Iustitia, Goddess of Justice in Embril | World Anvil

Iustitia, Goddess of Justice

Lady Justice, The Lady of Judgement

Symbol: Balance scales on a sword
Home Plane:
Paladins, judges, magistrates, lawmen, lawmakers, the oppressed
Cleric Alignments:
Good (PH), Inquisition (SC), Law (PH), Retribution, (SC), War (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Final Justice” (Longsword)   Dogma: Uphold law and order, seek and reveal the truth, and judge and punish the guilty. Society flourishes under the rule of law. Chaos is the enemy of society. Those who disregard the law breed chaos and threaten peace. Stand up for the victims of evil and crime and mete out justice on behalf of those unable to do so by punishing wrongdoers and lawbreakers swiftly, but fairly.   History/Relationships: Iustitia is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. Her faith has always been popular within civilized lands where order and rule of law are held paramount. Iustitia is married to Solis, God of the Sun, and they have been together since the beginning of time. More recently in the context of time, their marriage bore the birth of Viribus, God of Valor, marking the end of the Age of Conflict and the beginning of the Age of Valor. Collectively, the three gods are known as the Trinity. Iustitia opposes all evil deities on principle. However, she respects those who, at least, favor law, while she truly detests those who venerate chaos. She harbors particular enmity towards Vastator, God of Destruction, despite their familial connection.   Clergy and Temples: The clergy of Iustitia are often judges, magistrates, bailiffs, or lawmakers. They are widely sought after for their expertise on legal matters. Iustitia’s church has more paladins than it does clerics, and many of these join adventuring parties or go on quests to smite evil wherever it can be found. The church hierarchy is interconnected, but its branches differ slightly, like the differing laws of the lands in which they are found. However, Iustitia’s temples are only found in lands where its people follow laws based on justice and good. Since the beginning of the Age of Valor, Iustitia’s temples have been either built in a compound alongside temples of Solis and Viribus, or as one large structure divided between the three gods. Iustitia’s older temples were constructed to appear like other legal buildings within their city, while proudly displaying her holy symbol above the entrance. The high temple to the Trinity was built in York and it is a massive structure of white marble with three wings, each dedicated to one of the gods. Ceremonial garb for clerics of Iustitia is black judges robes embroidered with white and gold trim and their holy symbol over their heart.   Holidays:
Valorous Day – Various celebrations surrounding the Battle of York and the defeat of the Demon Lord, Maglari.   Known Temples:
The Grand Cathedral of the Trinity (Church)
The Hall of the Righteous (Trinity) (Alidar, Kainan)
Shrine to the Trinity (Boros, Kainan)
The Divine Court (Delvine, Kainan)
The Hall of Holy Justice (Trinity) (Enera, Kainan)
The House of Judgement (Grenace, Kainan)
The Temple of Justice (Kelter, Kainan)
The Tri-temple (Kingswood, Kainan)
The House of Three Saviors (Mantle, Kainan)
The Hall of the Mother (Trinity) (Penton, Kainan)
The Abbey of the Holy Scales (Rindell, Kainan)
The House of the Just Lady (Trinity) (Sylvia, Kainan)
The Temple of the Three (Thunder Falls, Kainan)
The Hall of Justice (West Andaria, Kainan)
The High Temple of the Trinity (York, Kainan)
The House of the Holy Triumvirate (Karavale)
The Blessed Hall of the Divine Three (Luthia)
Trinity Hall (Rowadin)
The Temple of Eternal Justice (Pruil, Rynord)
The Hall of the Blessed Judge (Trinity) (Tuple, Rynord)
The Hand of Justice (Trinity) (Wilcree, Rynord)
The Three Cathedrals (Trinity) (Adderton, Thayland)
Justice Hall (Trinity) (Espina, Thayland)
The Hall of the Judging Sword (Trinity) (Oakhead, Thayland)


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