andarian Empire as a place where woodsmen, timber fellers, and carpenters can make a decent living. Graz’zt’s influence is least felt in Riverden, compared to its other main settlements, but it is still felt. It contains a temple to Graz’zt and at least one demon can be found wandering the town at all times.   The current magistrate of Riverden is Elvin Wilks.   Yaridos (Large City, 23,000): This port city handles much trade in and out of Garamoor. It is considered more welcoming, and less demon infested, than East Andaria. But the influence of Graz’zt can still be felt throughout the city. The six-fingered banner of Garamoor is raised proudly in the port district, greeting all visiting ships. The occasional demon walks the streets. A large temple to Graz’zt is located adjacent to the market area. Blacksmiths specializing in black colored armor and weapons practice their trade in the crafts district. Yaridos’ taverns, inns, and brothels, however, are famous for putting people’s minds at ease while in the city. Some boldly claim that they rival the notorious pleasure dens of Tenthell.   The current magistrate of Yaridos is Aztrin Deminus.  

Regional History

The area of present day Garamoor existed as independent city-states for centuries after the collapse of the Andarian Empire. In 2593 AC, the warlock, Azcreon opened a gate in the city of East Andaria that changed history forever. The demons ravaged the city before moving on to West Andaria and beyond. But the effects of this gate, the demons, their lord, and their foul corrupting taint left a stain on the city of East Andaria. Many began to worship demons, drawn to their evil and chaotic nature, lusting for power. Some communed with demons to fulfil their need for power. The Demon Prince, Graz’zt, took advantage of this, speaking to some of these people, the nobles with the most influence, promising them a means to an end if they only served him. They maneuvered and eventually took over East Andaria in 57 AV, founding the nation of Garamoor.   Their influence soon spread beyond East Andaria and they claimed the cities, towns, and villages around them east of Eden’s Run. In 75 AV, they attempted to takeover West Andaria, invading the city. But this effort ended in a sound defeat by the defending Kainish forces, who in turn set fire to East Andaria.   From then on, Garamoor took a different approach, one focused on strengthening their interior. They promoted trade in an effort to bolster their economy. They created diplomatic ties with neighbors, though as time passed, those neighbors fell one by one to the ever growing Kainan to the west, became the devil-worshiping Tenthell to the south, or, most recently, became the dragon-ruled Zamilon to the east. By then, however, Garamoor was already established as a power in the region.   For the most part, they have remained at peace with their neighbors, with the key exception of Tenthell. Technically, they have been at war with Tenthell since the creation of that nation in 166 AV. The Demon-Devil War, as it is sometimes referred to by the rest of the world is really just an extension of the Blood War that has been fought between devils and demons since the creation of both species, unfathomable millennia ago. Battles between these two nations were more numerous at first, but with neither side making any real progress, and with the creation of the city of Church between them in 243 AV, most of the open hostilities have stopped, or at least ceased temporarily.   In 315 AV, worshippers of the Demon Prince, Demogorgon, took control of Garamoor, killing or ousting the worshippers of Graz’zt. They led the nation for over 80 years. To the outside world, and even to many within, particularly those who did not truly worship demons at all, the changes only seemed cosmetic. Then in 397 AV, worshippers of Graz’zt regained control of the government of Garamoor. Again, the changes seemed merely cosmetic to those who don’t care either way.
East Andaria


Purple background with a stylized, black, six-fingered hand

3,250,000 (humans 90%, half-elves 4%, half-orcs 3%, halflings 2%, dwarves 1%)



Gems, metal, ore, slaves, timber

Grain, fish, livestock, textiles, vegetables


The Continent of Velen


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