Goldcoast in Embril | World Anvil


Magic, a facet of the Mystic Arts, is central to the lives of Coastians. At least one-third of the population has some magical ability. Of this one-third, only half are practicing spellcasters. The other half just have enough rudimentary magical training to cast some cantrips. Of the practicing spellcasters, most of them are wizards, which is seen as the pinnacle of achievement in the Mystic Arts, though there are a healthy number of sorcerers and bards in Goldcoast as well, plus other, less common, spellcasting classes.   Goldcoast is a magocracy where the central government is ruled by the Aurelian Three. This is a triumvirate of three wizards elected by the Council of Auric Wizards. Each member of the Aurelian Three serves a three year term, with the possibility of reelection. Each seat of the Three is voted upon in alternating years, so that, barring an unforeseen circumstance, only one seat would change in any given year; though many years see no changes in the Aurelian Three, as its members are typically the most well-respected wizards in the nation and are often reelected. The Council of Auric wizards is a council of highly skilled wizards who serve as Goldcoast’s politicians and lawmakers. Members of the Aurelian Three are nominated from the Council of Auric Wizards.   The current Aurelian Three are Golevast Undarian, Embastian Pirinic, and Roena Illustar. Embastian has served the least amount of time on the Aurelian Three at eight years.  

Life and Society

The Mystic Arts enhance lives in Goldcoast. Many minor magic items are used in mundane tasks, like cleaning and cooking. Some of these are self-moving brooms and dusting wands. Though not all Coastians are spellcasters, these magic items are made so that anyone can use them and are available for a reasonable price. Another example of magic items in regular use are continual flame torches, glowstones, and other tools that create magical lighting. In fact, all street lamps in the country are magical in origin, turning on when the sun begins to set and turning off when it begins to rise the next day.   Education is available to all citizens of Goldcoast, ensuring all have the opportunity to learn how to read, write, and do necessary arithmetic. Higher learning, such as training in the Mystic Arts at an arcane school, is also available, but at a price depending on the school’s reputation. And though Goldcoast has no lack of prestigious arcane academies, many who can afford it still chose to study the Mystic Arts abroad at world famous institutions, such as the House Arcanum in West Andaria.   Many spellcasters in Goldcoast live in the cities, while those in rural areas are mainly farmers working to provide food for the nation, often aided by magically enchanted tools. Though there are still plenty of wizards who live in towers that dot the countryside.   Spellcasters are the equivalent of nobility in Goldcoast, though they do not bare a formal title. Wizards are more respected than any other spellcasting class, and one must be a wizard to become a member of the Council of Auric Wizards, and therefore, the Aurelian Three. Non-spellcasters are not necessarily treated as peasants and brushed aside by those who are. Non-spellcasters have their place in Coastian society, helping to keep things running, for Coastian spellcasters understand that magic cannot always do everything for them as efficiently as someone who has the proper knowhow and motivation.  

Major Geographical Features

Goldcoast is an open, mostly flat, land with sparing woods and a few gentle hillsides. Its beaches are known for its golden sands. The country’s interior is primarily farmland and reasonably cleansed of monsters. Its outskirts, particularly towards the east are more monster inhabited. Though Goldcoast is known for its numerous spellcasters, bandits and highwaymen still operate within its borders, willing to risk the potential of being disintegrated by an angry wizard, burned alive by a magical blast, or polymorphed into some harmless creature for the possible reward of magical cargo being carried by merchant caravans.   Haegren River: The Haegren River is the longest river on the continent of Velen. It begins its course at the northeast of the Stone Horn Mountains, winding through the Haegren Barrens before spilling out into the North Pontian Ocean.   Goldcoast’s northern border ends at the Haegren River.   Quartzrock Mountains: Named after the heavy quartz deposits in the range, these mountains truly became famous for gold mining. However, most of the gold mining is in the northern half, controlled by Great Thrundar. The southern half of the mountain range is known for being more volcanic and generally less habitable. Multiple species of giants and dragons have been known to lair in the Quartzrock Mountains since the time of the Andarian Empire, most of them concentrated in the southern half.   Goldcoast’s eastern border ends at the Quartzrock Mountains.  

Important Settlements

Goldcoast’s cities all display architecture which seems structurally impossible. And in truth, without the aid of magic, they would be impossible. Winding towers, elevated walkways and grant terraces that have no visible supports are plentiful. The magic on these is routinely inspected and fortified, while magic negating spells and items are strictly prohibited within city limits.   Bransea (Large City, 15,000): This large port city is the nation’s capital. The Golden Hall serves as the capital building, housing meetings of the Council of Auric Wizards, and the Aurelian Three. Near the Golden Hall, temples of Magus and Eruditio stand across the street from each other. The city’s open market is small for a city this size, but Bransea does provide several privately owned shops close to the market district where business can be conducted under a more private setting.   It is not unusual to see golems and other constructs protecting stores or accompanying mages down the street. Many of the city’s guards are equipped with magic items that aid them in keeping the peace, not limited to magic weapons and armor alone. Using flight magic and teleportation is permitted in certain designated areas. The docks district is large and handles heavy traffic traveling up and down the coast. Many fishing boats operate from Bransea turning a decent profit. Pearl diving is also popular here as this highly sought after spell component fetches a decent price.   The current chancellor of Bransea is Stayla Lamrin.   Sulgerd (Small City, 6,000): Whatever mining operations Goldcoast sponsors originate from Sulgerd. Though few, these venture to the Quartzrock Mountains in search of whatever ore and gems they can find. A few blacksmiths operate in Sulgerd as well, crafting swords, armor and other works of metal. Though swords and armor are not as highly in need as in other countries, Goldcoast still sees a need to arm their guards and troops with mundane weapons. Afterall, not all Coastians are spellcasters.   Various towers stab towards the sky in Sulgerd, rising above the rest of the city, not so subtle advertisements that a wizard lives there. Many wizards in Sulgerd hire adventurers for expeditions into the Haegren Barrens to the northeast in search of rare magical components.   The current chancellor of Sulgerd is Pol Varris.   Uhlm (Small City, 11,000): Situated on the southern banks of the Haegren River where it spells into the North Pontian Ocean, Uhlm stares across the river at the city of Espina in the country of Thayland. A large bridge crosses the river connecting the two cities while guards at each end monitor the entrance and exit of people to and from their respective nation.   Uhlm’s port is not as busy with ships as the capital, Bransea, but still sees sufficient business. This is because some of its traffic is shared with Espina across the river. However, foot traffic in Uhlm is heavy. Its streets are often crowded with visitors from Espina seeking reasonably priced magic items it can bring back home.   The current chancellor of Uhlm is Nordagar Summerden.  

Regional History

By 1237 AC, the Andarian Empire had conquered the land up to the southern shore of the Haegren River. They settled the region and named it after the gold sand beaches. The cities of Bransea and Uhlm were founded and the region grew in population, drawing many from around the empire. After the Andarian Empire collapsed, the Coastians maintained much of their Andarian customs and fought against the rising chaos around them for over 250 years. Their cities remained independent, refusing warlords and would-be conquerors, valuing their own stability and independence. They even kept the Andarian language originally spoken by their ancestors.   Eventually, in 2221 AC, the Coastians united under a single banner after learning of the elven revival in the Westwoods. The fledgling nation of Goldcoast was led by a triumvirate, much like it is today, however, it was not a magocracy. Its oligarchy was controlled by wealthy nobles who shaped the country to their liking. This oligarchy continued as it was for almost 300 years, but as the nobles continued to remain in power, the populous began to feel disenfranchised and disillusioned with conditions in Goldcoast, like poor working conditions and low wages. As the nobles sought to protect their own fortunes, the poor suffered from starvation. Riots in the cities and violence against the noble families erupted on a regular basis and the country stood on the brink of revolution.   Then in 2504 AC, an influential noble who was a wizard was elected to the triumvirate. This wizard, Yelfin Binnar, was a diviner, and during his term conditions began changing in Goldcoast. Through his divinations, he convinced the other nobles to make changes that benefited the populous as a whole to prevent a revolution that would end with the death of key noble families. Mass starvation ended among the poor. Workers earned living wages and were content. The noble families kept their status, despite the moderate lowering of profits.   Noble families began training their children in the arts of wizardry, especially divination. As the years went by, more and more diviners were elected to the triumvirate, and Goldcoast as a whole saw a dramatic increase in the number of spellcasters in the nation. By 2585 AC, being a wizard became a requirement for membership in the ruling council and Goldcoast’s magocracy was born. Within a few years, reforms forged the government structure seen today, creating the Council of Auric Wizards and the Aurelian Three. Historically, the majority of the Council of Auric Wizards and the Aurelian Three have been diviners, but specialization in that school is not a requirement. Usually, at least one of the serving Aurelian Three is a diviner.   Throughout the years, Goldcoast has fought numerous wars with invading goblinoid tribes from the Haegren Barrens, defeating their invaders easily with grand displays of magic. In 307 AV, they went to war with Rynord. This war, over a border dispute, lasted only three months and saw just one battle, which ended in a stalemate. In the end, the border between the two nations was settled diplomatically. Today, relations with Rynord are friendly, and the two have entered into an alliance. The ideological shift in Barosk to the south after the Baroski Revolution and the rise to power of the Faydren kings prompted Rynord to seek an alliance with Goldcoast.


Purple background with gold stars arcing over a golden tower

345,000 (humans 87%, elves 4%, gnomes 3%, half-elves 2%, halflings 2%, dwarves 1%)


Eruditio, Fortuna, Magus, Mortem

Gems, glass, ivory, livestock, metal, ore, timber

Books, fish, minor magic items, pearls, wine


The Continent of Velen


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