Jaathridarr in Embril | World Anvil


Jaathridarr is an island nation in the Mathari Sea ruled by a djinni. The majority of its population is human, but several creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air also reside on the island. In addition, a significant population of water genasi are counted as Jaathridai citizens.   The ruler of Jaathridar is Whishoo Honaru. His official title is Caliph. Caliph Whishoo Honaru has led Jaathridarr for almost 250 years as an absolute monarch. During his reign, he has always enlisted the aid of human viziers and has maintained mostly a humanoid staff in government positions, only employing djinn as military commanders. His current vizier is Limran Donizalto.  

Life and Society

The people of Jaathridarr are known for having a free-spirited and adventurous streak. Especially as youth, they value their independence and seek out experiences, making mistakes along the way and learning from them before settling down. Many in Jaathridarr try their hand at several professions before choosing one to commit to. As young adults they explore their island until there is not much more to see, then some even venture abroad to see what the rest of the world offers. Eventually, Jaathridai come home, convinced that the air swirling around their island is somehow best, though happy for the stories they’ve gained on their journey. Of course, not all Jaathridai are like this. Many spend their whole lives on their island, even in their same city or town, content with what their lives have to offer. They make friends and expand their horizons in other ways, happy to equally share a drink with someone close to them as with a newly met acquaintance. They share songs, dances, stories. In the morning they go to work and do their part as best they can.   The Jaathridai do not have an official social class system. In the eyes of the law, as dictated by the Caliph, they are all equal. Disparities, of course, are evident, as some are wealthier than others and therefore have more opportunities, or at least easier opportunities. The Jaathridai know that their Caliph will outlive them all and expect him to rule forever. He is a hero to the people and they are happy with his rule. There is no notion of succession, so the people do not feel the need to compete for that privilege. The role of vizier is highly sought after, though. But even then, it is understood that the future vizier will most likely be a trusted friend of the Caliph, so there is very little need for political maneuvering.  

Major Geographical Features

The island of Jaathridarr is a peaceful terrain of grassland and beaches surrounding a small mountain range. Monstrous threats are rare, except in the depths beneath the mountains. The weather is pleasant yearlong, accompanied by a perpetual soft sea breeze.   Djinn Peaks: These mountains were named for the djinni that was said to live there when humans first settled Jaathridarr. Many clouds hover around its peaks, but rarely produce rain. Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air can often be found in the air around the mountains. Wind Pass cuts through the mountains allowing for the road that leads to and from the city of Molo.  

Important Settlements

Rounded granite and white marble towers decorated with minarets are popular in Jaathridai cities, as is copper and gold trimming. Most structures in Jaathridarr possess intricately shaped windows which are kept open most of the time. On the rare occasions they are closed, they display ornately designed shutters. Several villages line the roads between the larger cities, broken up here and there by fields of farms or grazing lands for herds of livestock, like sheep or cows.   Aspara (Large City, 10,000): The capital city is also Jaathridarr’s largest city. It boasts a large port kept busy by fishing and trading ships. In the middle of the city, the Caliph resides in Skyspire Palace, a grand structure of twisting towers capped in bulbous domes. High arches and elevated walkways connect towers with no guardrails or cornices. Streets in Aspara are wide and winding. The city also has a large market area called the Bazaar, where many locals trade wares with residents and visitors alike. For entertainment, many in Aspara enjoy an open air amphitheater named the Theater Azure where bards and other musicians put on performances focused on vocals and wind instruments.   The current magistrate of Aspara is Samwell Roe.   Binnabar (Small City, 8,500): The best smiths in Jaathridarr operate in Binnabar. Ore mining is a thriving industry in the city with its location at the base of the Djinn Peaks. The majority of Jaathridarr’s metalwork is produced in Binnabar. In addition, Binnabar’s port stays busy, feeding its economy with visitors and trade.   The current magistrate of Binnabar is Philden Oroli.   Molo (Small City, 9,000): Situated on the north side of the island, Molo receives the most trade ships of any Jaathridai city, trading with the nations on Velen’s south coast. To accommodate dock space, Molo’s fishing industry is purposely limited, though it does boast a fruitful pearl diving business. Its market square is the largest in Jaathridarr, even larger than the Bazaar in Aspara.   The current magistrate of Molo is Tenya Yolosh.  

Regional History

Legend has it that the first human settlers on Jaathridarr encountered a mysterious djinni in the mountains who granted wishes to whoever could correctly answer a series of three riddles. Over the years, only one man successfully did so. That man became king of the island and the people of Jaathridarr lived in peace for centuries. The names of the djinn and the king have both been lost to time and the truth of this legend remains a highly debated subject among historians and scholars.   What is not debated is that the Andarian Empire conquered the island in 848 AC. With them, the Andarians brought “civilization” to Jaathridarr. In truth, Jaathridarr benefited from Andarian rule for over 1,000 years, with established infrastructure, military protection, and improved education.   When the Andarian Empire collapsed in 1965 AC, the effect of the fragmentation that followed was considerably less than on the mainland, largely due to Jaathridarr’s physical separation across the sea. Jaathridarr divided into independent city-states that each retained a high degree of independence and stability.   It was not until 2373 AC that the city-states on the island united for form the nation of Jaathridarr. When they did, they formed a republic with its capital in Aspara. This republic had a senate that served as the legislature with a consul serving as the head of state. For centuries, this system served them well, enhanced by their relative isolation in the Mathari Sea.   Their peace was shattered, however, in 235 AV, when fire elementals led by efreet from Varoud attacked. Caught by surprise, unprepared, and unmatched, it appeared that Jaathridarr would fall easily to their invaders. But then a group of djinn from the mountains appeared with an army of air elementals, led by a djinni named Whishoo Honaru, to defend them against the Varoudi. The djinn turned the tide and pushed back the invaders, thwarting their hopes of conquest. This conflict became known as the First Genie War.   After the war, many djinn remained to help defend the people from further incursions from Varoud. The djinn were treated as heroes and well received by the humans of Jaathridarr. In 240 AV, the humans became even more thankful to their djinn defenders when Varoud attacked again. Once more, Whishoo led the djinn and thwarted the invasion defeating the efreeti led army. This conflict became known as the Second Genie War. Varoud has not attempted to invade Jaathridarr since.   In 242 AV, Jaathridarr held a special election in which Whishoo was allowed to run for office. The djinni won by a small margin. When he became consul, he began instituting many changes to Jaathridarr’s government, with little opposition from the people. He made his title Caliph and disbanded the senate, preferring a system of advisors led by a vizier. He chose a human as his vizier and has done so ever since, ensuring that humans hold all other government positions. As Caliph, he leads them and appoints djinn to positions in military command to thwart potential invasions. His changes, though broad and sweeping, were met with some skepticism at first, but he has proved a fair and just ruler and has remained popular with the people. Though under an autocratic regime, the people do not feel oppressed or controlled, instead they see themselves as led by someone deserving and far more capable than the average man.


Sky blue background with a stylized cross-like design with a swirling wind pattern in white pointing in each direction, up down, left, right

325,000 (humans 83%, air genasi 4%, djinn 3%, water genasi 3%, half-elves 2%, halflings 2%, air mephits 1%, dust mephits 1%)


Caelum, Pontus

Books, gems, grain, spices, timber

Fish, jewelry, pearls, textiles


The Continent of Velen


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