Kurtulmak, God of Kobolds in Embril | World Anvil

Kurtulmak, God of Kobolds

Gnomesmasher, The Watcher

Symbol: Gnome skull
Home Plane:
Kobolds, traps
Cleric Alignments:
Evil (PH), Law (PH), Luck (PH), Trickery (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Stingtail” (Shortspear or Longspear)   Dogma: Fair fights are for fools or for the unlucky. It is better to flee and fight again than to be defeated, and no fight is truly over if even one kobold lives. Revenge is sweet, even if it takes years to arrange. Quick wit, a good plan, and a well-laid ambush are far better than a strong sword arm.   History/Relationships: Kobolds claim that Kurtulmak hatched from one of the eggs of Tiamat, Goddess of Evil Dragons, and was gifted divinity after defending her lair from thieves. Tiamat also gifted him the race of kobolds whom he taught the arts of mining, ambushing, and trapmaking. Kurtulmak is allied with Tiamat and often serves her. Garl Glittergold, God of Gnomes, once collapsed Kurtulmak’s cavernous home on top of him as a joke. Many kobolds died as a result. Since then, Kurtulmak has hated Garl and all gnomes.   Clergy and Temples: Kurtulmak’s clerics lead war and raiding parties, and oversee each tribe’s mining operations. Others lead expeditions to explore new areas and probe dwarf and gnome settlements for weaknesses kobolds might exploit. Temples to Kurtulmak are usually dug out of solid rock, accessed through narrow, twisting passages guarded by traps. Inside, these temples are cramped and usually decorated with piles of gnome skulls. Clerics of Kurtulmak have no specific ceremonial garb save for wearing their holy symbol on a leather necklace. Some clerics use an actual gnome skull for their symbol.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
The House of Kurtulmak (Church)
Gnomesmasher Hall (Arken, Zamilon)
The Sacred Cavern of Kurtulmak (Brendle, Zamilon)
The Watcher’s Hall (Golka, Zamilon)
The Temple of Kurtulmak (Zamilon City, Zamilon)


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