Lake Kingdoms in Embril | World Anvil

Lake Kingdoms

The Lake Kingdoms are a collection of three independent city-states situated around the Great Lake. They each share Andarian heritage plus coveted proximity to the Great Lake, but otherwise, they are each as varied as they are independent. Land around the Great Lake is highly valued and the Lake Kingdoms occupy a pivotal location in the middle of the nations of the Great Forest. They connect to Aravess, Evercress, Oathendale, and Kainan directly by road and much trade between those nations crosses through at least one of the Lake Kingdoms. This has strengthened their value, wealth, and influence in the region, despite their relative small size. And it is widely known that Kainan has been trying for decades, unsuccessfully, to leverage control of the Great Lake and its surrounding city-states, thus far through diplomatic means.   The Lake Kingdoms, as they are collectively referred to, is technically a misnomer. The three states are not all kingdoms. In fact, only Luthia is a monarchy. Karavale is run by an elected council of three known as the Triumvirate Council. Rowadin is an oligarchy ruled by a council known as the Lords of Rowadin, comprised of select guild leaders in the city.  

Life and Society

For the commoners, life in one Lake Kingdom is similar to that of another. Farming, fishing, and various crafts trades, like woodworking and tanning, are popular. Woodsmen can consistently find work hunting and trapping in the surrounding environs. Inns and taverns provide shelter, food, and drink for travelers coming and going. The aristocracy varies, however between the three city-states. Luthia has a noble class that supports the crown while overseeing various landholdings in the city’s outskirts. Karavale does not recognize an official class division, but the old families from the country’s short history who have owned their land from its founding seem to command greater influence. Rowadin’s guilds have the most influence in the city, and the leaders of the larger and wealthier guilds have the majority of the power.  

Major Geographical Features

Green, wooded landscape surrounds the massive lake, dotted with farms and lakeside villas. Country roads connect the cities, branching off into smaller paths and trails that lead to farms. Beyond the reach of their influence, though, forested wilderness takes over.   Great Forest: This massive forest dominates the center of the continent of Velen. Oaks, maples, elms, birch, pines, and numerous other trees can be found within its broad expanse. Broad leaves that shed in the autumn are common. Nuts, fruits, pinecones can all be found in the forest’s different regions. The Great Forest is considered by many the most beautiful forest, if not terrain, in all the world. But it can also be one of the most dangerous. Creatures of all kinds call the forest home, from small kobolds to gargantuan green dragons. The southern half of the forest is the most civilized, but the farther north one goes, the wilder, and more unpredictable it becomes.   Great Lake: This lake is the water of life for the Lake Kingdoms. Boating across the lake is popular as a means of travel. Fresh water fishing is plentiful, with various species of fish available from small perch to large sturgeon. The Rin and Blacktooth Rivers both feed the lake and then it spills out into the Azus River. Northwest of the lake, between the Rin and Blacktooth the land is a flooded marsh reaching the Ever Hills.   High Hills: The hills here are, like the name implies, high. Though not quite tall enough to be considered small mountains, these hills are imposing. Covered by the Great Forest, the High Hills possess a thick underbrush that makes traversing them difficult. Many creatures make their homes within the region as the hills have not been properly civilized. Aravess, Oathendale, and Karavale all mark the end of their borders where the hills begin.   Lioden Peaks: Pointed mountain tops dominate the Lioden Peaks. Numerous monstrous humanoid tribes can be found there, as well as wyverns and the occasional dragon. The dragon population in these mountains has dramatically lessened in the past few centuries, however. This has led to increased mining operations in the Lioden Peaks. These mining operations have yielded profitable returns from precious metal and ores. Unfortunately, they sometimes also unearth the lairs of subterranean creatures such as umberhulks.  

Important Settlements

Three city-states surround the Great Lake. Their influence covers their surrounding farms and villas, plus neighboring villages before giving way to the wilds of the Great Forest. A couple ruins of former towns and cities can also be found around the lake. Those are typically monster infested.   Karavale (Large Town, 3,000): The town of Karavale serves as a hub for local farmers to sell their surplus crops. Its market sells more fruits and vegetables than anything else. It possesses a few inns and taverns frequented by locals and travelers alike that typically stay busy enough. Plenty of caravans stop by Karavale to and from Oathendale as well as Aravess, so the town sees a good amount of traffic. The High Hills nearby also provides opportunities for adventurers and hunters, ensuring plenty of them visit the town also. But day to day life in Karavale is still quieter than the rest of the Lake Kingdoms, being the smallest among them.   Politically, Karavale is a small republic that elects a three member council called the Triumvirate Council. Councilmembers serve four year terms with the possibility of reelection. The council leads the city-state and oversees an appointed board that aids them in conducting the day to day operations of running a small state republic. The current Triumvirate Council members are Tolin Balidar, Iram Kender, and Aveline Hewlis.   Karavale’s banner is a green background with a rearing buck with branching antlers in white silhouette.   Luthia (Small City, 6,500): Luthia is a city of cobblestone streets lined with one and two story buildings. Its residential areas have many well-tended gardens, while its shops in the business district maintain tidy storefronts displaying a small offering of the merchandise available inside. Guards in clean armor patrol the streets and keep the peace. Overall, Luthia is orderly. But like any city, it has its slums and seedy underworld. The city just does a better job than most at keeping it hidden.   King Georgius Abdalon rules the monarchy of Luthia, maintaining the line of Abdalon kings since the city’s founding. A wealthy noble class supports him serving as magistrates in the city as well as in the surrounding villages.   Luthia’s banner is a yellow background with two crossed swords behind a shield with a green laurel wreath on it.   Rowadin (Small City, 10,000): The City of Guilds is Rowadin’s nickname. The city has many guilds, and the guilds hold much power and influence. There is a guild for just about everything, sometimes multiple guilds for the same thing. Blacksmiths, bricklayers, carpenters, gem cutters, brewers, vintners, cartographers, adventurers, cobblers, street sweepers, mages, are some examples of guild types. Practically every profession in Rowadin is controlled by a guild. There is even a thieves’ guild, however, it remains hidden by necessity. Commoners in Rowadin can earn a living through a variety of professions, with a suitable wage guaranteed by guild standards.   Rowadin boasts paved roads and sturdy buildings, all constructed to guild standards. It is the largest of the Lake Kingdoms and its city’s infrastructure is well designed and maintained. Several inns and taverns tend to visitors from adventurers to merchants to visiting dignitaries. Surrounding farms and villages are even covered under guild charters.   The government is led by the Lords of Rowadin Council, comprised of select guild leaders. A person of any race or gender can become a Lord of Rowadin; the only requirement is that they must be the leader of a city guild. Membership in this council is granted by the council through nominations and elections all handled by the Lords themselves. As such, it remains an exclusive group difficult to infiltrate. But as a guild gains influence within the city, the influence of its leader becomes more difficult to ignore. And when a guild leader gains enough influence, he will likely find himself elected as a Lord, sooner or later. Officially, the Lords of Rowadin are all supposed to be equal. But it is well known throughout the city that in practice this is not true. Lady Dyora Albyn, leader of the Guild of Mystic Arts, is considered the most powerful and influential Lord of Rowadin, and very few in the city would dare cross her.   Rowadin’s banner is a red background with a gold circle connecting the golden silhouettes of a hammer, an anvil, a mortar and pestle, a wand, a caliper, and a quill.  

Regional History

By 1709 AC, the Andarian Empire had driven out the goblinoid tribes in the area around the Great Lake and stretched their border all the way to the Orgron Mountains. Andarians began establishing settlements around the Great Lake and nearing Aravess’ border. For over 250 years, these settlements thrived and grew. But after the fall of the Andarian Empire, their fortunes changed. By 1970 AC, numerous goblinoid tribes raided and destroyed the Andarian settlements around the Great Lake. Humans were driven out and the land surrounding the lake was dominated by goblins for over 600 years.   It was not until after the Battle of York and the beginning of the Age of Valor that humans began venturing once again into the Great Lake region in earnest. In 10 AV, Rowadin was founded after adventurers and frontiersmen drove away goblinoid tribes already weakened by the growing influence of nearby Evercress in the region. Rowadin originated as a feudal system ruled by a lord, but as the settlement grew into a proper city, the working class grew in power, creating guilds to protect interests within their professions. Eventually, the lord’s position became an elected position, with the guilds having the most say in nominations and elections. Within the last 200 years, however, the government system became what it is today, the single lord replaced by the Lords of Rowadin Council.   In 145 AV, the city of Luthia was founded, independent of Rowadin. Humans there created a monarchy which has lasted until present day, ruled by the Abdalon family. The first Abdalon king was a former general living in Garamoor who managed to take his family and leave the demon influenced nation with the majority of his earnings after enduring through a career in the Garamite military and demon-influenced leadership. He worked to make his kingdom as different from Garamoor as possible, and had succeeded. Most commoners in Luthia today forget their first king’s Garamite origins.   The town of Karavale was founded in 274 AV when settlers from Tall Rock in Oathendale migrated west to the Great Lake. Their desire to break away from the mining traditions, coupled with the distance to Tall Rock, ensured Karavale was established as an independent settlement. It is the youngest of the Lake Kingdoms and the smallest, but its location bolstered its influence immediately.   The Lake Kingdoms are renowned for their pleasing lakeside scenery and their civilized, but partially frontier inspired lifestyle. Many a person throughout the continent of Velen considers a villa along the Great Lake a worthy retirement goal. The city of Rowadin has established itself as the premier power around the lake and is openly coveted by Kainan. If it were to fall under Kainish control, it would only be a matter of time before the entirety of the Lake Kingdoms would follow suit. This is a legitimate fear amongst many people in the Lake Kingdoms, as well as that of the nations bordering them.

Varies by city-state

Varies by city-state

153,000 (humans 78%, half-elves 7%, elves 4%, halflings 4%, gnomes 3%, dwarves 2%, half-orcs 1%)

Karavelian, Luthian, Rowad

Artis, Caelum, Eruditio, Fortuna, Iustitia, Luna, Magus, Mundus, Pontus, Solis, Terra, Viribus, Vita

Armor, books, glass, ivory, livestock, metal, ore, spices, weapons

Fruits, hides, textiles, timber, vegetables


The Continent of Velen


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