Gruumsh, God of Orcs in Embril | World Anvil

Gruumsh, God of Orcs

He Who Never Sleeps, The One-Eyed God

Symbol: Unblinking eye
Home Plane:
Orcs, territory
Orcs, half-orcs
Cleric Alignments:
Domination (SC), Evil (PH), Orc (SC), Strength (PH), War (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“The Bloodspear” (Shortspear or Longspear)   Dogma: Seek unceasing war against your enemies, and kill or enslave those that oppose you. Acquire territory and living space. Destroy elves, their homes, and their lands. Crush the dwarves and take their deep caves for your own. Be strong, and be prepared to show your strength at any moment. Showing weakness is the key to an early death. Those that are too weak to fight for your tribe should be put to the spear. The greatest gift that The One-Eyed God gave to the orcs was the ability to survive where the weaker races would die. Build your strength in these lands and use them to overrun your enemies.   History/Relationships: Gruumsh is said to have lost an eye in a battle with Corellon Larethian, God of Elves, although orcs’ version holds that he always had one eye. Orc myth tells that when the races of the world drew lots for the land, there were none left for Gruumsh, but he took his spear and smote the earth to create caves, blighted glades, and badlands for his people to dwell. Gruumsh considers no gods his ally. He particularly hates Corellon Larethian and Moradin, God of Dwarves. He also seeks to claim the aspects of war and battle from the portfolio of Bellum, God of War.   Clergy and Temples: Clerics of Gruumsh strive to become the war leaders of their communities or the key advisors to those leaders. They also see to the culling of the weak and unfit. Temples or shrines to Gruumsh tend to be oppressive places full of acrid smoke and the stench of blood. Temples have holding cells where sacrifices are kept and many feature gladiatorial areas as well. Gruumsh’s clerics wear fighting gear, battle-worn armor, while wielding a spear. Their helmets cover their right eye, while leaving their left eye uncovered. Most clerics of Gruumsh intentionally pluck out their right eye. Gruumsh’s holy symbol decorates either their armor or their shield.   Holidays:
Commemorate the anniversaries of great orc victories with sacrifices.   Known Temples:
The Great Hall of the Mighty Gruumsh (Church)
The House of the One-Eyed God (Krazka, Vegrath)


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