Luna, Goddess of the Moon in Embril | World Anvil

Luna, Goddess of the Moon

The Silver Maiden, The Night Eye

Symbol: Crescent moon with 12 stars
Home Plane:
Phasing Palace
Moon, good and neutral lycanthropes, wanderlust, navigation, stars
Astrologers, oracles, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, sailors
Cleric Alignments:
Chaos (PH), Good (PH), Moon, (SC), Oracle (SC), Travel (PH)
Favored Weapon:
“Moonblade” (Sickle)   Dogma: As Luna’s face waxes and wanes, so does life. The mysterious power of the moon influences tides, changes lycanthropes, tugs at the edges of sanity, and affects countless other aspects of life. Trust in her radiance and let her be your guide in the dark night. Aid those lost in darkness and help them see the light of Luna. With her aid, navigate the mysteries of the world and allow yourself to wander wherever the stars lead you, no matter what phase of life in which you find yourself.   History/Relationships: Luna is one of the deities who helped create the world of Embril. Since creation she has been present in the sky as the ever-shifting phases of the moon. Her faith has always attracted many followers, drawn in by Luna’s mysteries and her changing faces. Luna’s twin brother is Solis, God of the Sun, and she has always shared a good relationship with him and his family. Luna loves her daughter, Clades, Goddess of Disaster, but their relationship is strained as Clades shuns her mother as she does most of the gods. Luna considers her history with Mundus, God of Nature, a tryst, and nothing more, but regrets the repercussions it caused. The children of Vita, Goddess of Life, all dislike Luna as a result, though she holds no animosity towards them. Luna loves Vita, and is sorry for any pain she may have caused her. She opposes evil deities in general, though, ironically, her own daughter and grandson are two of the most actively evil gods in the pantheon. She has tried on numerous occasions to approach both of them and convince them to change their ways, but both shun her.   Clergy and Temples: Temples of Luna vary like the phases of the moon from place to place. The church is a loosely connected network with no overarching hierarchy. The majority of Luna’s followers are women. Her clerics are there to aid, comfort, and soothe those affected by the moon, while bringing light to its mysteries as oracles and fortunetellers. Lycanthropes are sought after and given aid if needed. The church of Luna heals their condition if possible, or helps them live with it if it is not. They also help tend for those afflicted with madness. Clerics of Luna wear silver ceremonial robes with a thick, dark blue sash decorated in silver stars over the right shoulder.   Holidays:
None.   Known Temples:
Moonlight’s Hall (Brightsands)
Chapel of the Silver Moon (Elmar, Camlund)
The Temple of the Full Moon (Church)
The Temple of the Moon and Stars (Alidar, Kainan)
House of the Night Eye (Delvine, Kainan)
Abbey of the Silver Maiden (Enera, Kainan)
Moon Hall (Grenace, Kainan)
Silver Maiden Hall (Kelter, Kainan)
Crescent Hall (Penton, Kainan)
The House of Luna (Rindell, Kainan)
The House of the Moon (West Andaria, Kainan)
Moonlight’s Grace (York, Kainan)
Night Eye Hall (Luthia)
Moonsilver House (Molinay)
The House of Reflection (Pelinhal, North Durman)
Brightmoon Palace (Rowadin)
The Temple of the Changing Phases (Pruil, Rynord)
Nightsight Hall (Tuple, Rynord)
Shrine (Falfar, South Durman)
The Holy Altar of the Moon (Espina, Thayland)


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