Kainan in Embril | World Anvil


Though Kainan does not officially proclaim itself as an empire, it is an empire, the most powerful on the continent of Velen if not all of Embril. It is ruled by the popular King Haerodian Ormyr, who maintains a strong relationship with the Senate. Their unified vision helps see to the administration of this vast nation. Within its borders, Kainan is relatively peaceful, boasting a carefully maintained network of roads dating back to the great Andarian Empire. These roads are patrolled regularly, promoting safe travel and trade between its many cities. And throughout Kainan, the presence of its powerful, well organized, and finely trained military can be seen, lending to the aura of stability.   As such, Kainan thrives economically. Anything can be found here if one looks hard enough, despite official efforts to eliminate the presence of some of the seedier aspects of society. Goods from skilled Kainish craftsmen are sought after throughout Velen. Fine food and wine can be enjoyed in any city. Trade flows to and from its many ports.   But peace and prosperity often comes at a price. To the east are the nations of Garamoor, Tenthell, and Zamilon. Kainan sees itself as a protective wall between these often hostile nations and the rest of Velen, a fact it is quick to remind its neighbors of at any opportunity. Though it does not promote itself as expansionistic, Kainan has slowly, but steadily expanded, winning wars against neighboring countries and absorbing them into its unofficial empire. In the mind of most Kainish citizens, these wars are usually well justified. And after a generation or two, most people of the conquered nations typically become grateful for the benefits Kainish citizenship brings.  

Life and Society

As a policy, all humanoid races are welcome in Kainan as long as they obey its laws. Its population is primarily human though, and it is widely considered a human nation, both by its citizens as well as outsiders. Despite its policy, prejudice towards other races exists, just like anywhere in the world. But legally, any race can own land, conduct and own businesses, and hold office. Though non-humans are well in the minority, it is estimated that Kainan has a larger non-human population than all other nations on Velen, combined.   Kainish citizens are usually loyal and hardworking. They are thankful for the benefits of living in such a prosperous and stable nation. And most truly believe their nation is blessed by the gods, particularly the Trinity: Iustitia, Solis, and Viribus. All in Kainan know the story of how the Trinity saved the city of York from a marauding demon horde, centuries ago. As a result, it is no wonder that those three deities are the most popular in the nation.   Officially, there are two classes of citizens in Kainan: commoners and nobles. But even commoners can prosper if they work hard enough. Only nobles can serve in the Senate or be elected king, though. However, a commoner can hold any other office or position in Kainan. To become a noble, one must be born into a noble family, or be granted the title by the king, typically for some great service to Kainan. Once awarded the title of nobility, it pertains to one’s immediate family and descendants. Though rare, it is possible for a family to be stripped of their noble status, usually because of some heinous act against Kainan, such as treason.   Kainan has grand metropolitan cities, but also expansive rural farmland. Feeding a nation as large as Kainan requires great effort as it boasts the largest population in the known world. City life can be a constant hustle and bustle as one works to make his way. In the cities, opportunity abounds. But farm life can be equally rewarding, and often times, more so. The government grants economic support to its farmers in an effort to ensure its citizens are well fed, and it is not unheard of for a farming family to be awarded noble status.   All types of professions can be found in Kainan. Most of its population are farmers. There are also many ranchers and horse breeders; Kainan produces some of the best horse breeds in all of Embril. Throughout its various cities, skilled craftsmen can be found as well. Kainan also produces many adventurers. Its history of valor and heroism stems back to the Trinity’s (Iustitia, Solis, and Viribus) divine intervention in York’s greatest time of need, an event that marked the end of the Age of Conflict and the beginning of the Age of Valor in the Embrillian calendar.  

Major Geographical Features

In terms of land, Kainan is the second largest nation in Velen. It stretches from Boros in the northeast to Sylvia in the southwest. Across its entirety, its cities are connected by paved roads that are maintained by the military and paid for by what most believe are justifiably high taxes. These roads are patrolled and usually safe. Every twenty miles an inn or rest stop can be found, most government sponsored, where travelers can find lodging, food, and stabling for mounts.   Though largely considered the safest nation in the world, it is not completely free from dangers. Bandits and highwaymen may be least frequent in Kainan than in anywhere else, but they still exist in a few areas. The allure of robbing merchant caravans or rich travelers sometimes outweighs the fear of being caught by patrols. Monstrous races also live in Kainan’s more wild areas. Orcs and goblinoids are the most typical, but the occasional fearsome beast may stray out of the wild and too close to civilization from time to time.   Andarian Gulf: Around this important waterway is where the Andarian Empire first began to spread. Many consider the region surrounding the gulf as the birthplace of human culture. Today it is still a busy and influential avenue for trade, dotted with port cities and full of merchant ships. In addition to merchants, the Andarian Gulf also sees its share of piracy. That is one of the reasons the nations surrounding it maintain a significant naval presence. Kainan, in particular, has the greatest number of warships in the gulf, while Tenthell is a distant second with less than half as many. Garamoor has a considerably smaller navy than the others, but at least one warship can always be seen docked in its port cities. Under the sea, kingdoms of sahuagin and merfolk compete for domination of the Andarian Gulf. They rarely interact with land dwellers, though, save for the occasional sahuagin attacks on coastal villages or small fishing boats.   Andarian Plains: This large grassland has been home to multiple humanoid tribes throughout the centuries. Orc raids were more commonplace in the times of the Andarian Empire, when humans were still taming the landscape and bringing civilization to the region, but the danger still exists. Nowadays, gnolls are more common in the area, especially in the northern half of the plains. A scattering of goblinoid tribes are also known to inhabit the area, but encroaching civilization continues to drive the creatures farther north. Other monsters occasionally stray from the Great Forest onto the plains, but most are driven away by patrols before they become a threat to any of the nearby settlements or farmland.   Approximately 20% of the Andarian Plains’ total area, belongs to Kainan. This land is covered by farms. A series of fortresses secures the Kainish border in the area. And with frequent patrols, they guard the land as it is a major source of grain for the kingdom. Beyond Kainan’s border, however, the plains become more dangerous the farther north you travel.   Crown Forest: This forest is really an extension of the Great Forest to the north. But in Kainan, they consider it a separate entity. It is a pleasant wood with good game hunting, a high canopy, and little undergrowth. The King’s River flows through it from the Lioden Peaks until it joins with the larger Azus River. Around the cities in the forest, the area is peaceful and relatively serene. Farther in, however, goblinoid tribes can be found hiding in the cover of the woods. The occasional monster from the mountains to the north may venture into the woods, but they usually do not stray too deep. Sometimes bandits operate along the roads within the forest believing they can hide or escape easier under cover of the trees.   Eden’s Run: This river flows from its origin in Terra’s Wall down to the Andarian Gulf. It forms the natural border between the nations of Kainan and Garamoor, dividing the ancient cities of East and West Andaria. It derives its name from the legend that claims the river originally flowed through the Valley of Eden before the valley was destroyed by Clades’ Wrath.   Havenwood: This forest of thick oaks got its name from the numerous fugitives fleeing the ancient city of Andaria in the days of the Andarian Empire. It still serves this purpose today as many fugitives from north Kainan and even Garamoor attempt to hide there when on the run from justice. However, other creatures make this forest their home as well, such as gnolls and ettercaps.   Lioden Peaks: Pointed mountain tops dominate the Lioden Peaks. Numerous monstrous humanoid tribes can be found there, as well as wyverns and the occasional dragon. The dragon population in these mountains has dramatically lessened in the past few centuries, however. This has led to increased mining operations in the Lioden Peaks. These mining operations have yielded profitable returns from precious metal and ores. Unfortunately, they sometimes also unearth the lairs of subterranean creatures such as umberhulks.   Scildar: This island belongs to Kainan. It houses a large naval base with an armada ready for launch at a moment’s notice. Ships here make regular patrols between the base and the island of Enera, as well as along the western coast of the Andarian Gulf to protect Kainan’s coastal cities.   Varos: Similar to Scildar, this island possesses a large Kainish naval base. Ships here make regular patrols of the waters north of Enera. In addition, Varos is home to the largest shipyard in Kainan, used exclusively for the construction and repair of military vessels.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬  

Important Settlements

Kainan has more cities than any other nation, and as such, it has the largest population. Its growth over the years has come from the absorption of all its neighbors. Some of this has been through political means, while some was the result of conquest. It is believed by many that Kainan’s desire to grow its empire is in part to recapture the glory of what was once the Andarian Empire. But it is also widely recognized that the need to defend itself from the neighboring demon-worshipping Garamoor, and devil-worshipping Tenthell, is also a contributing factor, as is the rapid growth of Zamilon, an empire ruled by a great wyrm red dragon.   As a result of its expansion, the nation of Kainan has become a melting pot of cultures. Its individual cities, however, are not necessarily a blending of different peoples. Instead, its differences can be better seen from region to region as one ventures into cities that once held their allegiance to a different banner. Despite these differences, Kainish people also share many similarities. After all, historically, they all are descended from the people of the great Andarian Empire.   Alidar (Small City, 9,000): This was once the capital city of a small kingdom named Alidar which consisted of the main city plus the surrounding villages and farmland. It was one of many such kingdoms which arose in the centuries after the fall of the Andarian Empire, and one that maintained its independence the longest in the face of rising neighboring nations. The city always prospered, enriched by the port which has seen much traffic through the years. In 303 AV, Alidar joined the kingdom of Kainan, after years of diplomatic negotiations. This decision was met with mixed emotions from its people at first, but quickly they began to enjoy the benefits of Kainish rule. Now they wholly identify as Kainish.   Alidar still prospers today and remains an influential port through which many trade goods pass, despite it being the smallest Kainish city on the Mathari coast. Its proximity to Kingswood makes it the preferred path for goods to and from the capital, York. Shipbuilding and caravan wagon construction are two profitable businesses prevalent in Alidar.   The current magistrate of Alidar is Gil Hawthor.   Boros (Small Town, 1,500): Supporting local farmers has always been the main focus of Boros, with grain from the Andarian Plains its primary crop. The town acts as the main hub for the farms in the area, providing them with an outlet for their crops and tools for their trade. Many granaries in the town store grain from local farms for distribution throughout Kainan. Skilled woodworkers are always in high demand, crafting plows and other tools regularly needed as well. Year round, workers in Boros can find employment that varies by season, such as planting, tending, or harvesting crops, weaning and tending to livestock, or just general maintenance. A unit of Kainish troops is always stationed in the barracks at the north side of town.   The current magistrate of Boros is Arben Willows.   Delvine (Metropolis, 58,000): The kingdom of Delvine became part of Kainan over two hundred years ago when a border dispute at the edge of the Crown Forest led to war between the two countries. As a result of the war, Delvine was conquered, giving Kainan complete control over the western shore of Andarian Gulf. It was not until the Eneran War over one hundred years later that Delvinian citizens truly began to identify as Kainish. Units from Delvine were instrumental in defeating Tenthell and “liberating” Enera.   Delvine has always had a proud tradition of shipbuilding. It possesses the largest private shipyard on either the Andarian Gulf or Mathari Sea, producing some of the finest sailing vessels in the world. In addition to shipbuilding, Delvine has a thriving fishing industry. Along its docks district, the smell of fresh fish is always present. Dozens of fishing boats set sail from Delvine daily, returning with the finest catches in the Andarian Gulf.   The current magistrate of Delvine is Linette Davarin.   Enera (Small City, 8,500): The small island kingdom of Enera was invaded and conquered by Tenthell in 375 AV. Its king and crown prince were both executed by Tenthellian troops, but the queen and princess were spared. Kainan reacted by coming to Enera’s aid, thus beginning the Eneran War. In 376 AV, Kainan won the Eneran war, soundly defeating the Tenthellian occupation and claiming Enera as a protectorate. In 382 AV, when Princess Isolt of Enera came of age at 16, she was married to King Berinon of Kainan. Enera formally became part of Kainan.   Enerans have always been thankful for Kainan’s aid. There is a true sense of security now that they are part of Kainan, and since the Eneran War, no enemy troops have ever set foot on the island. Life on the island is peaceful and idyllic, the weather pleasant yearlong. The city overlooks a northern harbor with calm waters. Arts and artistic expression are highly valued in Enera. Many painters throughout history have hailed from here and Enera produces famous bards that travel the land sharing Enera’s vibrant music.   The current magistrate of Enera is Yorgi Tillimans.   Grenace (Metropolis, 167,000): The Azus River flows through the middle of the city before spilling out into the Mathari Sea. The two halves are connected by two high bridges, tall enough to allow riverboats to sail underneath. Grenace’s origin dates back to the Andarian Empire, as one of the empire’s largest cities. Today, it is the second largest city in Kainan, and the largest along the Mathari Sea. Grenace is a wealthy city, full of old money in the hands of an elite groups of families, earned from centuries of trade and merchant business in a key location along the Mathari. The influence of the rich noble families is ever present in the city, but tempered by the population of the poor that greatly outnumbers them, and Kainish laws that prevent one family from monopolizing any industry. Grenace has several expensive inns and taverns providing quality accommodations, food, and beverage to those who can afford it. Of course, it also has the opposite in the poor parts of the city which stand in stark contrast to the opulent homes of the noble quarter. Gambling halls where fortunes have been both made and lost are popular in Grenace as well. But, perhaps, the one thing that Grenace is most known for is the gaping chasm of disparity between the rich and the poor that underlines the animosity between them.   The current magistrate of Grenace is Eluthian Porthos.   Kelter (Large City, 21,000): Kelter was once the capital of Korla, a large nation that stood between Kainan and West Andaria. Korla never fully recovered from the Demon Lord, Maglari’s rampage, shunning Kainan’s overtures for union and its offer for assistance. Border disputes between Korla and Kainan led to an eventual war in 227 AV, which Kainan won, conquering Korla and connecting its kingdom directly to West Andaria. Korlan resentment towards Kainan lasted a few decades, but eventually receded with the realization that it was powerless to do anything against the powerful Kainan, who many view as favored by the gods.   Now the city of Kelter is once again a prominent city in the Andarian Gulf, a busy port which flourishes with trade. Its people know that Kelter, so near to West Andaria, was once part of the heart of the Andarian Empire and Kainan seems to be doing its best to recreate that golden age while simultaneously act as a deterrent to the hostile, and nearby, nations of Garamoor and Tenthell, and the ever-growing threat of Zamilon. Kelter itself does not specialize in any one industry, dabbling a bit in everything, farming, crafting, mercantilism, shipping, trade, etc. As such, it is one of the more self-sufficient cities in Kainan.   The current magistrate of Kelter is Charlon Rivers.   Kingswood (Large Town, 4,800): Its pleasant forest surroundings, plus its proximity to the capital has caused Kingswood to grow more than its people perhaps would like. Many travelers that pass through become enchanted by its rustic charm and decide to stay, especially those wishing to escape hectic city life. The growth has been slow over the past few centuries, but it is now on the verge of pushing Kingswood over the threshold of town to city. Still, Kingswood clings to its town status like a badge of honor. Local laws and regulations for construction and property ownership are strict in an effort to stem expansion. Lumber and hunting are Kingswood’s primary trades.   The current magistrate of Kingswood is Liss Multhorp.   Mantle (Small City, 5,500): Mantle was settled after the Andarian Empire’s collapse, and just after the formation of the nation of Korla, to whom it once belonged. When this settlement was first built, it was situated within the edge of the forest. Centuries of logging, however, has now cut the edge of the forest just beyond the western limits of the city. It has always had a tradition of logging, hunting, and trapping, providing lumber, game meat, and fur. It has grown into a city, with a healthy blend of woodsmen, craftsmen, and merchants. Contrasting styles and opinions compete for Mantle’s identity as either a blooming city taming the wild and promoting civilization, or a haven for nature lovers protecting the natural beauty of the land around them. But as the years go by, it appears as if the city side is winning.   The current magistrate of Mantle is Rowen Farrington.   Penton (Large City, 19,000): This city was once the capital of the kingdom of Denland, with whom Kainan maintained great relations. In fact, in the fall of 475 AV, a treaty was signed in which Princess Vaness of Denland would marry Haerodian, the recently crowned king of Kainan. The marriage was set for the spring of 476 AV, at which time Denland would officially become part of Kainan. However, a stoutly nationalist general in the Denland army, Belkon Tomzon, opposed his country becoming part of Kainan. He led a military coup in which he overthrew King Yoris Mescar and took control of Denland. Then he executed the entire royal family. His actions divided loyalties in Denland. Most of Penton stood against General Tomzon. Most of Sylvia stood with him. In the spring of 476 AV, the Kainish army marched into Penton unopposed while General Mescar fled with his loyal troops to Sylvia.   Since then, Penton became part of Kainan, fiercly loyal to King Haerodian who never took a wife after the murder of his betrothed Princess Vaness. Noble families in Penton were immediately granted noble status in Kainan. Local magistrates have always been of Denlish descent, and their representation in the Senate has always been from Denlish senators. Penton is a proud city. They identify as Denlish and Kainish, simultaneously, seeing neither appellation as an insult, rather an honor. Penton maintains great libraries with many ancient tomes dating back to the Andarian Empire. It has a history of producing learned philosophers and sages. It also houses a prestigious arcane school, Maelar’s Institute of Magic.   The current magistrate of Penton is Huegalin Nolmus.   Rindell (Large City, 15,000): Rindell once belonged to Korla, a large nation that stood between Kainan and West Andaria. Rindell was almost completely decimated by the rampaging Demon Lord, Maglari. Two hundred years later, when Kainan invaded, it was still not fully recovered and offered little resistance. With the help of Kainan and its resources, Rindell is once again a prominent city in the Andarian Gulf. It is known for a thriving fishing industry, rivaling that of Delvine. But it is, perhaps, even better known for its horse markets. Breeders near Rindell produce some of the finest, and fastest, horses anywhere. They sell them in the city, where their Rindellian stallions and mares can receive a broader exposure.   The current magistrate of Rindell is Eltar Nous.   Sylvia (Small City, 10,000): Once part of the kingdom of Denland, this is the city where General Tomzon fled with his troops to make a final stand against the invading Kainish army in 476 AV. A native of Sylvia, the general was a popular man in the city, having risen to the head of the Denlish army before launching his coup and executing the royal family. Facing certain defeat at the hands of Kainan, General Tomzon killed himself in public, shouting, “For Denland!” before Kainish troops could capture him.   Though most of Sylvia has moved on and accepted Kainish rule, a small minority venerates the general’s cause and treats him like a martyr. A small rebellion arose in 495 AV, fighting with shadow strikes against Kainish holdings or troops in the city. They also employed propaganda spread through postings, in the town squares and other high traffic areas, aimed to inflame the public against what the rebels view as oppressors. This rebellion was swiftly dealt with by Kainan, but hints of it might remain hidden, waiting for an opportunity to strike again.   Despite the recent history, Sylvia is still a prosperous town and a popular trading port. Much dwarven gold flows into Kainan through trade with Port Dundren. It might not be the largest city in Kainan, but its surrounding countryside now marks the nation’s western border.   The current magistrate of Sylvia is Fineous Strongwater.   Thunder Falls (Large Town, 2,500): Thunder Falls is named after the massive waterfall in the Azus River at the northern edge of the growing town. The falls stands at over 150 feet tall and over 1,000 feet wide. The roar of the water flowing down rumbles day and night, giving it its name. The town serves as a launching point for caravans headed for the Lake Kingdoms to the north, or as a first stop for those coming from there. In an effort to promote trade with the Lake Kingdoms, Kainish troops regularly patrol the road, up to the canyon in the north, where Kainan’s border officially ends. Craftsmen with experience in wagon and wheel repair are in high demand in Thunder Falls, as are mercenaries willing to serve as caravan guards through the bandit territory between Kainan and the Lake Kingdoms.   The current magistrate of Thunder Falls is Thel Menks.   West Andaria (Metropolis, 743,000): Known as the Great City or the City of Memory, West Andaria is the oldest city in Embril, continuously inhabited for over 3,000 years. It is also the largest and most populous. It is more than 100 years older than its sister city, East Andaria, which West Andarians derisively refer to as the Lesser City or the Little Sister; the eastern shore of Eden’s Run was not settled until the construction of the Golden Bridge when Andaria expanded across the river. West Andaria’s history is as vast as its sprawling territory and as densely packed as its streets.   Back when the sisters were a unified city, Andaria served as the capital of the Andarian Empire. When the empire collapsed, the city was split by two generals competing for control. Their conflict tore the city in two, literally, as the Golden Bridge that once joined the two halves collapsed in the middle of fighting, sending hundreds of soldiers to a drowning death in Eden’s Run. From that moment, the city of Andaria became East and West Andaria, and have remained enemies since.   In the centuries since the fall of the Andarian Empire, West Andaria has endured numerous hardships. Perhaps the worst was in 2593 AC, when the warlock Azcreon opened a gate in East Andaria that allowed the Demon Lord, Maglari, and his horde of demons, through. The demons began rampaging immediately, causing significant damage in East Andaria before being directed across Eden’s Run to focus their fury on West Andaria. Maglari and his horde destroyed most of the city, then the horde continued west. The Great City was left in ruins. Tens of thousands had died. West Andaria was left a festering wound, bleeding out and helpless. Facing threats from raiding orcs looking to scavenge upon the ruins and hostile neighbors in East Andaria hoping to conquer its older sister, West Andaria was desperate for some sort of assistance.   The year following Maglari’s rampage, 1 AV, aid came to West Andaria in the form of Kainish troops. They defended the city from both the orcs and East Andaria and helped with the rebuilding effort. West Andaria was quietly absorbed into the new kingdom of Kainan without any resistance.   Under the rule of Kainan, West Andaria has managed to retain or rebuild much of the greatness that characterized it in the time of the Andarian Empire. Multi-story buildings line the streets, ranging from rundown crowded tenements to glorious temples and luxurious villas. Busy markets sprawling with merchants peddling wares operate from day to night. Craftsmen of all kinds practice their trade. Entertainment is available, ranging from peasant street theater to magnificent plays and orchestras in large amphitheaters. Inns, taverns, and feast halls of differing quality and price are numerous. West Andaria is also home to the oldest and greatest arcane school in the world, the House Arcanum, founded in 275 AC, over two hundred years before Andaria conquered its first neighbor and became an empire.   The current magistrate of West Andaria is Vorum Dinnitar.   York (Metropolis, 42,000): The capital of Kainan, this city houses the royal palace and the Senate Hall. The royal palace sits at the base of Mount Rondel with the Public Forum and the Senate Hall adjacent. The city fans out from there is a system of radiating roads. The western city limits are marked by the King’s River, flowing out from a cascading waterfall down the mountainside.   York’s origin dates back to the time of the Andarian Empire where it began as a small mining town named Rondel. After the empire collapsed, the small town was largely forgotten, until a king arose in 2206 AC to unite the forest from Rondel to Grenace. The kingdom of Lioden was founded and Rondel was made its capital. But in 2593 AC, when the Demon Lord, Maglari, rampaged through the land from East Andaria to Rondel with a seemingly unstoppable demon horde, King Dinius of Lioden fled the city. He left General Kain York in charge of Rondel’s defenses as he fled the city with the royal family to the safety of Grenace. General York and his troops faced what they believed was certain defeat at the hands of Maglari but vowed to fight to the end defending their city and its people. But before the battle began, the gods Iustitia and Solis answered their prayers and came to their aid against the demons. In the middle of the battle, the god Viribus was born, bursting from Iustitia’s womb, clad in armor and wielding a scimitar. The three gods defeated Maglari and routed the demon horde. By the will of a thankful people, General Kain York was made king and the city and kingdom were renamed after him while King Dinius was exiled for his cowardice.   Ever since, York has been nicknamed the City of Valor. People of York and, to a lesser extent, the rest of Kainan feel, and often act, as though favored by the gods, particularly the Trinity. A massive temple to the Trinity was built on the spot where Viribus was born and a statue of the three gods placed where they had defeated Maglari as a constant reminder of the triumphant day. York’s population tripled in the years following as people were drawn to the historic sight, and it has prospered as a result. Though not nearly as large as West Andaria, it is still a metropolis in its own right.   Its people are generally good natured and honest. The crime rate is low. King Haerodian Ormyr is admired as a wise and benevolent king with the people’s best interests in mind. He addresses the public regularly from a balcony in the palace that looks over the Public Forum. Senators are respected, though their individual popularity varies, and, at least on the surface, they appear to do what is right for the masses. Senator’s fortunes, much like the rest of the nobility always seem to be enduring, if not outright prosperous. Many Kainish noble families have residences in York, ensuring their presence is felt in the city, especially when a new seat in the Senate opens up or when a king’s age makes it clear that his reign will be coming to an end in the coming years and talk of succession begins. However, King Haerodian is healthy in his middle age and should have plenty of years ahead of him.   The current magistrate of York is John Brightsmith.  

Regional History

Despite its great size, modern day Kainan occupies less than 15% of the land controlled by the late Andarian Empire. When the Andarian Empire collapsed in 1965 AC, it fractured into numerous independent states, each with its own ruler, a general, noble, warlord, or other such person of influence who managed to wrest control and proclaim himself king. Many small kingdoms rose and fell in the centuries that followed.   It was not until 2206 AC that the Kingdom of Lioden was founded, uniting the forest territory between the Lioden Peaks and the city of Grenace. Its capital, the city of Rondel, was established at the base of Mount Rondel at the southern tip of the Lioden Peaks, a reasonably defensible location in a pleasant area. The city of Grenace to the south remained an influential port along the Mathari Sea, much like it was in the time of the Andarian Empire. Lioden existed in relative peace for almost 400 years, bringing stability to the Crown Forest, while nations arose around it, doing the same for the lands they occupied.   In 2593 AC, peace was shattered in the region around the Andarian Gulf. Azcreon, a warlord from East Andaria released the Demon Lord, Maglari, upon Embril. Maglari and his horde of demons tore through the land, slaughtering all in their path from East Andaria to Rondel. West Andaria was decimated. The Korlan cities of Kelter and Rindell were ravaged. Villages and towns in the path of destruction were completely wiped out. As word reached Rondel of the unstoppable horde nearing the city, King Dinius fled for Grenace with the royal family, leaving General Kain York in charge of the city’s defenses.   General York gathered all available troops and volunteers to mount a defense, bolstering his men with inspiring speeches. They vowed to stand against the demon horde and protect the citizens of Rondel with their lives. Before the battle, as the demon horde could first be seen on the horizon in the morning of the summer solstice, June 21, 2593 AC, General York led his troops in a prayer to Solis and Iustitia, calling on the Shining God’s light to eradicate the demon horde and the Lady of Justice to protect them from the chaos Maglari and his demons represented.   The horde vastly outnumbered the city’s defenders and the faith of some of the troops began to wane, but the majority stood their ground behind General York, prepared to fight the demons to the death. Then, as the horde reached the city, a bright flash of light suddenly blazed before them and out stepped the avatars of Iusitia and Solis, followed by a host of angels.   They waded into the demonic forces, fighting with their divine might, despite, according to witness accounts, the goddess Iustitia appearing visibly pregnant. General York and his troops charged forth and joined the battle, emboldened by the presence of the gods and eager to fight alongside them. A host of balors moved in to engage the gods while Magliari, himself, snuck up behind them to mount a surprise attack. The sheer numbers and might of the horde seemed too much, even for the gods and angels. But then a light erupted from Iustitia and out from her womb burst a blinding light that leveled the demon horde. When the flash subsided, there stood the infant form of Viribus, wearing bright armor and wielding a scimitar and shield. The infant god charged into battle, slaying demon after demon, growing larger and stronger with each killing blow until he stood as an adult. Then, he and his mother and father killed Maglari together, simultaneously delivering the final blow, Iustitia chopping off the demon lord’s legs with her longsword, Viribus decapitating him with his scimitar, and Solis crushing his chest and smashing his heart with his morningstar.   The surviving demons of the horde began to flee, but were pursued and cut down by angels.   General York was made king by the people of Rondel, seeing it as a sign that he was favored by the gods. They refused to allow King Dinius back into the city. General York did not desire to be king, but could not escape the pressure of the people to assume leadership of Lioden. However, the people also renamed the city York and the kingdom Kainan. King Dinius returned to Grenace and attempted to raise an army to put down what he saw as an underhanded coup upon his throne. But most of the soldiers there would not fight for him after news of what happened in Rondel had reached them. In the fall, he was captured by a general in Grenace and taken back to York. In York, the populous hated him and called for his execution, citing treason. Despite the pressure, King Kain would not sanction an execution, having Dinius and his family exiled from Kainan instead.   According to historians, Maglari’s rampage and the divine intervention of the Trinity marked the end of the Age of Conflict. The following year began the Age of Valor, 1 AV, honoring the birth of Viribus, God of Valor.   In 1 AV, Kainan sent troops to West Andaria to protect the Great City from orc raiders and its rival neighbor, East Andaria. This marked Kainan’s first official expansion as West Andaria became part of the Kingdom of Kainan. The Korlan cities of Kelter and Rindell were not as welcoming, viewing Kainan’s offers of aid with suspicion. However, in 227 AV, Kainan eventually conquered Korla after a war erupted due to a border dispute at the edge of the Crown Forest. Then, over the following two centuries, the rest of Kainan’s immediate neighbors joined voluntarily, or were conquered as a result of the wars that were fought between them.   The last kingdom to become part of Kainan was Denland. Kainan invaded Denland in 476 AV, after a military coup saw to the execution of Denland’s royal family, including Princess Vaness, who had been betrothed to the young King Haerodian Ormyr. Denland was quickly defeated, the war ending in Sylvia when General Tomzon committed suicide before Kainish troops could capture him.   Denlish nationalism did not end with the war, however. In 495 AV, a rebellion arose, seeking freedom from Kainish rule. This rebellion was quickly snuffed out by mighty Kainan, and evidence was found suggesting the nation of Anthaal was supporting the rebels in Sylvia and providing them with weapons.   Kainan confronted Anthaal, presenting their evidence, but Anthaal denied any involvement. Kainan responded by imposing heavy tariffs on Anthaalan trade goods. Then Anthaal responded in kind, imposing heavy tariffs on Kainish trade goods. Over the following months, negotiations between Kainan and Anthaal were making little progress as the situation escalated. Anthaal began using naval blockades to prevent Kainish ships from circumventing Anthaalan ports. Then on February 1, 496 AV, the Anthaalan navy sank two Kainish trade ships bound for Barosk that tried to bypass the blockade. Kainan made a formal request for reparations. But on February 19, 496 AV, negotiations efforts broke down and Kainan declared war on Anthaal.


Dark blue background with three gold stars surrounding a gold shield emblazoned with a laurel wreath

12,728,200 (humans 80%, halflings 6%, half-elves 5%, dwarves 4%, gnomes 3%, elves 1%)


Artis, Bahamut, Bellum, Caelum, Corellon Larethian, Eruditio, Fortuna, Garl Glittergold, Iustitia, Luna, Magus, Moradin, Mortem, Mundus, Pontus, Solis, Terra, Viribus, Vita, Yondalla

Gems, glass, ivory, magic items, metal, ore, spices, timber, and all kinds of exotic goods

Ale, armor, books, fish, grain, jewelry, livestock, pearls, textiles, weapons, wine, and all kinds of finished goods


The Continent of Velen


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