Garl Glittergold, God of Gnomes in Embril | World Anvil

Garl Glittergold, God of Gnomes

The Joker, The Sparkling Wit

Symbol: Gold nugget
Home Plane:
The Golden Hills
Gnomes, humor, wit, gem cutting
Gnomes, illusionists, jewelers, practical jokers
Cleric Alignments:
Community (SC), Creation (SC), Gnome (SC), Good (PH), Protection (PH), Trickery (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Arumdina” (Battleaxe)   Dogma: While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight. Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank can lighten hard times and make good ones shine. Never take yourself too seriously, lest you lose touch with those you protect and care for. Do not fear change or the unorthodox—therein lies the future. Above all, do what works.   History/Relationships: Garl Glittergold is the patron of the gnomes, watching and protecting them. He is renowned for the jokes and pranks he pulls on other deities, though not all his victims laugh off his jests. Garl once collapsed the cavern of Kurtulmak, God of Kobolds. Since then, the two deities have been sworn enemies. Garl also opposes evil deities who actively cause harm, while considering good-aligned gods his allies.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Garl Glittergold serve as guardians and teachers in gnome communities. They maintain careful vigilance against hostile races (particularly kobolds), and they instruct the young using a mixture of earthly practicality spiced with humor. This approach, they say, keeps the young entertained and makes their learning all the better. Garl’s clerics also keep extensive archives of illusion spells, practical jokes, trap designs, and stories. The longer and more outlandish the tale, the better. Temples to Garl Glittergold are built in burrows with several branching passages and halls. They typically include at least one trap designed to plague unwelcome visitors. These devices are seldom fatal and often whimsical. Clerics wear white trimmed with black under gold colored armor. Their holy symbol hangs on a gold necklace.   Holidays:
April Fool’s Day – Host a community feast celebrating and recounting the days pranks.   Known Temples:
The Glittering Gold Temple (Church)
The Joker’s Hall (Brinshire, Evercress)
The House of the Sparkling Wit (Doleshire, Evercress)
The House of Whimsy (Minshire, Evercress)
The Hall of the Golden Nugget (West Andaria, Kainan)


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